Glossary entry

Arabic term or phrase:

رأس قاطر

English translation:

semi-truck / semi-trailer truck

Added to glossary by lhcm
Oct 3, 2007 02:49
16 yrs ago
8 viewers *
Arabic term

رأس قاطر

Arabic to English Other Automotive / Cars & Trucks Towing vehicles
Towing trucks= سيارة شحن قاطرة (in:سيارة شحن قاطرة مع مقطورة)
but what is ment by رأس قاطر in:
رأس قاطر مع نصف مقطورة
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Oct 3, 2007 07:26: lhcm Created KOG entry


Daad Alamawi Kanaan (asker) Oct 3, 2007:
hc_ha, Ali, and the rest of my dearest colleagues.. I guess we all benefited from the discussion. Thank you once again for your dedication in providing the most accurate terms.
lhcm Oct 3, 2007:
أعتقد أن تانك الكلمتان " رأس قاطر" و " نسف مقطورة" مترجمة من الكلمة الانجليزية...بل ترجمة رائعة من حيث استخدام "رأس" ...لأن هذا الرأس لا يكون "جسما كاملا" إلا بالمقطورة"...لا يشحن هذا الرأس بوحده بدون المقطورة... فيصبح شاحنة كاملة هذا الرأس بنصف مقطورة
lhcm Oct 3, 2007:
لرأيت ما هو " رأس قاطر" ...ما هو إلا ذلك القاطر الذي في الشاحنة الخضمة المربوطة بنسف المقطورة..
و شكرا لكم جميعا
lhcm Oct 3, 2007:
إلى الأخي على: السلام عليكم...يا أخي العزيز...أ لم نر نقييد معنى تلك الكلمة في مزيد من المعلومات حول النص المطلوب التي أضافها السائل .... هو " رأس قاطر بمحورين ونصف مقطورة بثلاثة محاور"و هذا" ثانيا.. لو راجعت الرابط الأول الذي في اشتراكي..لرأيت ما هو
Ali Alawadi Oct 3, 2007:
معذرة يا أخت دعد على الخطأ غير المقصود
أهلاً بك أختاً كريمة وزميلة عزيزة بيننا
Daad Alamawi Kanaan (asker) Oct 3, 2007:
:) :)
Daad Alamawi Kanaan (asker) Oct 3, 2007:
شكراً اخ علي ،،،،،،،،،، "أختك"من الاردن دعد
Ali Alawadi Oct 3, 2007:
If the answer selected is what you needed, so case closed!
أطيب أمنياتي بالتوفيق
Ali Alawadi Oct 3, 2007:
يا أخ دعد (وعذراً لو كان نطقي للاسم غير صحيح) ربما بالفعل السؤال لم يورد ما يكفي من الإيضاح. لم أقل إجابة الزميل المختارة خطأ، لأنها ليست خطأ وإنما قلت إنها "غير دقيقة" إذ ما فهمته أنا -وأعتقد بقية الزملاء أيضاً- أنك في حاجة لترجمة كلمة "رأس قاطر" فحسب
Daad Alamawi Kanaan (asker) Oct 3, 2007:
Rest of dear translators Thank you all for your notes and efforts.. I may have not added enough information to my question as I thought the addition of "towing truck" explained the idea.. Now apart from the selected answer, what do you call what is shown in the diagram, cuz this is exactly what am asking about..
Daad Alamawi Kanaan (asker) Oct 3, 2007:
Thank you Ali for your remarks.
Apart from the language issue.. what is the highest driving license category? (apart from agricultural and other work vehicels) The diagram shown expresses what I exactly need. What do you call this? It can't be a tractor as far as what I can see.. what do you think?
Ali Alawadi Oct 3, 2007:
كيف يُسمى "الرأس القاطر" بالانجليزية
semi-truck/semi-trailer truck?
أين هذا وأي مصدر يؤصل هذه التسمية الخطأ؟! الكلمات
semi-truck and semi-trailer truck
كلمات تصف أنواعاً من سيارات الشحن
فكيف استخدم هذا الوصف أو تلك المسميات وأطلقها على الرأس القاطر؟
Ali Alawadi Oct 3, 2007:
سلام عليكم جميعاً
حقيقة لا أعلم كيف أختيرت هذه الإجابة رغم أنها للأسف غير دقيقة
السؤال كان محدداً حول "الرأس القاطر"، وإجابات الزملاء تمحورت حول مسمياته المختلفة.... ثم يتحول إختيار السائل الكريم لإجابة تقدم وصفاً لسيارات الشحن
lhcm Oct 3, 2007:
To Da'd Kan'an: no worries! you are welcome! I think a diagram worths thousand words.
lhcm Oct 3, 2007:
please refer to my post for details
lhcm Oct 3, 2007:
the third one is a huuuuuge truck, in Australia, they call it " Road train" too, it is so long that it looks like a train on the road! the three types of trucks mentioned on that list: 1. light truck 2. medium truck 3. heavy truck
lhcm Oct 3, 2007:
To Da'a Kan'an: the first one on the list, is a small truck without a trailer. it looks like this {---O-----O---}
the second one on the list, is a medium truck {--O----------O---O---}
lhcm Oct 3, 2007:
{--O--O--}----{--O----O----O---} that truck will look like this. the one in the front is semi-truck with two axels, the one at the back is the semi-trailer with 3 axels.
lhcm Oct 3, 2007:
راس قاطر بمحورين ونصف مقطورة بثلاثة محاور
semi-truck with two axels and semi-trailer with three axels
lhcm Oct 3, 2007:
to Da'd kan'an: Yes! you got it! semi-trailer= نصف مقطورة
and I think this arabic word is translated from English. the " niswf" is referring to "semi"..
Daad Alamawi Kanaan (asker) Oct 3, 2007:
semi- trailer is نصف مقطورة ???
Daad Alamawi Kanaan (asker) Oct 3, 2007:
more from the context:
فئة المركبة:
1- سيارة شحن بمحورين
2- قاطرة بمحورين ومقطورة بمحورين
3- راس قاطر بمحورين ونصف مقطورة بثلاثة محاور

Proposed translations

1 hr

semi-truck / semi-trailer truck

Note added at 1 hr (2007-10-03 04:31:31 GMT)

towing engine is part of the semi-truck, referring to the engine designed for towing. if a engine is designed for racing, we call it race engine.

Note added at 1 hr (2007-10-03 04:42:05 GMT)
here are some engines

Note added at 2 hrs (2007-10-03 05:11:58 GMT)

Trackaxle is a re-design of the rear axle set on a semi trailer causing the back end of the trailer to steer itself along a path similar to the prime mover. The prime mover is the front end of the truck consisting of the towing engine, where the driver is seated.
about the towing engine

Note added at 3 hrs (2007-10-03 06:04:00 GMT)

راس قاطر بمحورين ونصف مقطورة بثلاثة محاور
semi-truck with two axels and semi-trailer with three axels
{--O--O--}----{--O----O----O---} that truck will look like this. the one in the front is semi-truck with two axels, the one at the back is the semi-trailer with 3 axels.
سيارة شحن بمحورين
truck with two axels

the first one on the list, is a small truck without a trailer. it looks like this {---O-----O---}

قاطرة بمحورين ومقطورة بمحورين
tractor with two axels and trailer with two = a truck
this second one on the list, is a medium truck

راس قاطر بمحورين ونصف مقطورة بثلاثة محاور
semi-truck with two axels and semi-trailer with three axels
{semi-truck}{semi-trailer }

the third one is a huuuuuge truck, in Australia, if the semi-trailer has so many wheels to make it look like a train, then they call it " Road train" too, it is so long that it looks like a train on the road!
the three types of trucks mentioned on that list: 1. light truck 2. medium truck 3. heavy truck

Note added at 3 hrs (2007-10-03 06:11:14 GMT)

if you see a semi-truck on the road like this

in Arabic, we can say:
راس قاطر بمحورين ونصف مقطورة بسبعة محاور
شكرا للجميع...لقد استفدت منكم كثيرا

Note added at 3 hrs (2007-10-03 06:19:26 GMT)

tractor with two axels and trailer with two = a truck
there is a typing error, the right one should be
tractor with two axels and trailer with two axels = a truck

Note added at 8 hrs (2007-10-03 11:02:15 GMT) Post-grading

{medium truck}~~~{ trailer}

just saw another example on the road, a medium truck towing a trailer ( pls note: it is trailer with 3 axels, not semi-trailer )

Note added at 8 hrs (2007-10-03 11:11:32 GMT) Post-grading

more examples:
Example A
{semi-truck with 3 axles}{semi-trailer with 2 axles}

Example B
{medium truck with 3 axles}~~~{ trailer with two axles}

Note added at 8 hrs (2007-10-03 11:29:09 GMT) Post-grading

A semi-trailer is a trailer without a front axle
looks like this: {---i-------------O---O----}

Peer comment(s):

agree Assem Mazloum : we agree. thank you brother.
14 mins
To brother profi-assem: in her answer, the "semi-trailer "and the "semi-trailer truck" are mixed up by putting them together in one line using "or" to indicate two alternatives of her answer. The header " the towing engine" is incorrect,pls read my post
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you for your veryyyy interesting explanation :) "
39 mins

towing engine / road tractor

Note added at 43 mins (2007-10-03 03:32:42 GMT)

semi-trailer or semi-trailer truck
Peer comment(s):

agree Sajjad Hamadani
12 mins
Thank you
agree Mohamed Mehenoun
32 mins
Thank you
neutral Moe Hassan (X) : Dear ZKT, from the link you posted "A semi-trailer is a trailer without a front axle." which is completely different from "road tractor" or "towing engine"... semi-trailer refers to the trailer not the engine.
38 mins
neutral lhcm : semi-trailer truck = رأس قاطر, but not "semi-trailer= مقطورة". Thanks
47 mins
agree Assem Mazloum : agree
55 mins
Thank you Assem
agree Sahar Moussly
1 hr
Thank you Sahar
agree Ali Alawadi
3 hrs
Thank you Ali
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32 mins

Trailer-less tractor OR Tractor unit OR Bobtail truck

المقصود برأسٍ قاطر هو القاطرة نفسها اللتي تسحب المقطورة (أو نصف مقطورة) و سواقين الشاحنات في أمريكا يسمونه"بوب تيل" أو Bobtail

و سيارة شحن in this context doesn't refer to a "towing truck", it refers to a "tractor unit"

Note added at 1 hr (2007-10-03 04:26:12 GMT)

From Wiki:

Bobtail truck is an informal term for a trailer-less tractor truck (Australian English) or any short (usually less than 40 feet total length) straight truck. It can have a 'box' or flatbed mounted on the extended rail chassis (American English)
Peer comment(s):

agree Assem Mazloum : agree
1 hr
Something went wrong...
1 hr

Tow ball - trailer ball / Tow coupling

الرأس القاطر هو أما تجهيزة القطر أو والصلة نفسها، وإما هو الرأس الكروي في وصلة القطر التي تعلق فيه المقطورة.

أعتقد إن السياق يحدد، ولكن أنا أميل إلى الرأس الكروي.
Something went wrong...
4 hrs

Truck tractor

Truck tractor: motorized wheeled vehicle for towing other vehicles. أي الرأس القاطر/الرأس الجرار

Semitrailer: motorless wheeled vehicle meant to be towed.

Trailer: motorless wheeled vehicle meant to be towed.

Articulated vehicle or road train: highway vehicle comprised of a tractor and two or more truck trailers.

Tank truck: closed tank for liquid.

Check the link please
Peer comment(s):

neutral lhcm : truck tractor can be part of the second type of trucks, medium truck also has a truck tractor ( قاطرة) , while semi-truck (رأس قاطر) only refers to the tractor which is in the third type, the heavy truck.
8 mins
أنا ترجمت الكلمة المطلوبة فقط بالتحديد وهي "الرأس القاطر"، السؤال لم يكن حول أنواع سيارات الشحن كما تفضلت وذكرت في إجابتك، لذا إجابات الزملاء تمحورت حول مسميات "الرأس القاطر" تحديداً.... شكراً جزيلاً
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