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Nov 17, 2017 14:55
6 yrs ago
14 viewers *
Dutch term


Dutch to English Bus/Financial Insurance Collectief werknemerspensioen offered to a Dutch B.V.
I am working on a document in which Centraal Beheer is offering a company (A Dutch B.V.) a "Collectief werknemerspensioen" (in an "offerte").

The document then mentions: an "overlijdensrisicoverzekering". Now, there are many ways to translate this term.

Here is my context:

"Voor de bepaling van de overlijdensrisicoverzekering gelden de volgende uitgangspunten:

• Pensioengevend salaris: 1 maal het brutojaarsalaris
• overlijdensrisicoverzekering: 8% vakantietoeslag

Franchise overlijdensrisicoverzekering:

Dat deel van het salaris waarover voor deelnemers geen overlijdensrisico
is verzekerd.

Voor het jaar 2018: €,00.

Deze franchise passen wij jaarlijks per 1 januari aan de dan geldende wettelijk minimale franchise aan."


FELOnline and JurLex have a lot to say on the matter, but I can't figure out which English translation is the right one based on my scant context. This is not my favourite field, so please try not to laugh if this is blatantly obvious.


• • FELOnline:

overlijdensrisicoverzekering =
term life insurance
term insurance
overlijdensrisicoverzekering [alleen uitkering bij in leven zijn op einddatum] =
fixed term insurance
life assurance
overlijdensrisicoverzekering [gericht op inkomensbescherming] =
family income protection insurance
overlijdensrisicoverzekering [keert alleen uit bij overlijden tijdens de contractperiode, anders geen uitkering] [bij hypotheek voor eigen woning] =
death risk insurance
overlijdensrisicoverzekering [uitkering op bepaalde datum of bij eerder overlijden] [bij hypotheek voor eigen woning] =
endowment insurance
annuïtair dalende overlijdensrisicoverzekering [verzekerd bedrag daalt jaarlijks op basis van de gekozen annuïteit] =
decreasing term insurance [death benefit decreases each year according to a predetermined annuity schedule]
annuïteitenoverlijdensrisicoverzekering =
annuity term insurance
gelijkblijvende overlijdensrisicoverzekering [verzekerd bedrag en premie blijven gelijk gedurende de gehele looptijd] =
level-premium insurance [premiums remain the same throughout the duration of the contract]
levenslange overlijdensrisicoverzekering =
whole-life insurance
whole of life insurance
permanent life insurance [cash-value policies]
lineair dalende overlijdensrisicoverzekering [verzekerd bedrag daalt jaarlijks met een gelijk bedrag, premie blijft gelijk] =
decreasing term insurance [death benefit decreases at a predetermined rate over the life of the policy, level premiums]
tijdelijke overlijdensrisicoverzekering [alleen uitkering bij overlijden vóór einddatum] =
term life insurance
term insurance

• • JurLex is more succinct:

overlijdensrisicoverzekering =
(met alleen uitkering bij in leven zijn op einddatum) fixed term insurance
(met uitkering bij overlijden voor einddatum) term life insurance

annuïtair dalende overlijdensrisicoverzekering =
decreasing term life insurance

gelijkblijvende overlijdensrisicoverzekering =
level term life insurance

overlijdensrisicoverzekering tegen leeftijdsafhankelijke premiebetaling =
life insurance with age-based premium


Steve Robbie Nov 18, 2017:
What is it exactly? If you are looking at a benefit provided under the umbrella of the pension scheme (paid when a scheme member dies before retirement), then it'd be conventional to call it death-in-service cover. If it is entirely separate from the pension scheme, then it would make more sense to call it term life assurance - 'life assurance' rather than 'life insurance' being the more common expression in the UK.
philgoddard Nov 17, 2017:
The consensus among most of your references is "term life assurance", which would be my chosen translation. You can't leave out "life", as many of your translations do, unless it's obvious from the context. "Death risk" is wrong.

Proposed translations

38 mins

term life insurance the obvious go-to. May differ based on your target audience, which is merely determined by country and whether the company offering said insurance product has a company-specific name for it.

It's quasi synonymous with "whole life insurance", but you need to determine specifics of the insurance product to make that call. If you don't have the resources to do this, start here:
Peer comment(s):

agree Richard Purdom
3 days 2 hrs
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1 hr
Dutch term (edited): overlijdensrisicoverzekering [context: collective pension plan/scheme]

death-in-service cover; death-in-service insurance

Perhaps the below examples also apply in your context.

Death-In-Service Cover provides a lump sum benefit should an individual die whilst employed by your organisation. They do not have to die while at work, or as a result of a work activity, they just have to be on your payroll.
This can be a valuable benefit, but some employers are more generous than others and this can be an added attraction to help attract and retain staff. Often, the cover is linked to the company pension, so you would have to be a member of the pension scheme to qualify for any death-in-service pay out.

The problem arises in relation to death‐in‐service benefits which are provided through a registered pension scheme. These can normally be paid to beneficiaries of a deceased scheme member free of tax, but when added to the value of the accrued fund they could push the total over the limit and result in the 55% tax charge.

If you are considering starting a pension, find out whether your employer runs a scheme and whether you are eligible to join it. As most employers make a contribution towards an employee's pension, a workplace pension scheme is a great perk.

Workplace schemes also tend to have add-on benefits of life insurance (sometimes called death-in-service benefits).

Pension scheme death benefits

Types of death benefits
Death benefits can be paid on death in service, death in deferment and death in retirement and will vary depending on scheme design and on whether the scheme is a money purchase scheme or a defined benefit (DB) scheme.

Note added at 2 hrs (2017-11-17 16:59:47 GMT)

Assuming this is about a 'collectieve overlijdensrisicoverzekering', see also the following links:

Note added at 2 hrs (2017-11-17 17:06:18 GMT)

Note added at 2 hrs (2017-11-17 17:12:36 GMT)
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Reference comments

1 hr

Woordenboek Verzekeringsbedrijf [Kluwer/Vermeij]

At the risk of adding to the confusion...

Vermeij renders 'overlijdensrisicoverzekering' as 'life assurance'.
Peer comments on this reference comment:

neutral Bryan Crumpler : To clear up the confusion, cf. AG, KBC, Delta Lloyd, BNP Paribas, Fortis, NN... and
15 mins
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