Glossary entry

English term or phrase:


Spanish translation:

Trombón, pistón.

Added to glossary by Juan Jacob
May 27, 2004 21:41
20 yrs ago
9 viewers *
English term


May offend English to Spanish Art/Literary Idioms / Maxims / Sayings
Estimados colegas. Una famosa canción de Muddy Waters se intitula "Got my mojo working"... en una escena de una peli que estoy traduciendo, el personaje dice: "Don't ever subestimate the power of my mojo."
OK, sé lo que es, ¿pero qué pondrían exactamente?
Gracias, un Juan ruborizado.


kellyn (X) May 28, 2004:
no subestimes el poder de mi vud�... ??
kellyn (X) May 28, 2004:
quiz�s la sugerencia de alguien que dijo vudu [voodoo] servir�a, entonces, porque ser�a algo inaudito para ellos... ???
kellyn (X) May 28, 2004:
si ya saben que es un viejo rabo verde, entonces porque se quedan pasmados? y adem�s, no piensas que decir 'mi eroticismo' no se sale un poquito de las normas sociales de una cena formal? May 28, 2004:
kellyn: no creo... todos se quedan pasmados cuando el viejo dice "mojo", con cara de sorpresa... evidentemente es una palabra "fuerte", que se sale del contexto de una cena algo formal. Se nota que el viejo es algo "rabo verde" y que le gusta el "uyuyuy", como decimos en M�xico.
kellyn (X) May 28, 2004:
EROTICISMO (i like that)
kellyn (X) May 28, 2004:
seducci�n ... ?? May 28, 2004:
Tienes raz�n, Marijke, ah� les va.
La peli se llama The Repuclic of Love, canadiense. Dice as� el gui�n:
-Viejo: Onion... Will you marry me?
-Su hijo: Clearly, Strom, after all these years, she prefers being your fiance to being your bride.
("fiance": French; meaning 'spouse-to-be')
-Onion: Attached, yet free.
-Viejo: Never underestimate the power of my mojo.

Anotaci�n en el gui�n: ("Mojo": slang meaning 'masculine energy')

Je, je... �le pongo: No subestimes mi energ�a masculina... mi virilidad? Creo que debe ser m�s "expl�cito" y "algo m�s sucio", porque todos los personajes ponen una cara de sorpresa, que ni les cuento...
Marijke Singer May 28, 2004:
�Qu� pel�cula est�s traduciendo? O mejor dicho, �en qu� contexto aparece la palabra? Creo que tu elecci�n depender� mucho del contexto y la audiencia y es mejor que especifiques m�s.
Maria Belarra May 28, 2004:
Juan, PC = pol�ticamente correcto, pero me ha costado un rato :o)))
Maria Belarra May 28, 2004:
Podemos plantear la pregunta de otra forma. El tipo que dice esta frase est� transmitiendo: "soy estupendo, cuidado con mis poderes de seducci�n y mi atractivo sexual porque no vas a poder resistirte.." �C�mo lo dir�ais vosotros dado el caso?
Maria Belarra May 28, 2004:
Para Thierry: �De ninguna manera dejar "mojo"! Para m� "mojo" es una salsa y, si lo pienso un poco, un verso de una canci�n de los Doors, pero en una peli no tienes tiempo de reflexionar... Antes prefiero una traducci�n imperfecta. May 28, 2004:
Thierry: no entiendo tu PC, y ya no entiendo nada. Claro, vuelve a poner tu respuesta, que no te amedrenten los comentarios de DiGa, aunque -y perd�n por no haberlo precisado- necesitar�a una equivalencia para M�xico... aunque tambi�n entiendo perfectamente "polla".
Thierry LOTTE May 27, 2004: May 27, 2004:
Ay, ay, Rosa Mar�a est� complicando las cosas... haciendo que lo vuelva a pensar. Resulta que "got my mojo working" para m� estaba pintado conociendo la lascividad de los bluesmen. Conclusi�n: NO es el miembro, creo que estamos de acuerdo: "atracci�n del pito", "poder del pito", quiz�.
Gabo Pena May 27, 2004:
sometimes perception is weightier than intention
Gabo Pena May 27, 2004:
sometimes perception is weightier than intention
Rosa Maria Duenas Rios (X) May 27, 2004:
Yo creo que SI tiene connotaci�n sexual, por lo menos por el uso que se le da al t�rmino en EU, aunque su origen pueda ser diferente. Podr�a ser "my (sexual) magic", "my powerful (sexual) attraction"; no creo que ni Juan ni Thierry anduvieran tan errados. May 27, 2004:
I indeed agree with Thierry... it was my first thought... Jelly Roll is very clear... but, Thierry, it seems that we are both wrong. It means something like "my magic", "my powerfull attraction" in relation with african religions. Thanks, Thierry.
Thierry LOTTE May 27, 2004:
Ok Dokey - So I will squash my answer because it is not my intention to shock anybody...
But also I was thinking about a lot of "blues" or "stomps" with a lot of "doble sentido"... For instance "Jelly Roll Blues" played by "Jelly Roll" Morton where "jell May 27, 2004:
Gabo Pena May 27, 2004:
check out my latest reference...
Ltemes May 27, 2004:
Gabo Pena May 27, 2004:
jijiji, i'm calm dude... May 27, 2004: May 27, 2004:
DiGa Internatl, thanks, but I think you're going too far in your comments, specially to Thierry. Please, calm down. May 27, 2004:
Henry Hinds May 27, 2004: May 27, 2004:
DiGa Internatl... hum, well, yes, but you are not answering anything... voodoo? What are you talking about? African mythical words... well, OK, explain, please. And I prefer it in Spanish.
Ltemes May 27, 2004:
Gabo Pena May 27, 2004:
Gabo Pena May 27, 2004:
I don't know what Austin was tlaking about but idf you want the meaning that Muddy Waters had in mind it's Voodoo..
Gabo Pena May 27, 2004:
through N'orleans and then disseminated across the black community in the states
Rosa Maria Duenas Rios (X) May 27, 2004:
Gabo Pena May 27, 2004:
It has nothing to do with 'magnetism' these are more primordial ans essential African mythical words filtered down...
Gabo Pena May 27, 2004:
Ltemes is right on the money
Gabo Pena May 27, 2004:
it has nothing to do with male genitalea...!
Gabo Pena May 27, 2004:
Got my mojo working, but it just won't work on you May 27, 2004:
Juan L Lozano May 27, 2004:

Proposed translations

19 hrs

várita mágica

Esta es una de las consultas más divertidas que he visto por aquí; me ha parecido que hay dos elementos claves: algo mágico (vudú, poderes, encantamiento, hechicería...) y la alusión, más o menos sutil al sexo, sex appeal, capacidad de seducción etc., por lo que se me ha ocurrido lo de "varita mágica", no sé, ¿qué os parece? a mí me hace gracia.

Note added at 19 hrs 37 mins (2004-05-28 17:18:31 GMT)

\"No subestimes el poder de mi varita mágica\"...
Peer comment(s):

agree Rosa Maria Duenas Rios (X) : Me parece buenísima, aunque no se si será demasiado "politically correct" para Juan, que creo está buscando algo más fuerte.
1 hr
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2 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Gracias, elere. La verdad, no estoy nada convencido: varita mágica es lindo, pero no bastante "durty". Me decidí por "trombón" y por "pistón". Seguiré investigando. Gracias a todos."
11 mins

magnetismo/encanto personal

Australina slang = magical power; one's essential coolness, personal magnetism, charm.

Note added at 12 mins (2004-05-27 21:53:19 GMT)

I meant \"australian slang\" :-D
Peer comment(s):

neutral Gabo Pena : VODOO!!!--- hoo doo?
2 mins
Well, the song can refer to voodoo but my option can perfectly refer to the character's statement.
agree Marijke Singer : ¡Me gusta 'magnetismo'!
3 mins
Gracias Marijke :-)
agree LCK : también me gusta tu respuesta andrea...:-) "magnetismo"
7 mins
Gracias Lisa ;-) Te mando muchos saludos
agree Maria Belarra : "Magnetismo" es una traducción mucho más bonita pero es infinitamente más culto que "mojo" y resulta poco probable que lo diga un personaje en ese contexto; mejor "no subestimes el poder de mi encanto personal (baby)" :o)
57 mins
Gracias María, a mi me suena bien pero creo que no es la palabra que busca Juan.
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32 mins

Talismán Espiritista

amuleto de los Azzizas y dado a conocer por Legba, gran mensajero de Dios.

Note added at 2004-05-27 22:24:57 (GMT)

Get your mojo working!
You\'ve entered the African American Folk-Magic world of Dr. Kioni.
Dr. Kioni offers spiritual services for people seeking an authentic
hoodoo practitioner, also known as a \"hoodoo doctor\" \"hoodoo man\"
“root worker” and spiritual doctor. Dr. Kioni is a professional
metaphysical consultant who practices hoodoo on behalf of an
international clientele. He is a metaphysical writer, teacher, clairvoyant
and gifted tarot reader. He can advise you in matters of the spirit
realm, the heart, career, relationships, love, money and conjure. If you
suspect your spouse is cheating on you, or feel you are suffering from a
bad luck condition, crossed conditions, unnatural illness, jinxes,
addictions, money and job problems, you should talk to Dr. Kioni.
Dr. Kioni sets lights as a free service; he is happy to add your name
and petition on his altar at your request.

Note added at 2004-05-27 22:28:14 (GMT)

Note added at 2004-05-27 22:31:00 (GMT)

Note added at 2004-05-27 22:32:54 (GMT)

In African-American folk beliefs, especially in the rural U.S. South early in the 20th century, a mojo was a small bag worn by a person under the clothes (also known as a mojo hand). Such bags were thought to have supernatural powers, such as protecting from evil, bringing good luck, etc. The mojo bag usually contained a mix of herbs, powders, sometimes a coin, and other objects thought to promote supernatural action or protection. The use of mojo bags is a characteristic of the southern American magical tradition of hoodoo.

Other names for mojos, or specific types of mojos, include conjure bag, toby, and nation sack.

References to mojos are common in early & mid 20th century rural blues songs. Some of these were blues tunes covered by white rock & roll bands in the 1960s. The tunes thus reached audiences unfamiliar with the rural African-American folk beliefs referred to in the lyrics of the songs. The exposure to uninformed audiences led to misunderstanding and additional uses of the word: usually, to refer to male libido or the penis. This misunderstanding was popularized by Jim Morrison of the Doors, who named himself Mr. Mojo Risin\' --- an anagram of Jim Morrison --- in the song L.A. Woman. This understanding of the word was turned to comedy the 1999 film Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me. Some other slang meanings of mojo in common use include: charm, charisma, karma, cocaine and thing (as in \"Gimme that mojo!\").

Note added at 2004-05-27 22:34:48 (GMT)

the previous reference came from:

Note added at 2004-05-27 22:35:43 (GMT)

Note added at 2004-05-27 22:36:56 (GMT)

Hoodoo Supplies @ New Orleans Mistic Marketplace and Botanica •••
Wiccan, Occult and Pagan Spells and Spell Casting. Use Handcrafted Incense, Ritual Oils, Bath Salts, Massage Oils , Bulk Herbs, Crystals, Stones, Gris Gris...
...Empty 3\" x 4\" Cotton Cloth Bags used for designing your own mojo or gris gris. Available in seen colors. PRICE $1.65 each bag SELECT COLOR...
...These are traditional flannel bags used for constructing mojo hands or gris gris. Available in red flannel or red over black cotton. 3\" x 4\". PRICE...
69% Thu, 04 Dec 2003 17:57:50 GMT

2. Gris Gris Bags @ New Orleans Mistic Marketplace and Botanica •••
Wiccan, Occult and Pagan Spells and Spell Casting. Use Handcrafted Incense, Ritual Oils, Bath Salts, Massage Oils , Bulk Herbs, Crystals, Stones, Gris Gris...
...Root (for men) or Queen Elizabeth Root (for Women), to create a powerful mojo used to seduce. Select your correct situation from the drop down box...
68% Thu, 04 Dec 2003 15:57:56 GMT

3. Mysteria Power Oils @ New Orleans Mistic Marketplace and Botanica •••
Wiccan, Occult and Pagan Spells and Spell Casting. Use Handcrafted Incense, Ritual Oils, Bath Salts, Massage Oils , Bulk Herbs, Crystals, Stones, Gris Gris...
...MOJO PRICE $1.79/ 1/2 oz. bottle TO ORDER--Add this item to your shopping cart. POWER PRICE $1.79/ 1/2 oz. bottle...
68% Thu, 04 Dec 2003 17:42:01 GMT

4. Catholic Supplies at New Orleans Mistic •••
Wiccan, Occult and Pagan Spells and Spell Casting. Use Handcrafted Incense, Ritual Oils, Bath Salts, Massage Oils , Bulk Herbs, Crystals, Stones, Gris Gris...
...Holy Medals for patron saints in pewter. Wear as jewelry or add to charms and mojo bags. Need to put St. Expedite on his head? In the Saint...
68% Fri, 14 Nov 2003 18:42:49 GMT

Note added at 2004-05-27 22:40:39 (GMT)

Note added at 2004-05-27 22:48:46 (GMT)

Voodoo Santeria Hoodoo Books
Voodoo Books and Santeria, Hoodoo and more ... Books of Voodoo, Hoodoo, Santeria, Yoruba and more ... Books of Voodoo, Hoodoo, Santeria, Yoruba and more ...

Note added at 2004-05-27 22:50:42 (GMT)

Note added at 2004-05-27 22:58:38 (GMT)
Peer comment(s):

neutral Maria Belarra : Una de cal y otra de arena: como traducción, no me parece óptima, ¡¡pero la investigación es fantástica!! Con la de veces que he oído "L.A. Woman" preguntándome qué demonios sería el mojo...
40 mins
for the specific word you gonna hafata wait for my album wich has the spanish version of 'gotma mojo whaakin'---=8^D
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11 mins

mágico encanto; poder de duende; embrujo; hechizo

se me ocurre esto.

mojo is a magic spell, hex, or charm; broadly : magical power

when an old blues singer sings of having his mojo working, he means he's likely to be lucky with the ladies tonight. If his baby's got a mojo, it means he's going to remain faithful to her -- can't resist the magic! I believe the first reference to mojo in song came from Muddy Waters, who recorded "The Mojo Blues."

Note added at 12 mins (2004-05-27 21:53:19 GMT)

la referencia del anterior párrafo es:
What\'s a Mojo?
... history. There is one meaning for mojo that appears to be the original
and oldest I can find: A mojo is a voodoo magic charm. It ... - 4k - May 25, 2004 - Cached - Similar pages

Note added at 33 mins (2004-05-27 22:14:38 GMT)

Juan, aquí te paso otra referencia:

From the West African Ki-Kongo language word mojo meaning soul. In the U.S. it has come to mean an object invested with soul power, or spirit power, which thus has the capacity to heal, or especially, to influence, as in Muddy Waters\' cry \"Got my mojo workin\'... but it just don\'t work on you.\"\'

Note added at 34 mins (2004-05-27 22:15:28 GMT)

uy no sé que paso con el enlace que salió super largo. mis disculpas!

Note added at 35 mins (2004-05-27 22:16:10 GMT)

uy no sé que paso con el enlace que salió super largo. mis disculpas!
Peer comment(s):

neutral Juan L Lozano : thank you, very interesting. I didn't have the slightest idea
1 min
sure, no problem.
agree Gabo Pena
2 mins
muchas gracias diga :>)
agree LCK : él ya dijo que era para una traducción de "Muddy Waters" :-)
5 mins
hi Lisa, thanks. that's why I included that precise reference.
agree Rosa Maria Duenas Rios (X)
16 mins
muchas gracias Rosa María y gracias a los demás colegas también.
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1 hr


Sólo es un comentario así que he puesto el nivel de confianza mínimo.

Si la traducción fuera para España, duende sería perfecto: es un estado de inspiración (para el cante y el baile flamenco sobre todo) y de magia sensual o sexual. Lástima que el "duende" nunca esté en posesión de una persona.. flota en el aire..

Peer comment(s):

agree Gabo Pena : I have played the blues for a while and lived in 'n'oleans' so I knew about this way beforetoday, however morrison (whom I went to UCLA with incidentally) I don't think he knew (or cared) about the true meaning of the word.
11 mins
"Duende" is a flamenco word, it really has nothing to do with blues.. anthough musicians say blues and flamenco have the same spirit, they are as cousin and cousin.
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11 mins

Mi polla

Dado que mi "piruli" would sound a little bit wishy washy or ridiculous, no ??
But I think that "polla" is a little bit "strong" in spanish.

What about "mi instrumento"

Note added at 34 mins (2004-05-27 22:15:51 GMT)

Not a synonymous of \"jelly roll\" ? in \"Jive\" ?

Note added at 2 hrs 21 mins (2004-05-28 00:02:30 GMT)

Sea traducirlo de manera un pillin vulgar, sea dejarlo sin traducir como era - quizas - la intención de Muddy Waters...

Note added at 2 hrs 27 mins (2004-05-28 00:08:51 GMT)

Despues de todo, quizas seria mejor de no traducirlo y dejarlo asi \"Mojo\" : el publico lo vera como una indirecta claramente sexual (lo que pienso que es... pero, como muchas veces en la letra de los \"Blues\", tratando de sobrepasar la \"censura\" de los \"ofays\" [white men in the roaring fifties\' Jive] and nothing more...).

Peer comment(s):

disagree Gabo Pena : no dude it ain't about that...
1 min
neutral Maria Belarra : Si le dices a cualquier mujer "No subestimes el poder de mi polla", saldrá corriendo... "Mi instrumento" no está mal (es una insinuación sexual clarísma y bueno, es una referencia musical, por el viejo Muddy) pero se pierde la connotación mágica...
2 hrs
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2 hrs

pegue. 'tiene pegue con las mujeres'

Tiene pegue. una respuesta de una sola palabra (bueno, dos)

Note added at 2 hrs 34 mins (2004-05-28 00:15:39 GMT)

Oh! acabo de leer todo el montón de comentarios chiquitos adjuntos a la pregunta, y vi que tú mismo, Juan, ya propusiste la palabra \'pegue.\' No fue mi intención copiar. Esta fue mi respuesta inmediata sacada de mi propia inspiración, con base en mi comprensión de la palabra \'mojo\' y con base en las palabras que he escuchado en Mexico.

Note added at 3 hrs 30 mins (2004-05-28 01:11:55 GMT)

Given the context:

mi eroticismo
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13 mins


Hola Juan,

Ayer le tuve que explicar a mi hija de 10 lo que era mojo, ¡qué casualidad!

Mira que mojo no es necesariamente lo que piensas. El diccionario Oxford pone:
mojo /"m@UdZ@U/
· n. (pl. mojos) chiefly US a magic charm or spell. Ø magic.
– ORIGIN C20: prob. of Afr. origin; cf. Gullah moco ‘witchcraft’.

Sí, en la película (¿Austin Powers?) tiene un significado sexual pero ...

Ver sitios web:
"Una vez allí, se alza con el mojo del protagonista, que es algo así como la esencia de su carisma"
"su fuerza vital"

Note added at 4 hrs 4 mins (2004-05-28 01:45:11 GMT)

Al leer tus comentarios se me ocurrió que en tu película \'mojo\' es un sinónimo de \'sexual potency\' (potencia sexual) con algo agregado. Quizás tendrías que cambiar todo lo que dice (Never underestimate the power of my mojo) y poner algo como:
Mira que me las ligo/tiro por todos lados (o el equivalente para tu país)

Peer comment(s):

neutral Gabo Pena : VOODOO!!!
1 min
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