Jun 22 15:14
4 mos ago
32 viewers *
Spanish term


Spanish to English Other Meteorology
This is the opening sentance of a literary description of an Argentine painter. The scene takes place in Uruguay, on the beach

Algunas noches sopla el terral y los postigos golpean contra los muros encalados.

I know it is a kind of wind. What matters here is more the tone than the technical accuracy. "A sea breeze"?
Change log

Jun 22, 2024 23:47: philgoddard changed "Field" from "Art/Literary" to "Other"

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Non-PRO (2): Peter Guest, Adoración Bodoque Martínez

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philgoddard Jun 23:
I agree And many people won't have heard of a land breeze - I hadn't. "Sea breeze" is commonly used to refer to any coastal wind, regardless of direction.
Sakshi Garg Jun 22:
Technically, this should be "Land breeze" but "Sea breeze" is more poetic and evocative.

Proposed translations

2 hrs

land breeze

Good heavens. It really doesn't take much effort to find this you know.
Peer comment(s):

agree ormiston : Sounds good. With thanks to Sakshi too.
1 hr
agree slothm
7 hrs
neutral Jennifer Levey : Technically correct, of course. But Asker says "What matters here is more the tone than the technical accuracy."
7 hrs
And stylistically. The author went to the trouble of saying that it is the land breeze, not the sea breeze or the breeze.
agree liz askew : Why do some translators want to change what is in front of them/the source? https://www.dictionary.com/browse/land-breeze
20 hrs
agree Daniel Hall
21 hrs
agree Adoración Bodoque Martínez
1 day 17 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
15 mins

terral / earthy

On the contrary, the terral wind originates far from the sea, in the interior of the country, and flows towards the ocean.
I would leave the word terral as it is. Earthy is a possible translation.
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1 hr

sea-bound breeze

Nov 21, 2016 — A gentle sea bound breeze escorts itself down the dirt road—overgrown weeds lining the perimeter—past abandoned houses awaiting summer—wild ...

Mar 25, 2019 — A cool sea-bound breeze tickled his hair on its way towards the ocean. Despite himself, he found a content smile on his face. He might've ...

Feb 17, 2021 — A sea-bound breeze once told me this world was an oyster's Aroma wofting over a rusted dock on the shore of this way or that. The rust ...
Peer comment(s):

disagree liz askew : https://www.javatpoint.com/land-breeze-vs-sea-breeze
21 hrs
agree philgoddard : Just to counteract the disagree - this is a perfectly good answer, with references.
1 day 16 hrs
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Reference comments

23 hrs



We all need educating! Why doesn't everybody just do more research instead of thinking we know everything off the top of our heads!
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