Glossary entry (derived from question below)
English term or phrase:
Finnish translation:
English term
Convoluted flashback structures are not only intellectually based, they tend to distance the viewer from that 'simple reality' they come to the movies to enjoy. It is no surprise that many great movies with complicated or innovative flashback structures were not particularly popular, not crowd-pleasers. (
It is true that flashbacks can make the majority of the story confusing, but the concept is a bit like putting a puzzle together - you're not really sure where each piece fits or what the picture really looks like until the very end. Therein lies the payoff. (
The flashback should be prompted by an incident, dialog, or intense action which brings a vivid memory to the character. (
5 +2 | takauma | Susan Ruusunen |
May 24, 2009 18:23: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"
May 25, 2009 07:56: changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"
May 28, 2009 08:55: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Selection"
May 28, 2009 10:54: changed "Stage" from "Selection" to "Completion"
Proposed translations
Takauman avulla katsojalle kerrotaan jotain juonen ja tarinan ymmärtämisen kannalta tärkeää tietoa. (Elokuvantaju)
Takauma (engl. Flashback) on psykologisessa mielessä eräänlainen kohtaus tai reaktio, jolloin henkilö saattaa nähdä nopean mielikuvan menneisyydestä tai mielikuvituksen tuottaman kuvan. (Wikipedia)
Flashbackit eli takaumat ovat spontaanisti (ilman päihteen käyttöä) uudelleen esiintyviä aistimusten, ajatusten tai tunnetilojen ohimeneviä muutoksia. Jopa 25% LSD:n ja muiden hallusinogeenien käyttäjistä on kokenut takaumia. (Student info)
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