Oct 12, 2023 07:26
12 mos ago
13 viewers *
English term

Marsh Drift

Non-PRO English to Chinese Art/Literary Other 克苏鲁神话相关
He wrote of
Cthulhu and R'lyeh, of Hastur and Lloigor, of Shub-Niggurath and Yog-Sothoth, of the Plateau
of Leng, of the Sussex Fragments and the Necronomicon, of the Marsh Drift and the
Abominable Snowmen—but, most often of all, he wrote of R'lyeh, and of Great Cthulhu—the
"R." and the "C." of his papers—and of his abiding search for them, for my uncle,

应该是介绍到了一些 神祇的仆从 类型 后面那个差不多是邪恶雪人。前面这个 确实没找到任何相关汉化内容
Proposed translations (Chinese)
2 马什家族的 遗传漂变


Tomasso Oct 14, 2023:
Maybe have already seen... https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/詭麗幻譚

《詭麗幻譚》(Weird Tales)是一份由J·C·亨內伯格(J. C. Henneberger)和J·M·蘭辛格(J. M. Lansinger)於1922年創辦的美國恐怖、奇幻雜誌。第一期為1923年3月版,當年2月18日開始售賣[1]。它是美國最重要的奇幻雜誌之一[2]。

它在創刊的頭一年就遇到財政危機,法恩斯沃思·萊特在1924年當上主編之後情況開始好轉。 自1928年的《克蘇魯的呼喚》開始,H·P·洛夫克拉夫特就一直在該雜誌上連載他的克蘇魯神話系列故事。發表過作品的作家還包括羅伯特·歐文·霍華德(蠻王柯南系列)、西贝里·奎因(朱尔·葛兰丁系列)、克拉克·阿什頓·史密斯、埃德加·霍夫曼·普萊斯、羅伯特·布洛克和愛德蒙·漢密爾頓。

1940年因為法恩斯沃思·萊特病重,多蘿西·麦基尔雷思(Dorothy McIlwraith)擔任主編,雜誌走上下坡路,1954年停刊。經過多方努力,1988年復刊。1990年代中期,它一度改名《奇幻恐怖世界》(Worlds of Fantasy & Horror),1998年改回原名。

Marsh family is found in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Shadow_over_Innsmouth

Proposed translations

1 day 21 hrs

马什家族的 遗传漂变

wiki genetic drift 遗传漂变(又称基因漂变,英語:genetic drift)是指种群中基因库在代际发生随机改变的一种现象[1]。由于任何一个个体的生存与繁殖都受到随机因素的影响,繁殖过程可視作一种抽样,子代携带的等位基因即是对亲代抽取的一种样本[2]。这一过程中的抽样误差使子代中的等位基因频率与亲代并不相等,尤其是在小种群中。遗传漂变可能改变某一等位基因的频率,甚至致其完全消失,进而降低种群的遗传多样性。一般情况下,种群的生物个体的数量越少,遗传漂变的效应就越强。遗传漂变是生物进化的关键机制之一。


/lovecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Marsh_family genetic drift, accumulated mutations, breeding with amphibians.

Note added at 1 day 21 hrs (2023-10-14 05:03:05 GMT)

links https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/遗传漂变

Marsh family is in the book, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Shadow_over_Innsmouth quote The narrator finds Innsmouth to be a mostly deserted fishing town, full of dilapidated buildings and people who walk with a distinctive shambling gait and have "queer narrow heads with flat noses and bulgy, stary eyes." Both the town and its residents are saturated with the odor of dead fish. The only resident who appears normal is a grocery store clerk from neighboring Arkham, who was transferred there by the chain. The narrator gathers much information from the clerk, including a map of the town and the name of Zadok Allen, an elderly local who might give him information when plied with drink.

The narrator meets Zadok, who after the narrator gives him a bottle of whisky explains that while trading in the Caroline Islands Marsh discovered a Kanak tribe in Pohnpei who offered human sacrifices to a race of immortal fish-like humanoids known as the Deep Ones. The Kanak also bred with Deep Ones, producing hybrid offspring which have the appearance of normal humans in childhood and early adulthood but eventually slowly transform into Deep Ones themselves and leave the surface to live in ancient undersea cities for eternity. When hard times fell on the town, Marsh's cult performed similar sacrifices to the Deep Ones in exchange for wealth in the form of large fish hauls and unique jewelry. When Marsh and his followers were arrested, the Deep Ones retaliated by attacking the town and killing more than half of its population.

The survivors were left with no other choice than to join the cult and continue Marsh's practices. Male and female inhabitants were forced to breed with the Deep Ones, producing hybrids who upon maturing permanently migrate underwater to live in the city of Y'ha-nthlei, located underneath Devil Reef. The town is now dominated by Marsh's grandson Barnabas, who is almost fully transformed into a Deep One. Zadok explains that these ocean-dwellers have designs on the surface world and have been planning the use of shoggoths to conquer or transform it. Zadok sees strange waves approaching the dock and tells the narrator that they have been seen, urging him to leave town immediately. The narrator is unnerved, but ultimately dismisses the story. Once he leaves, Zadok disappears and is never seen again.

After being told that the bus is experiencing engine trouble, the narrator has no choice but to spend the night in a musty hotel. While attempting to sleep, he hears noises at his door as if someone is trying to enter. Wasting no time, he escapes out a window and through the streets while a town-wide hunt for him occurs, forcing him at times to imitate the peculiar walk of the Innsmouth locals as he walks past search parties in the darkness. Eventually, the narrator makes his way towards railroad tracks and hears a procession of Deep Ones passing in the road before him. Against his judgment, he opens his eyes to see the creatures. He finds that they have grey-green skin, fish-like heads with unblinking eyes, gills on their necks and webbed hands, and communicate in unintelligible croak-like voices. Horrified, the narrator faints but wakes up at noon the next day alone and unharmed. (sorry to post so much but sometimes a site can not be reached from far away places)

Note added at 1 day 21 hrs (2023-10-14 05:12:44 GMT)

Look for the the book 58 《印斯茅斯疑雲》 The Shadow over Innsmouth 1931年11月-12月3日 1936年4月 中篇小 listed at wiki,,,,https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/洛夫克拉夫特作品列表

Note added at 1 day 21 hrs (2023-10-14 05:23:12 GMT)

chapters of the book Innsmouth, https://home.gamer.com.tw/creationDetail.php?sn=3699349 “對外面人來說,沒有什麼變化,如果我們還知道好歹,就應該避開陌生人。我們立下了大袞之誓,後來還有人讓我們立下了第二道和第三道誓言。那些特別願意提供幫助的,能夠得到特別的獎賞——金子之類的東西——討價還價絕沒有用處,因為在那下面它們還有幾百萬個。它們不願意爬上來消滅人類,但如果真的要這麼做,它們能幹出不少事情來。我們不像是南太平洋上的人一樣,有著那種能夠幹掉它們的魔咒,而卡納克人也永遠不會泄漏自己的秘密。

“如果它們需要,我們就要讓給它們足夠的獻祭和還有野蠻人才喜歡的小玩意,並且在鎮子裡留下足夠的居住地,它們就會安分地待著。不能去找陌生人,以免這兒的事泄漏到外面去——不要讓外人來打聽這裡的事。全都要信教——大袞教團——兒童將永生不死,但卻要回到母神海德拉與父神大袞那裡去,因為我們過去都來自那裡——Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn! Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah-nagl fhtagn—”


Note added at 5 days (2023-10-18 02:01:05 GMT) Post-grading

Thanks, a break on the ocean floor, Thanks for correcting.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "不太对,后文提到了这个地方是指 a break in the ocean floor 应该是洋底断裂处,但就是不确定drift在这个层面上这么处理合适些,不过非常感谢你的解答"

Reference comments

1 day 20 hrs

Genetic drift, abnormal large family Marsh, fiction

/lovecraft.fandom.com/wiki/ Marsh_familyThe Marsh Family is a bloodline of humans (and later, hybrid beings) which draws its roots from the small fishing village of Innsmouth in the early days of colonial America. The first individual of distinction in this family was Captain Obed Marsh. Like most of the residents of Innsmouth, he was forced to interbreed with the Deep Ones, Pth’thya-l’yi. This Deep One ancestry means that his descendants will gradually mutate into potentially-immortal, amphibious humanoids. They had three children, two of whom disappeared under mysterious circumstances. The third, an unnamed daughter, was from an early age educated in France, and never knew the dark truth of her conception. The only hint to her ancestry was that her eyes greatly resembled those of the infamous Obed Marsh.

wiki genetic drift....Genetic drift, also known as random genetic drift, allelic drift or the Wright effect,[1] is the change in the frequency of an existing gene variant (allele) in a population due to random chance.[2]

Genetic drift may cause gene variants to disappear completely and thereby reduce genetic variation.[3] It can also cause initially rare alleles to become much more frequent and even fixed.

ching ni kan kan https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/假基因 note mutations accumulate, 假基因(Pseudogenes,Pseudo-意爲「假」)是一類染色體上的基因片段。假基因的序列通常與對應的基因相似,但至少是喪失了一部分功能,如基因不能表達或編碼的蛋白質沒有功能[3]。

一般認爲,假基因最初是功能對生物生存並非必要的基因。隨着突變的積累,出現編碼區提前出現終止密碼子、移碼突變等情況,逐漸變爲無功能的假基因。另外,拷貝數變異(Copy-number variation, CNV)也可能產生假基因。在拷貝數變異中,1kb(千鹼基對)以上的DNA片段會發生複製或刪除[4]。一部分假基因既沒有內含子,也沒有啓動子(這種啓動子被認爲是通過mRNA的逆轉錄轉移到染色體上的,稱爲「加工」假基因(processed pseudogenes))[5],但部分假基因仍然擁有一些與正常基因相同的特徵,比如擁有CpG島等啓動子、RNA剪接位點等。

under ggogle search descripton says''' fixed in a population, but various population effects, such as *genetic drift, a population bottleneck,* or, in some cases, natural selection, can lead…'' but do not see it at https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/假基因
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