Feb 24, 2020 17:27
4 yrs ago
18 viewers *
English term

Outstanding Letter of Credi (L/C)

English to French Law/Patents Law: Contract(s) LOAN AGREEMENT
Company XX
(Attached to Request for Disbursement No. _________ Date:
Loan Amount :
a. Amounts Disbursed to date :
_________________ :
b. Outstanding L/C or
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Daryo Feb 24, 2020:
This is presented from the viewpoint of the issuer of the L/C - the one that has to make the payment. That money may not have been collected yet by the beneficiary, but from the viewpoint of the issuer that money is as good as already gone (or will be in a near future). One way or another it's a pending obligation - a payment to be made.

You could see these amounts as made available to the other party but not yet collected = "non encaissé"
Germaine Feb 24, 2020:
Comme on parle d'un résumé cumulatif des [décaissements][tirages][versements][paiements] et garanties, je suis tentée de lire "lettres de crédit en circulation" ou "crédit documentaire en circulation" ou encore "solde de crédit documentaire", mais devant une soustraction... bizarre, me semble. Encore que ça dépend de la présentation comptable, ou alors, de la fin de la phrase, qui pourrait faire pencher pour le contraire, l'encours, par exemple.

Voilà déjà la définition de la chose:

Proposed translations

6 hrs
English term (edited): outstanding letter of credit (l/c)

Engagements de crédit (sur) Lettres de crédit documentaire

Might be a better term, but that's what it is

Engagements de crédit = obligation taken to pay some money ("give credit")
related to:
Lettres de crédit documentaire


see NOTE 21
Peer comment(s):

agree Maïté Mendiondo-George
18 hrs
disagree GILLES MEUNIER : crédit documentaire on ne parle pas de lettre de crédit documentaire
2 days 9 hrs
Are you using a random word generator to make these nonsensical excuses to play with the red button? Do some research about "crédit documentaire" ...
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
7 mins
English term (edited): outstanding letter of credit (l/c)

lettre de crédit impayés

En cas de non paiement de la facture, le vendeur peut utiliser la lettre de crédit pour se faire payer.
Peer comment(s):

disagree Daryo : your explanation is totally wrong - "la lettre de crédit" is not some kind of guarantee for / alternative to some other means of payment - it's THE payment!
6 hrs
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