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Dec 17, 2012 11:18
11 yrs ago
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Dutch term


Dutch to English Law/Patents Ships, Sailing, Maritime
"Duwbijlage nieuw binnenvaartregeling zone 3 en 4...€20,00
Duwbijlage oud, bestaande rechten voor zone 2,3 en 4...€20.00"

This comes from a Dutch legal text (an user agreement) from Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport (ILT) and is part of a list of certificates and the fees to be paid for these. Further on in the list, there is an item "Tankbijlage voor voorlopig en definitief CVG-VL", for which I will ask a separate question on this forum. But I'm mentioning this here in case it helps answer this question.
Could someone help me with the term "duwbijlage"? Does this refer to an annex dealing specifically with "duwformaties"/"duwstellen"/"duwboten" etc. or is it a term for a particular type of annex, i.e. in the sense of something added at the end of a document (though I think this is unlikely)?

Thanks a lot in advance!


Ruchira Raychaudhuri (asker) Dec 18, 2012:
Thanks, Lianne for your help. The client confirmed that the term refers to an appendix related to pusher craft.
Lianne van de Ven Dec 17, 2012:
mix of content and function They combine the common word "addendum," which of course refers to a function of the bunch of papers, with the topic of the papers, as you suggest in your question. So it translates as addendum on push formations, or something that you see fit.
Ruchira Raychaudhuri (asker) Dec 17, 2012:
Additional reference Continuing from the link provided by writeaway (below) I found this in some help files on the same site:
"Invulinstructie duwbijlage Nederland: Deze bijlage wordt afgegeven voor duwboten, sleepduwboten en schepen met duwsteven en is uitsluitend geldig in Nederland."

So probably this is an annex referring to towboats. Still hoping to get some suggestions, thanks.

Reference comments

41 mins

ex. of use in context

Aangepast oktober 2012
Rekentechnisch is er niets veranderd, de uitvoer naar de printer is echter uitgebreid. Bij iedere proef wordt het oppervlak (B x T) en de som van L x B x T van alle eenheden vermeld.
Hierdoor is het mogelijk om de uitkomst van de proefvaart op punt 52 van het certificaat of op een duwbijlage te vermelden. Dit is met name voor het vervoer van bakken langszij gebruikelijk.
Ook de helpbestanden aangepast, de standaardzinnen voor de duwbijlage opgenomen.
Note from asker:
Thanks. I did come across this reference as well, this seems to point towards "duwbijlage" being a particular type of annex or simply another term for annex (maybe). But along with the other term "tankbijlage" ( later on in the same list of certificates, I'm confused!
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