Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

vent pipe

French translation:

la soupape

Added to glossary by Sophie Raimondo
Apr 29, 2014 23:54
10 yrs ago
English term

vent pipe

Non-PRO English to French Tech/Engineering Cooking / Culinary Pressure cooker
Always check the vent pipe before use.
Change log

Apr 30, 2014 04:59: Tony M changed "Field" from "Marketing" to "Tech/Engineering"


Sophie Raimondo (asker) May 1, 2014:
The source is definitely a translation... And not a very good one at that.
Sophie Raimondo (asker) May 1, 2014:
They also have an "overpressure plug". I used to know all these parts in French when I actually used one... But now it's hard science to me!
Anca Florescu-Mitchell Apr 30, 2014:
@ Victoria & Tony I tried to avoid interpretation, and just answer the question!
Otherwise, Tony took time to explain the interpretation process going on in our brain before taking the cooker apart in search for the vent pipe:). So, really, there is no problem!
Tony M Apr 30, 2014:
@ Victoria What you say concerning 'embase' and 'ressort' is correct; however, Anca is also right, as there is the main 'steam valve' 'soupape' that the user interacts with, and there is also the non-adjustable 'safety pressure valve' 'soupape' originally mentioned by F-X.

There is really no problem with understanding here: the meaning is perfectly clear, and I don't think any of the answerers here have had any trouble identifying which part it is — the little pipe that sticks up from the p/cooker lid and onto which you place the weight (that sets the pressure release point).
The only problem people seem to be having is in finding exactly which term is most applicable for this in FR.
Victoria Britten Apr 30, 2014:
@Anca I don't agree with your interpretation - to my mind the "/" in "embase/soupape" and "ressort/soupape" is shorthand for "de la" : embase DE LA soupape, ressort DE LA soupape.
Anca Florescu-Mitchell Apr 30, 2014:
@ Victoria There is only one problem: there are two "soupapes"
And no cleaning mentioned, by the way. I think cleaning comes after, not before use :).
Victoria Britten Apr 30, 2014:
Could this source be a translation itself? As we are seeing, even a bunch of practised translators is having difficulty deciding exactly which part of the pressure cooker this refers to; what of the average user? The usual thing to say to clean before use on a pressure cooker would be the "pressure valve", which anyone can identify: the vent pipe is just one part of the mechanism that allows the steam to escape.
Sophie Raimondo (asker) Apr 30, 2014:
It's for a pressure cooker... And I need French...
Juan Jacob Apr 30, 2014:
¿Conducto de vent(ilación)?

Proposed translations

4 hrs

la soupape

"Le point d'ébullition de l'eau dépendant de la pression atmosphérique (cf. Point d'ébullition), l'augmentation de pression permet de faire monter la température de cuisson plus haut que 100 °C (jusqu'à 122 °C). Une soupape relâche la vapeur dès que la pression dépasse 1,8 bar. On diminue alors l'intensité du feu et on commence le décompte du temps de cuisson. Il existe plusieurs systèmes de fermeture du couvercle : étrier, baïonnette, bouton-poussoir et couvercle rentrant."

Attention pas la soupape de sécurité, qui est un dispositif fusible qui cède en cas de surpression.

Note added at 8 hrs (2014-04-30 08:20:21 GMT)

"Pour l'autocuiseur, veillez une fois dans le placard, à retourner le couvercle de façon à laisser l'intérieur de votre cocotte s'aérer. Pensez également à bien nettoyer la soupape. Si votre préparation a attaché le fond, versez un peu de produit vaisselle et rincez quelques minutes plus tard. "

Note added at 11 hrs (2014-04-30 11:15:36 GMT)

@Anca : there one "soupape", and one "soupape de sécurité", as I explained.
Very different - the safety valve does not require any cleaning, and every user hopes it will never go off in the life of the cooker.
Peer comment(s):

agree Ivan Bertrand
1 hr
disagree Daryo : this is what would be at the top of the vent pipe, not the vent pipe itself // they may be next to each other, but these are two separate parts, I wouldn't mix them together, as "la tige" is much more difficult to clean that the weight on top of it
1 hr
come on - we all know that when the manual says "clean the steam vent" it means both parts. Metonymy, anyone?
agree Victoria Britten : Yes, this makes pragmatic sense. I think the source Eng. must either be a translation itself or have been written by a technician forgetting who they were writing for. Perhaps "l'ensemble de la soupape", so as to cover all bases?
4 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "merci"
12 mins

tuyau d'aération

Peer comment(s):

neutral Tony M : Sadly, your reference is an appallingly badly translated (MT?) EN site, and certainly cannot be regarded as trustworthy.
4 hrs
disagree Daryo : obviously bad MT as a reference? without any cross-checking?
6 hrs
Something went wrong...
6 hrs

tige d'évacuation de vapeur

* Lavez la cuve et le panier de votre cocotte après chaque utilisation à l'aide d'eau tiède savonneuse.
* Sauf indication contraire du fabricant, vous pouvez utiliser un tampon à récurer pour nettoyer l'intérieur de la cuve. Pour l'extérieur de la cuve, utilisez une éponge non abrasive pour ne pas rayer le revêtement.
* Le panier de votre cocotte-minute et la cuve peuvent se mettre au lave-vaisselle. Par contre, n'utilisez jamais le lave-vaisselle pour laver le couvercle de votre appareil. Celui-ci devra être lavé sous un filet d'eau du robinet. De même, ne laissez pas tremper votre couvercle dans l'eau.
* Nettoyez la soupape de fonctionnement sous l'eau du robinet. Procédez de la même manière pour nettoyer la tige d'évacuation de vapeur. Si celle-ci semble bouchée, utilisez une aiguille pour retirer les dépôts qui l'obstruent.

tube d'aération ?

Peer comment(s):

disagree GILLES MEUNIER : sauf que pipe ce n'est pas rod....................
1 day 9 hrs
Something went wrong...
7 hrs

axe [cocotte]

Assez surprenant, mais c'est ainsi suivant le diagramme (en français, marque SEB)

vs le diagramme en anglais

Image claire, sur site commercial
Peer comment(s):

neutral Daryo : la "tige d'évacuation de vapeur" n'est toujours positionnée "dans l'axe"
2 hrs
Mais justement, il s'agit de l'autre soupape, que ce modèle n'a pas!
2 days 7 hrs
Merci, Gilles!
Something went wrong...
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