Glossary entry

Czech term or phrase:

Výdrol obilnin

English translation:

volunteer cereals

Added to glossary by Charles Stanford
Apr 4, 2011 08:45
13 yrs ago
3 viewers *
Czech term

Výdrol obilnin

Czech to English Science Agriculture Pesticides
I have tried and failed to find the English for this - does anyone know..... seems to be a weed found in oilseed rape. The Latin would be just as useful as the English..... Thank you


Charles Stanford (asker) Apr 7, 2011:
Thank you to all of you
groszek Apr 6, 2011:
and maybe "výdrol" means "shedding", "unwanted spreading"
Maria Chmelarova Apr 4, 2011:
Charles, maybe some sentence.... ?
vydrolit (v.), vydrolovat (zrno) - rub out, rub off (grain)
v. zrno - (grain)... be wasted
výdrol (n.) - ztráta (waste, wastage), rozdíl mezi biologickým a technologickým výnosem plodin
Jan Kolbaba Apr 4, 2011:
Charles Stanford (asker) Apr 4, 2011:
I think I have got it lads - Volunteer cereals
Charles Stanford (asker) Apr 4, 2011:
Perhaps it is a bit stupid to ask for a Latin term if, as Pavel suggests (and Jan too in a roundabout way), it is just the term for grain "residue".... Anyway I am still struggling to work out what it would be in English.

Proposed translations

23 hrs

admixture of unwanted cereal seeds

there are two possibilities
1.cereal grains which fall on the ground during or before harvesting and they start to grouw among new different plants (in this case herbicid is used) "weed cereals"
2. cereal grains of different kind in seeds before seeding or processing which in Czech is "nežádoucí příměs"

it is just an explanation, you can find better translation

Note added at 1 den4 h (2011-04-05 13:03:07 GMT)

1. unwanted spontaneous sowing (in Czech nežádoucí samovýsev)
2. admixture of unwanted cereal seeds/grains
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "I think this is the closest - thanks Hana. I think the English is volunteer cereals"
12 mins

grain treshing

I would need more context, but it could be "grain treshing".

Note added at 19 mins (2011-04-04 09:05:17 GMT)

oh, okay
Note from asker:
Sadly not Jan - it's a type of weed
Sorry Jan - what am I talking about... looks like you are on the right track. I think it must just be grain that is cropping up where it is not wanted.
But my thing about it being a type of weed is rubbish
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16 mins

crumbled away grain


Note added at 44 mins (2011-04-04 09:29:24 GMT)

Its not just residual, but mechanicaly destroyed grain.
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2 days 13 hrs

crop weediness

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Reference comments

3 hrs

A condition that seems to require a herbicide

Fusilade Forte 150 EC - ochrana řepky
Výdrol obilnin: doporučujeme provést aplikaci ve fázi 3 listů obil-
nin registrovanou dávkou 0,5 l/ha, která je ekonomická a napros-
to postačující v standardních klimatických podmínkách. Při stresu
rostlin z dlouhotrvajícího sucha nebo má-li výdrol více než 3 listy je
vhodné dávku úměrně zvýšit na 0,6–0,8 l/ha. Při velmi nerovnoměr-
ném vzcházení výdrolu je obecně u graminicidů vhodnější provést
aplikace dvě. Citlivost různých obilních druhů na graminicidy není
stejnoměrná. U výdrolu ovsa obecně doporučujeme dávku zvýšit
(0,7–0,8 l/ha). V řepce olejce lze provést podzimní i jarní aplikaci.
Pýr plazivý: v řepce ošetření proti pýru plazivému doporučuje-
me realizovat v optimálním termínu, tj. při výšce plevele 15–20 cm,
v dávce 2,0 l/ha. Fusilade Forte 150 EC je velmi dobře mísitelný
s řadou herbicidů, insekticidů, fungicidů a listových hnojiv.
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