Glossary entry

Danish term or phrase:

gæt / bedste gæt

English translation:

Guesstimate / rough estimate

Added to glossary by Christine Andersen
Jul 6, 2011 01:06
13 yrs ago
Danish term

gæt / bedste gæt

Danish to English Bus/Financial Management project management
Teksten drejer sig om at estimere tids- og ressourceforbrug for forskellige projekter. Der bruges i teksten flere gange både gæt og bedste gæt. Jeg har valgt at oversætte gæt til 'rough estimate' (er der nogen, der kan bekræfte mig i det? Jeg synes ikke, 'guess' passer her..). Et andet sted forekommer flg. sætning: De sikre aktiviteter kan derfor estimeres vha. bedste gæt, hvorimod usikre aktiviteter estimeres vha. trepunkts-estimat. Har nogen et bud herpå?

På forhånd tak!!
Change log

Jul 11, 2011 07:26: Christine Andersen Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

6 hrs


´Rough estimate´is fine.

You might also be able to use ´guesstimate´, which carries the element of ´bedste gæt´ in the Danish.

guesstimate (also guestimate) informal
n noun an estimate based on a mixture of guesswork and calculation.
n verb form a guesstimate of.

Concise Oxford Dictionary

The tragic events in Japan could push the Japanese However, the spillover effects to the rest of the world. Given the close trade and capital flow linkages, Asia-With initial conditions for the global economy relatively economy into a short and deep recession, with GDP shrinking by 1-3% this year, according to very rough and preliminary estimates by our Japan team.

However the spillover effects should be relatively limited. We guesstimate that the
event could shave about half a percentage point off our pre-quake global real GDP growth estimate of

Read more:

The tragic events in Japan could push the Japanese.
We guesstimate that the event could shave half a percentage point off our pre-quake global real GDP...

Note added at 6 hrs (2011-07-06 07:46:58 GMT)

Sorry about the double quote - there was a ´teknisk uheld´ when I tried to submit the answer.
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3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Tak - I ended up using rough estimate - thanks for confirming :o)"
5 days

rough guess / best guess

Estimating with use of the best guess technique.

I would possibly use rough guess and best guess here.

Note added at 5 days (2011-07-11 02:56:05 GMT)

You use the best guess technique in different mathematical applications e.g. statistics, estimating, convergence etc. I don't know if it exactly applies to your context, but it seems to fit given they reference specific estimating techniques.
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