Jun 10 11:31
3 mos ago
37 viewers *
English term


English Social Sciences Idioms / Maxims / Sayings hyperscanning applied to psychotherapy
Dear colleagues,
I’m not sure about how to interpret this “idiomatic” usage of the verb “download” in the following passage about the possible advantages of hyperscanning technology for studying the effectiveness of psychotherapy.
I think I've grasped the overall meaning of ”helping clients to acquire higher complexity”, but I was wondering whether there is a subtler nuance of meaning implied in the choice of this verb.
The sentence is at the end of the passage and the inverted commas are by the author.
Thank you so much for your help and patience!


As hyperscanning technology gets applied to the exquisite intimacy of psychotherapists engaged with patients during highly charged emotional moments, imagine the possibilities for capturing those unpredictable, spontaneous moments of meeting in psychotherapy. We might finally be able to operationalize the subtle and complex realms in which clinical intuition operates. Indeed, the degree and quality of interbrain resonances might one day serve as a sensitive gauge of effective psychotherapy. Hyperscanning techniques offer possibilities for illuminating bottom-up, spontaneous emergence, while lending a unique neural stamp for each idiosyncratic therapeutic dyad during each novel moment. Perhaps one day we will literally visualize the containing and germinating functions of psychotherapists. And if deep empathy includes anticipating the brain frequencies of patients, physical evidence may soon be available for how psychoanalysts succeed in *** “downloading” higher complexity into the psyches of patients. ***


haribert (asker) Jun 13:
Dear Daryo, you were right! The author has answered to a question asked by a friend of mine, who has found the same sentence with “downloading” in the same context in an article written by the same author some years ago. I’m sorry it’s a bit confusing...
Anyway, the author told my friend that, in writing “downloading higher complexity”, she was referring to the concepts of complexity theory: she wanted to say that therapists try to help clients achieve structurally higher levels of complexity.
So, Daryo, your interpretation was right!
Thank you so much, for your contribution!
haribert (asker) Jun 12:
Thank you very much, Daryo, for your analysis! I've tried to contact the author in the meanwhile... if she answers, I'll let you know.
Have a nice evening!
Daryo Jun 12:
It changes nothing to my explanation it only adds that the "deep empathy" felt by the psychoanalyst helps in obtaining better results, which results can be verified on the spot through the reading generated by hyperscanning used as control feedback.

IOW those who have "empathy" instinctively know how to approach the patient (i.e. know "what is best to download") to obtain a desirable result.

The "empathy" helps selecting the most effective "content to be downloaded", but it plays a role only in the step before the "download" itself.

Empathy or no empathy makes no difference in how the next step operates: "download (of the chosen content)" and immediate control feedback through hyperscanning of patient's brain.

If the "downloaded content" happened to be useless or counterproductive, the "operating mode" described in

"physical evidence may soon be available for how psychoanalysts succeed in *** “downloading” ..."

would still be exactly same: "download" followed by control feedback.

In the same way the empathy of the listeners wouldn't change the described "download/control feedback" mechanism, only the results / the feedback that would be transmitted through it.
haribert (asker) Jun 11:
Daryo, I see what you mean and as I said, this was also my initial interpretation, too. But the sentence begins with: "And if deep empathy includes anticipating the brain frequencies of patients," and continues with the other part "physical evidence may soon be available for how psychoanalysts succeed in “downloading” higher complexity into the psyches of patients": If there were no reference to empathy right before the part with "download", maybe the sentence would be less ambiguous.... Empathy involves deeply understanding someone...: how would it relate to "transferring" something into another person?
I guess this passage may be related to a study the author described earlier, about "anticipating the brains" :
"Remarkably, in response to the same story, those listeners who displayed the greatest understanding of all revealed areas of neural resonance that actually *** anticipated the brains of speakers. **
During excellent communication, not only do we follow the words of other people, but we also tune into every nuance so as to forecast what is to come.
Thank you very much for this useful exchange!
Daryo Jun 11:
Never mind what was said elsewhere in this text unless you start stretching the meaning of words beyond breaking point, this sentence

physical evidence may soon be available how psychoanalysts succeed in “downloading” higher complexity into the psyches of patients.

can only be about evaluating how successful was a "transfer" of some OUTPUT from the psychoanalyst (that becomes an INPUT for the patient, i.e. "downloaded" in the patient's brain) by obtaining some physical evidence about the effects on the recipient of that transfer.

This physical evidence being possibly obtained with the help of this new gizmo called hyperscanning that could provide some information in the opposite direction - from the patient's brain to the psychoanalyst.


8 hrs
English term (edited): psychoanalysts ..."downloading" ... into the psyches of patients

psychoanalysts ..."implanting" ... into the psyches of patients

This "downloading" is a transfer from the psychoanalyst to the patient's brain.

It's a kind of analogy with "downloading" a better software into a computer. Only in this ST it's the psychoanalyst who is "downloading" the higher complexity (whatever is meant by that) into the patient's brain.

It surely is one way of seeing what is the job of a psychoanalyst: "downloading better operating instructions" into the patient's brain. Outside of the IT jargon, that would be called "implanting" new thoughts / a new mindset.

how psychoanalysts succeed in "downloading" higher complexity into the psyches of patients
how psychoanalysts succeed in "implanting” higher complexity into the psyches of patients

The point is in the psychoanalyst putting into the psyche of the patient something that wasn't there before the psychoanalyst's intervention.

"implanting" a new mindset would be another way of expressing it.

This hyperscanning of the patient's brain activity would be used as a control feedback - to check in real time if this "downloading" from the psychoanalyst to the patient's brain has produced any positive results.

Note from asker:
Thank you very much, Daryo, for your contribution! Actually, this was my initial interpretation, too! But now I have some doubt... because, the text says "deep empathy" at the beginning, and empathy is about understanding another person...so in a sense "knowing her deeply"...acquiring detailed information about her... I do wish the author were a bit more explicit...
Peer comment(s):

agree Mohammad Kashif Khalid
5 days
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you so much, Daryo, for your help and, above all, for your patience! As I say in the Discussion, in writing “downloading higher complexity”, the author was referring to the concepts of complexity theory: she wanted to say that therapists try to help clients achieve structurally higher levels of complexity."
1 hr

Acquiring information from digital devices

Is a term used to refer on a process of acquiring/exctracting information from a digital machine.

As hyperscanning is a digital endeavour, the process of extracting data from the devices, the data that can provide insights on the psyches of patients is what is referred to as download
Example sentence:

physical evidence may soon be available for how psychoanalysts succeed in *** “downloading” higher complexity into the psyches of patients. ***

physical evidence may soon be available for how psychoanalysts succeed in obtaining higher complexity information into the psyches of patients.

Note from asker:
Thank you so much, Sebastian, for your help!
Peer comment(s):

disagree Daryo : Context? Since when psychoanalysts or patients are digital devices? More important, this "downloading" is happening the other way round - not from the patient but from the psychoanalyst into the patient.
5 hrs
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