This question was closed without grading. Reason: Other
May 19, 2013 01:01
11 yrs ago
2 viewers *
English term

Clinical Populations

English to Arabic Medical Medical (general) Behavioral Studies
clinical populations are compared to general populations


Sadek_A May 20, 2013:

You may use it. I give you my blessings, really!
Sadek_A May 20, 2013:
Continued>>> بالله عليك يا أخي، كيف تكون المجموعات السكانية سريرية؟ وما معنى أن تكون سريرية؟ هل من واقع خبرتك التي تحدثت عنها تجد لها معنى ملموس؟

With all that being said, we can safely translate CLINICAL POPULATIONS this way:

أفراد التجارب الإكلينيكية
مجموعات الدراسات السريرية
عينات البحوث الإكلينيكية

And, you may safely alter and manipulate such forms as you wish, provided maintaining the right significance!

Now, was that of any help to you?
Sadek_A May 20, 2013:
Continued>>> My dear fellow,

From your last entry, I understood that you're well-versed in translation and in its tools to the point that you're teaching it. With that in mind, why don't you take the initiative and research the whole matter in a better way? Why wait for someone to suggest links and/or reference materials for you?

If someone tells me that my contribution makes no sense, I would immediately do a new, extensive research of my own in order to prove his criticism wrong or, otherwise, prove my contribution infelicitous. As a translator, it's part of my job to do my own research, and not have others do it for me!

But, enough about that point! I will go no further in criticism this time!

Clinical here does stand for clinical trials and studies. So, when you translate it you can't use it in its truncated source form; otherwise, it will be obscure.

Population stands for the subjects of those clinical trials and studies, that are grouped based on a certain methodology.

So, the first mistake you made was the word سكانية. It's utterly irrelevant here!
Your second mistake was your failure to uncloud the word سريرية.
Sadek_A May 20, 2013:
Continued>>> My dear fellow,

For the sake of avoiding negative arguments, I'm not going to challenge any of what you've just said below.

I've already provided you with a link to a clear definition of the term, which BTW you could've easily found it yourself if you bothered researching well.

The question is, do you still think that your contribution was right and deserved no criticism?!
Sadek_A May 20, 2013:
Continued>>> Muhammad,

I'm not going to add an answer of my own to this question; rather, I will refer you to a relevant material in order for you to read and learn.

Now, you might realize how bad your translation is, and how compelled your peers are to criticize you!

There's no doubt that you handle the AGREE very well? But, can you handle the DISAGREE even the slightest well?

Last but not least, I will always be here to criticize your poor contributions regardless of your ill-mannered offensive!
Sadek_A May 20, 2013:
Arrogance has nothing to do here! Muhammad,

I didn't criticize you, I criticized your poor translation. If you can't handle criticism, then you have one of 2 choices:

1. Make correct and useful contributions.
2. Don't take part in something you're not really good at.

I've seen your contributions before, and they tend to be weak ones or even imitated versions of prior contributions that rendered the question as already solved.

I managed to criticize your very poor contribution without insulting you; however, you immediately started taking an aggressive, sarcastic attitude, and completed your ill-mannered responses with a clear insult which I'm not going to honor with an answer.

And, the most amazing thing about all this, is that you didn't even bother reconsidering the criticized contribution of yours.

So, you did really turn a strictly professional matter into a personal fight, the thing which tells so much about you and your personality.

Unlike you, I don't care about points. For me KudoZ is an undertaking that should involve the competent ones only. This way, it would be really useful for the generations to come as well as for us.

Proposed translations

1 day 7 hrs

مجتمعات عينة الطب السريري

مجتمعات عينة الطب السريري مقارنة بمجتمعات عينات الطب العام
....(في تحليل إحصائي لنتائج استبيان ما)....
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