Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

context-embedded language

Dutch translation:

contextgebonden taal

Feb 3, 2010 16:57
14 yrs ago
English term

context-embedded language

GBK English to Dutch Social Sciences Education / Pedagogy
Definition from WETA:
Context-embedded language refers to communication that occurs in a context of shared understanding, where there are cues or signals that help to reveal the meaning (e.g. visual clues, gestures, expressions, specific location).
Example sentences:
Cummins' model (see Figure 1) consists of two intersecting continuums: the first from context-embedded language to context-reduced language, and the second from cognitively undemanding language (which requires little conscious attention to language forms or choices) to cognitively demanding language (which requires the active cognitive efforts of the speaker/writer to produce). (Thomas and Collier Research)
Children who receive functional and context-embedded language instruction are more likely to have a positive attitude about learning and a heightened self-concept. (Education Resources Information Center )
While these teachers often overestimate ESL students’ academic level of proficiency, Emily’s description (below) suggests that she is aware that while the students have a good grasp of BICS (context-embedded language), they lack CALP (context-reduced language). Her contention is that this will prove particularly problematic for the students the following year in high school. (Lynne Wiltse)
Proposed translations (Dutch)
4 +2 contextgebonden taal
4 in de context ingebed taalgebruik
Change log

Feb 3, 2010 16:04: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"

Feb 3, 2010 16:57: changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"

Feb 6, 2010 17:59: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Selection"

Jun 15, 2010 14:54: changed "Stage" from "Selection" to "Completion"

Proposed translations

3 days 20 hrs

contextgebonden taal

Ik kon geen ready-made vertaling van deze term vinden. wel een definitie in het Engels die m.i. goed de lading dekt.
Deze is te vinden op de site LessonSensecom,
(eerste voorbeeldzin is hiervan de vertaling)
Definition from own experience or research:
Communicatie die plaatsvindt binnen een context die bijdraagt aan het begrip ervan (bijv. visuele aanwijzingen, gebaren, uitdrukkingen, een bepaalde locatie). Taal waarin sprake is van talrijke algemeen geldende begrippen, waarbij de betekenis tamelijk voor de hand ligt vanwege de fysieke of sociale aard van de convversatie (Baker, 2000).
Example sentences:
In Azië is de taal vaak contextgebonden, een directe bevestiging of ontkenning bestaat nauwelijks. (NL EVD Internationaal)
Dat betekent dat taal contextgebonden is en dus onvoldoende specifiek of bepaald als geïsoleerd gegeven. (Frank Bostyn, Adam Smith en het ontstaan)
Peer comment(s):

agree Tina Vonhof (X)
75 days
Dank je, Tina
agree Frank van Thienen (X)
128 days
Dank Frank
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
4 days

in de context ingebed taalgebruik

"ingebed" geeft misschien als geen ander woord het nauwe verband aan tussen taalgebruik en context, terwijl de definitie juist dit nauwe verband probeert aan te geven.
Cummins has described the notion of context-embeddedness as a characteristic that differentiates typical non-academic interactive language use from academic language use. Context-embedded language use is that which is supported by a wide range of meaningful linguistic and situational cues in the context. To put it in another way, language use that occurs in a context rich with familiar or known information that is relevant to the information expressed in the discourse is context-embedded. This notion of relevant contextual information is similar to what Brown and Yule refer to as “activated features of the context”, which constitute those aspects of the context that are directly reflected in the discourse and which need to be called upon to interpret the discourse. The degree to which the discourse is contextualized can be expressed in terms of the ratio of familiar, relevant contextual information to the new information in the discourse. Context-embedded language use thus involves discourse in which there is a high ratio of contextual information to new information, while context-reduced language use involves discourse in which there is a low ratio of contextual to new information.<br />Contextual information may be of three types:<br />1) that which is supplied directly by the immediate physical context<br />2) that whose recall is prompted by the information in the input language and<br />3) that developed in the input discourse itself.<br />In face-to-face interactive language use the language users have access to information that is communicated non-verbally, such as through gestures and facial expressions. An oral interviewer, for example, may communicate her interest in words and also in facial expressions, gestures and posture. In language use that is not interactive between persons, non-verbal information may be provided through various graphic figures or line drawings, as in tests that require the test taker to describe the events depicted in a sequence of cartoons.<br />Relevant information may also be available in the immediate physical environment, as in an oral interview in which the test taker is asked to describe the objects in the room.<br />Language use can also be contextualized with respect to the information whose recall is prompted by information in the discourse. For example, in a writing test, the test taker may be asked to write about a topic that the tester presupposes he will know or be able to recall, such as comparing and contrasting some feature of his native country with a comparable one in a foreign country. With respect to the degree of contextualization, tests in which contextual information is provided by the test taker&#039;s content schemata would appear to be highly context-embedded.<br />Finally, relevant contextual information may be found in the discourse itself. An example of this would be a reading test consisting of an unlabeled map of a city and a text that describes the city in which the reader is required to answer questions based on information in both. Similarly, in an oral interview the discourse that evolves during the course of the interview provides an ever increasing pool of contextual information that is available for subsequent utterances. Brown and Yule refer to this information as &quot;co-discourse&quot; and argue that this provides an expanding context that affects the way an individual interprets the discourse: &quot;any sentence other than the first in a fragment of discourse, will have the whole of its interpretation forcibly constrained by the preceding discourse.&quot;
Example sentences:
Cummins (1984) heeft een theoretisch raamwerk gepresenteerd dat door het accent op evaluatie van taalvaardigheid van allochtone leerlingen van belang kan zijn voor onderzoek naar itembias. Cummins’ maakt onder meer onderscheid naar de mate waarin leerlingen, die een tweede taal (T2) leren, ondersteunende informatie ontvangen van de context waarin het taalgebruik is ingebed. Toetsitems verschillen in de mate waarin ze een beroep doen op contextmateriaal. In onderzoek naar oorzaken van itembias kan de aandacht uitgaan naar de omvang en naar de aard van het context-materiaal en naar de mate waarin de context allochtone leerlingen bij het beantwoorden items ondersteunt. (Eindtoets basisonderwijs)
Leren van de directe context In het tweede gedeelte van de toets waren zowel vragen opgenomen waarin het figuurlijk taalgebruik was ingebed in een mogelijk verhelderende context als vragen waarbij het figuurlijk taalgebruik "kaal" werd aangeboden. (Kunst van het lezen)
In PU laat Wittgenstein die uitgangspunten vallen. Wat er voor in de plaats komt, is een opvatting die pluralistisch en, tot op zekere hoogte, relativistisch is. Taal heeft op talloze, heel uiteenlopende wijzen betekenis, en de idee dat daaraan één principe ten grondslag ligt, is een illusie. Ons taalgebruik is ingebed in een context van sociale praktijken en ontleent daaraan haar betekenis. De taak van de filosofie is niet zozeer om een uniforme, fundamentele, logische structuur bloot te leggen, maar om juist de verscheidenheid van de wijzen waarop taal functioneert te laten zien (UVA/Ludwig Wittgenstein)
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