Nov 18, 2004 17:00
19 yrs ago
Chinese term

知眠, 高眠

Non-PRO Chinese to English Art/Literary History Qing period
正是 知眠 花未老,醉听 莺燕 语春风。归来 三径 独高眠,病渴 新泉 手自煎

attempted translation: It was like 知眠 still fresh flowers, I admired the swallows singing spring breeze. On the way back there were three pathways, I took alone the path leading to Gaomian.

What is 知眠 please?
Votes to reclassify question as PRO/non-PRO:

PRO (1): haikumist (X)

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Proposed translations

16 hrs
Chinese term (edited): ֪��, ����

suggestion--in sound sleep, sleep peacefully without any worry

The flowers are not withered, but just in sound sleep
Listen to the orioles and swallows, whispering the intoxicating wind of Spring.

Return to my graden of seclusion, and fall into a deep and peaceful sleep
To quench thirst, I boil myself some fresh water from the spring
三径--gardens that seclusive people live in
陶渊明--三径就荒, 松菊犹存
Peer comment(s):

agree jyuan_us
1 day 12 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thank you very much"
2 hrs
Chinese term (edited): ֪��, ����

sleepy, sound sleep



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7 hrs
Chinese term (edited): ֪��, ����

dormant flower

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