Glossary entry

Chinese term or phrase:


English translation:

chop and change

Added to glossary by Wenjer Leuschel (X)
Nov 27, 2008 10:37
15 yrs ago
2 viewers *
Chinese term


Chinese to English Art/Literary Poetry & Literature Common Expression
This expression come from a story written by ancient Chinese philosopher Zhuang Zi. Its meaning has been undergone several changes since its origin.


Translated into modern Chinese: "養猴人分橡果給猴子,說:「早上給你們吃三升,晚上給你們吃四升。」猴子們聽了很憤怒。養猴人就改口說:「那麼就早上吃四升,晚上吃三升。」猴子們聽了都非常高興。「朝三暮四」與「朝四暮三」名目及實質上都沒有減少,喜和怒卻因各有所用而產生了變化,也是同樣的道理。"

Comment and question: 最近台湾的政府说是要刺激消费,原先计划发行“消费电子卡”,后来改成印制“消费券”,全国国民在春节前一人发3600元的消费券,等于是政府给人民的过年红包。大家都很高兴。可是,偏偏有人说,政府举债8000亿元做这件事,等于是全国人民每个人先负债将近3万5千元来领取3600元,那几乎是10:1的比例,怎么划得来呢。众猴子们才不管那些,早上先拿4颗橡果再说,至于将来必须爬上橡树为主人摘40颗,那也许是别的笨猴子必须做的事,但不会轮到聪明的猴子头上。这种情况也可以称为“朝三暮四”。How to translate this expression into English properly?



Wenjer Leuschel (X) (asker) Nov 28, 2008:
Some other historical comparison: 1983到1989年之间,南美洲阿根廷发生超级通膨,军事政府于是倒台,1989年的选举里叙利亚移民之子Carlos Menem胜出,他解决问题的做法是“币制改革”,把美元与新披索之间划上等号。一夜之间,人民的积蓄变成四分之一,也就是损失75%。这在台湾也发生过:1949年国民党退据台湾,旧台币的通膨严重,政府来了个币制改革,四万元旧台币换成一元新台币,人民的积蓄于是只剩四万分之一。在阿根廷,聪明的猴子们趁着币制改革前,利用各种名目买下外汇,先转往国外,等到币制改革后再把钱逐步汇回国内,这样就保住了他们的积蓄。在台湾,聪明的猴子们不是在币制改革前,先买下不动产,等到币制改革后再一点一点卖出不动产,就是先利用各种名目把钱换成外汇或者购买国外的货物,等到币制改革后再把钱汇回来或进口货物开卖起来,这样就保住了积蓄的价值。笨猴子、没有多少积蓄的猴子、没有权势的猴子呢?没办法的事,只好任人宰割了!
Wenjer Leuschel (X) (asker) Nov 28, 2008:
@Yurek: The meaning of "play fast and loose with..." can be 玩两面手法. I will ask this question some time later. Let me make it up for you then.
Yurek Nov 28, 2008:

@Wenjer Leuschel:
Both the two phrases make sense, depending on different translating views.
Wenjer Leuschel (X) (asker) Nov 28, 2008:
@Yurek: You are right. Just forgive my unfaireness for this time. It happens seldom.
Yurek Nov 28, 2008:

play fast and loose with...... 就非常合适,在我眼里看来,呵呵。
Wenjer Leuschel (X) (asker) Nov 28, 2008:
Some historical comparison: 目前台湾即将印制发行的“消费券”让我想到国共内战末期在上海发行的“金元券”,当时的金元券其实是在为国民党筹集逃亡费用,到头来买了金元券的人全都血本无归,金元券后来是一文不值。现今的台湾国民党政府更是高明,不叫人民拿黄金来换券,而是大剌剌举债印制等同现金的消费券来骗猴子。这个方法很能叫人们高兴,以为大家都拿到了好处。但是,举债与印制消费券的花费差距极大,掌权的人利用各种名目把资金转到个人口袋,而国库的钱花光了,那就开始像六十年前的金元券和货币,面额越印越高,那时人们就后悔莫及了。

Proposed translations

1 hr

chop and change

《中国成语选粹》中的翻译是:Three in the morning, four in the evening: chop and change. 仅供参考。

Note added at 10 hrs (2008-11-27 21:05:19 GMT)

这个翻译在我看来没有揭示愚弄欺骗目的的含义,只是说明多变。chop and change译成汉语是‘变化无常、摇摆不定’的意思。你如果很想要一个揭示愚弄欺骗目的含义的翻译,不妨再等等,方便集思广益。
Note from asker:
I like this one, but does "chop and change" imply the deception to achieve the purpose behind?
To chop is to overturn suddenly. Such sudden changes are not without reason. I guess, the Chinese expression has been misused in the course of time since its coinage. The main point lies in Zhuang Zi's comment: "名實未虧,而喜怒為用,亦因是也。"
Peer comment(s):

agree Helen Li
1 hr
agree Da Best
20 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "The meaning of this expression has been migrating from one to another in the course of time and has already lost its original meaning as Zhuang Zi intended to say: 骗猴子 with the same thing. However, the popular meaning in the meantime is "chop and change.""
1 hr

play fast and loose with, blow hot and cold]

Peer comment(s):

agree tianshandun (X) : 《汉英词典》中的翻译是这样的,外加chop and change.
12 mins
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6 hrs


Or "A catch-22 situation"

Catch-22 is a term coined by Joseph Heller in his novel Catch-22, describing a paradox in a law, regulation or practice in which one is a victim regardless of the choice one makes[1].

1. You make a fool of yourself if you believe that 3+4 brings you more than 4+3 does.

2. Three in the morning plus four in the evening means the same thing the other way around.

Note from asker:
Thanks. However, giving 3 in the morning and 4 in the evening or the other way around is to deceive people by pleasing them. It is different than a catch-22 situation in which people do not have any choice. Or, do you see any similarity?
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6 hrs

arbitrarily inconsistent

i know "play fast and loose" or "chop and change" are the standard explanation of 朝三暮四, so this is just a try. Usually we describe such pattern of doing things as being inconsistent:promise one thing and give another, and such government act as being arbitrary: changing certain rules/ways of doing things without the consent of the people.

And in this case I believe Taiwan government is being arbitrarily inconsistent. The deceiving motive(as in 朝三暮四), though is not indicated in "arbitrary" or "inconsistent", it could only be an extended notion, or assumption.
Note from asker:
Thanks. However, I would say the way of doing such things as giving 4 in the morning and 3 in the evening, instead of 3 in the morning and 4 in the evening, is not arbitrarily inconsistent. It is calculated and meant to please "monkeys" to achieve certain purpose.
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