Jun 17 14:40
5 mos ago
26 viewers *
Italian term

Orario di entrata/uscita

Non-PRO Italian to English Other Education / Pedagogy
L'orario di uscita dalla scuola è dalle... alle...

Capisco che possa essere banale come domanda, ma vedo diverse possibili soluzioni: hours/time, leaving/exit/departure. E non so cosa scegliere.


Lara Barnett Jun 21:
Re BdiL But we still hardly ever say "enter" and "exit" school, unless we are being physically descriptive and talking about somebodies physical movements, such as "he entered the school building before me...." (just an example"). In other situation we would say "went" to school or "left" school/college.
Logic does not always correspond to native usage - that is not a war, its simply a case of usage.
BdiL Jun 21:
Cercate davvero la risposta? L'osservazione più sensata l'ha fatta Janice Griffin. Se non si capisce che in Italia non si può entrare (e neppure uscire) di scuola prima di un certo orario (hours?) si è fuori strada. A questo punto la risposta di Sakshi Garg è pienamente LOGICA. Il resto sono discussioni di lana caprina. Whether kids are walking to school or being dropped off, if they reach school at 8 they will have to wait until 8:10 to ENTER the school (and 8:15 for lessons to START). So much for KudoZ...IMHO. But I venture not to attempt an answer. Too many wars around already. Maurice
Janice Giffin Jun 18:
Many Italian schools (especially secondary) distinguish between students' entry into school/class and the beginning of the lesson.
"l’orario di ingresso è fissato alle ore 8:10 e quello di inizio delle lezioni alle ore 8:15, mentre l’orario di uscita è alle 13:15 ..."
philgoddard Jun 17:
I don't understand the context. Your question header doesn't match the text, and if it's the 'orario di uscita', why does it last from X to Y?

Proposed translations

1 hr

Entry/Exit Hours

Peer comment(s):

disagree Lara Barnett : These are not the terms we use in educational establshments for this meaning.
4 hrs
Something went wrong...
3 hrs

drop-off/pick-up times

The phrasing depends on the context, of course. I presume with the flexible times we're talking about younger kids, maybe preschool age? I'd be tempted to say something like "Pupils can be dropped off between ... / picked up between ... and ..."
Peer comment(s):

neutral philgoddard : Yes, this could be the answer. Perhaps Federico could clarify what the Italian says. And of course your suggestion works only if the kids don't walk to school on their own.
13 hrs
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5 hrs

Start and Finish times

We do no know the context, but this is the terminology used for schools/colleges, to describe the beginning and ending of the educational day.
Example sentence:

What time do schools START and FINISH in the UK?

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30 days

School opening and closing times

Clearly "open " to students

Note added at 30 giorni (2024-07-18 12:06:22 GMT)

Opening and dismissal US
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