Jul 29, 2009 19:48
15 yrs ago
12 viewers *
Dutch term

bestuurders en commissaris (en)

Dutch to English Bus/Financial Finance (general) general meeting
A report on an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders I don't know whether to say directors and officer(s) or directors and auditor (s). A few lines further it says Mr X and Mr X declare : "dat in de vennootschap geen commissaris is benoemd"
Is this an officer or audit (commissaris always causes me a bit of trouble). Thanks for your help.
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Dec 23, 2009 00:40: writeaway changed "Field" from "Art/Literary" to "Bus/Financial"

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Lianne van de Ven Jul 30, 2009:
Dutch source missing A complete Dutch sentence (or more) which contains the requested translation "bestuurders en commissaris (en)" is missing. Please provide more context.

Proposed translations

9 mins

directors and officer(s)

I have translated "bestuurder" many times in this type of document as "director". A "commissaris" could be a "commissioner" if there is a reference to individuals who oversee the company management. Otherwise it would be "officer" ("officer(s)" in this case) which is/are active board members.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
7 mins

directors and commissioners

Within shareholder context:
SEC Speech: Statement at SEC Open Meeting on Facilitating ...
May 20, 2009 ... Speech by SEC Commissioner: Statement at SEC Open Meeting on Facilitating Shareholder Director Nominations. by. Commissioner Luis A. Aguilar ...
www.sec.gov/news/speech/2009/spch052009laa.htm - Cached - Similar -
SEC Speech: Statement at SEC Open Meeting on Facilitating ...
May 20, 2009 ... Statement at SEC Open Meeting on Facilitating Shareholder Director Nominations. by. Commissioner Elisse B. Walter ...
www.sec.gov/news/speech/2009/spch052009ebw.htm - Cached - Similar -
More results from www.sec.gov »
CtW Investment Group Commends the SEC for Approving Change to ...
Jul 1, 2009 ... We commend the Commission under your leadership for approving the New ... of the annual meeting of shareholders, directors James Stever and ...
news.moneycentral.msn.com/ticker/article.aspx?... - Cached - Similar -
SEC commissioners approve proposal to allow shareholders to ...
May 20, 2009 ... SEC commissioners approve proposal to allow shareholders to nominate directors. Such a rule would encroach upon state law, ...
www.investmentnews.com/article/20090520/.../905209985 - Cached - Similar -
EUROPA - Press Releases - Directors' pay – Commission sets out ...
IP/04/1183 Brussels, 6th October 2004 Directors' pay Commission sets out guidance on disclosure and shareholder control The European Commission has adopted ...
europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?...IP/... - Cached - Similar -

Van Dale:
commissaris de (m.)
commissioner (vaak C-),
de commissarissen van de EG
the EC commissioners
de Britse Hoge Commissaris in
the British High Commissioner in
commissaris van de Koningin
(Royal) Commissioner, ±
Lord Lieutenant, ± Governor
commissaris van politie
Chief Constable, Chief of
Police, police commissioner
toezichthouder op de directie
de raad van commissarissen
the supervisory board, the board
of supervisory directors
actief bestuurslid
official, officer
(financiën) commissaris voor de
officer of quotations
de commissarissen van orde
Peer comment(s):

agree Willem Dubelaar : Since it is a report on an EGM, it uses terminology from the Articles of Association. And in those it is always as Lianne responded.
10 hrs
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1 hr

Directors and Supervisory Board member(s)/non-executive board member(s)

In Dutch documents the "Raad van Commissarissen" is usually referred to as the "Board of Supervisors"/"Supervisory Board"; "Commissarissen" can also be called "Non-Executive Board members".
Raad van Bestuur (Bestuurders) = Board of Directors (Directors)

See for example:
http://dhtc.nl/foto/DHTC Today vol 9.pdf

Note added at 1 hr (2009-07-29 21:26:46 GMT)

More refs below. Please note: this is the translation commonly used in Dutch annual reports etc.

Supervisory Board By-Laws (Dutch version). Reglement raad van commissarissen. Artikel 1: Taak De Raad van Commissarissen
“Verslag van de directie en van de raad van commissarissen over het boekjaar 2005. 2. Report by the management board and supervisory board on ...”
Peer comment(s):

agree Neil Cross
10 hrs
thank you, Neil
agree Ron Willems : Directors and Supervisory Board member(s)
11 hrs
my pref as well, thanks Ron
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