Sep 22, 2016 09:56
8 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Dutch term


Dutch to English Law/Patents Business/Commerce (general)
As defined in artikel 7:290 BW

According to

these are 'small to medium sized business premises', but this is followed by a definition which makes no sense.

According to

this has nothing to do with physical size, more accessibility to the public.

Any ideas? 'commercial space for leisure, retail and hospitality'?


Tina Vonhof (X) Sep 22, 2016:
@ Asker 'Small to medium sized business premises' is the translation that I would use - that covers a whole lot of possibilities. I wonder what the definition is that you don't like.
Michael Beijer Sep 22, 2016:
yeah, that's basically what my answer said: "business premises; commercial property" (removed because I wasn't sure)

but this stuff doesn't include campsites, and office space, apparently, which is surely also commercial/business premises/property...?
Michael Beijer Sep 22, 2016:
I do wonder though, is it actually incorrect to refer to a campsite, e.g., as "retail space"? hmm, I suppose it is.
Michael Beijer Sep 22, 2016:
seems people also refer to it as "230-business premises", (and "230a-business premises") here and there
Michael Beijer Sep 22, 2016:
am in Barcelona for a month and forgot my English translation of the Dutch Civil Code, which might have been useful
Michael Beijer Sep 22, 2016:
I suppose that's why Aart (OGL/JurLex) opted for.. "retail space"
Michael Beijer Sep 22, 2016:
yeah, just read my last ref, which states that "middenstandsbedrijfsruimte" (aka "290-bedrijfsruimte") excludes office space
Richard Purdom (asker) Sep 22, 2016:
Michael Beijer Sep 22, 2016:
+ "Business premises

Publicly accessible locations where goods or services are delivered directly to the public are referred to as business premises (middenstandsbedrijfsruimte). Examples are shops, cafés, restaurants, traditional enterprises such as greengrocers, butchers and bakers, garages, dry-cleaners and collection and delivery services.

The rental law that applies to renting business premises stipulates that the entrepreneur who rents the premises will be entitled to security of tenure for an initial period of five plus five years, or a initial period between five and 10 years. If you should not wish to take on long-term obligations, you could opt for a short-term contract with a maximum of two years."

( )
Michael Beijer Sep 22, 2016:
seems very relevant: "Business premises

Publicly accessible locations where goods or services are delivered directly to the public are referred to as business premises.

In Dutch: ‘middenstandsbedrijfsruimte’. Examples are shops, cafés, restaurants, traditional enterprises such as greengrocers’, butchers’ and bakers’, garages, dry-cleaners’ and collection and delivery services. The rental law that applies to renting business premises stipulates that the entrepreneur who rents the premises will be entitled to security of tenure for an initial period of 5 + 5 years or a initial period between 5 and 10 years. If you should not wish to take on long-term obligations, you could opt for a short-term contract with a maximum of 2 years. " (Starting your own busines - As a self-employed entrepreneur, @ )
Michael Beijer Sep 22, 2016:
@Richard: hmm, I see your predicament.

how about "commercial property"?

"Commercial property includes office buildings, industrial property, medical centers, hotels, malls, retail stores, farm land, multifamily housing buildings, warehouses, and garages. In many states, residential property containing more than a certain number of units qualifies as commercial property for borrowing and tax purposes." ( )

Proposed translations

21 hrs

customer-oriented business space

What matters in the definition of "290"-spaces is that customer contact occurs in that business space.
Peer comment(s):

neutral writeaway : amusing and highly-original solution. no refs for a good reason?
7 days
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "yes I think this gets the gist of it"
1 hr

public, non-residential & non-agricultural premises

It's wider than retail and includes banks, car park buildings and factories.

Possibly a non-residential (does not strictly cover hotels and campsites run as a business venture) as a negative is a way to mop and sweep up all the permutations and combinations.

In the UK, a distinction is usually made between commercial or business premises and agricultural holdings.

Note added at 1 hr (2016-09-22 11:48:59 GMT)

OK, then public, non-industrial premises. Overige bedrijfsruimte look to me like borderline-industrial sites.
Example sentence:

Middenstandsbedrijfsruimte Hieronder vallen onder andere: winkels, cafe's, restaurants, afhaal- en besteldiensten, hotels en kampeerbedrijven.

Overige bedrijfsruimte Hieronder vallen: banken, kantoren, pakhuizen, fabrieken, werkplaatsen en showrooms.

Note from asker:
there is a clear distinction between Middenstandsbedrijfsruimte and 'Overige bedrijfsruimte' Adrian, they're covered by different sections of the DCC, so your answer is unfortunately much too inclusive!
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Reference comments

9 mins


Both OGL and JurLex give:

middenstandsbedrijfsruimte = retail space

Note added at 47 mins (2016-09-22 10:43:53 GMT)

"middenstandsbedrijfsruimte (mv: middenstandsbedrijfsruimten)

Een bedrijfsruimte in de zin van het huurrecht is een gebouwde onroerende zaak of gedeelte daarvan, die volgens de huurovereenkomst bestemd is voor de uitoefening van een winkelbedrijf, horeca of ambachtsbedrijf en waar een voor het publiek toegankelijke ruimte aanwezig is voor rechtstreekse levering van roerende zaken of voor dienstverlening (kortom: middenstand). Deze vorm van bedrijfsruimte wordt ook wel 290-bedrijfsruimte genoemd naar het gelijknamige artikel in het Burgerlijk Wetboek.

Voor deze bedrijfsruimten gelden aanvullende regels ter bescherming van e huurder. Omdat de huurder van winkels en horeca et cetera economisch gebonden zijn aan een bepaalde lokatie, genieten zij extra bescherming tegen huurbeëindigingen door de verhuurder. In principe geldt een huurovereenkomst voor bedrijfsruimte voor een periode van 5 + 5 jaar. Vervolgens kan een verhuurder opzeggen op één van de gronden genoemd in de wet. Ook met betrekking tot huurprijsverhoging is semi-dwingend recht van toepassing (dat wil zeggen dat de meeste bepalingen niet kan worden afgeweken ten nadele van de huurder).

Onroerend goed dat niet onder de toepassing van artikel 7:290 BW valt (zoals bv. kantoorruimte) wordt “overige ruimte” of 230a-bedrijfsruimte genoemd."

( )
Note from asker:
Apparently it includes campsites and hotels, let alone cafes, so that is very inadequate!
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