Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

occupancy rate

Czech translation:


Apr 6, 2009 14:54
15 yrs ago
English term

occupancy rate

GBK English to Czech Social Sciences Tourism & Travel
Definition from Tourism Knowledge:
Refers to the number of rooms or beds occupied by guests on any given date, usually presented as a percentage. Because accommodation is perishable (i.e. if rooms are unsold on the 1st December, there won’t be another chance to sell them), high occupancy rates are essential to profitability
Example sentences:
New York City's hotel occupancy rate is climbing, and jobs are being added to the city's service and retail sectors, according to new data, even as concerns about the local economy are reaching a fever pitch. (New York The Sun)
Lucia Dwi Cahyani or Ani, assistant marketing communications manager of the Hard Rock Hotel in Kuta, said her hotel's occupancy rate was well above 90 percent until Monday, higher than the average occupancy rate of 75 percent on normal days. (The Jakarta Post)
Occupancy rates of star-rated hotels have also increased. On August 12, occupancy rates of five-star hotels reached 80.3 percent, a rise of 0.3 percentage points compared with August 8. Two-star hotels and below saw their occupancy rates increase 30-40 percent, with an increase of 2-4 percentage points over that of August 8. (The Official Website of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games)
Proposed translations (Czech)
4 +3 obsazenost
Change log

Apr 6, 2009 14:39: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"

Apr 6, 2009 14:54: changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"

Apr 9, 2009 15:54: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Selection"

Apr 9, 2009 16:54: changed "Stage" from "Selection" to "Completion"

Proposed translations

25 mins


Nedelala bych z toho takovou vedu...
[Pro hodnocení výkonnosti hotelů lze použít nejrůznější měřítka. K těm nejběžnějším patří obsazenost a průměrná denní sazba (ADR).] Obsazenost měří procento pokojů, které jsou v daném období obsazené, [a ADR měří průměrnou sazbu účtovanou na jeden pokoj (tato cena neobsahuje poplatky a vedlejší náklady).]<br />----------------------------------------------------------<br />Obsazenost hotelu se vypočítá podle vzorce:<br />počet obsazených pokojů<br />Obsazenost = ------------------------------- x 100<br />celkový počet pokojů
Example sentences:
Obsazenost hotelů ve většině měst evidentně klesá, což podle zkušeností vede zpravidla ke snížení průměrné ceny za pokoj. (
Peer comment(s):

agree Gabriela Verešová
3 days 37 mins
agree Emma Hradecka (X) : Myslím, že to je zcela adekvátní.
3 days 1 hr
agree pechholdova
8 days
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