Glossary entry

Romanian term or phrase:

termen (al recidivei post-condamnatorii)

English translation:

first term (of the post-conviction relapse)

Added to glossary by Mara Cojocaru
May 28 09:00
5 mos ago
12 viewers *
Romanian term

termen (al recidivei post-condamnatorii)

Romanian to English Law/Patents Law (general)
Stabilește că în aplicarea dispozițiilor art. 5 din Codul penal, conform Deciziei nr. 265/2014 a Curții Constituționale, în cazul pluralității de infracțiuni constând într-o infracțiune pentru care, potrivit Codului penal anterior, a fost aplicată, printr-o hotărâre definitivă, o pedeapsă cu suspendarea condiționată a executării care, conform art. 41 alin. (1) din Codul penal, nu îndeplinește condițiile pentru a constitui primul termen al recidivei postcondamnatorii și, respectiv, o infracțiune săvârșită în termenul de încercare, pentru care legea penală mai favorabilă este legea nouă, stabilirea și executarea pedepsei, în urma revocării suspendării condiționate, se realizează potrivit dispozițiilor art. 15 alin. (2) din Legea nr. 187/2012 pentru punerea în aplicare a Legii nr. 286/2009 privind Codul penal raportat la art. 83 alin. 1 din Codul penal anterior.


Lara Barnett Jun 5:
@ Simon - maintaining correct glossay entries I was NOT making a point about who had received the chosen answer.
The issue here is that if you post a whole paragraph of supposed translation into English, and display it for, not only the benefit of the Asker, but also for the benefit of future kudoz users, who may not have a lot of experience, then, any errors, whether they be grammatical, terminological or based on current usage, will be taken as a correct example of English-UK or English-US, or whatever else it claims to be. Ultimately, this leads to misinformation and misguidance for new translators, or for inexperienced Proz users, who would potentially produce incorrect professional translation work or continue adding incorrect English usage into the the Kudoz glossaries.
Kudoz glossaries are intended to help translators in their future work, they are not only here for adding our own translation points to our profiles. I can assure you that, especially in Romanian to English glossaries, there is a highly signification proportion of incorrect, or badly expressed, phrases or terms that have been accepted, agreed or awarded points by unwitting translators, who have a right to be given the correct answers in their searches.

Proposed translations

11 hrs

first term (of the post-conviction relapse)

It establishes that in the application of the provisions of Article 5 of the Criminal Code, according to Decision no. 265/2014 of the Constitutional Court, in the case of plurality of offences consisting of a crime for which, according to the previous Criminal Code, a penalty with conditional suspension of execution was applied by a final judgment, which, according to Article 41 (1) of the Criminal Code, was applied, it does not meet the conditions to constitute the = first term = of the post-conviction relapse and, respectively, an offense committed within the trial period, for which the more favorable criminal law is the new law, the establishment and execution of the penalty, and, following the revocation of the conditional suspension, it is performed according to the provisions of Article 15 (2) of Law no. 187/2012 for the implementation of Law no. 286/2009 On the Criminal Code reported in Article 83 paragraph 1 of the previous penal code.
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Peer comment(s):

agree Liviu-Lee Roth : Just keep consistency - "Criminal Code"
12 mins
Thank you Liviu, you are right about keeping consistency.
neutral Lara Barnett : ....if this is a US language var., because in UK dialect most of this would sound odd, for various terminological and gramm. reasons./// That was not the reason for my comment - read discussion pst- YOU attempted to translate the PARA., not just the term!
7 days
I am aware of the differences between US and UK English, but it is the asker who has to specify, and ultimately chose the answer.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you!"
1 hr

first stage trial.... (against the repeat offender/reoffending party)

This would be stated in these kind of terms in English:
"Does not satisfy the conditions for holding a first stage trial to determine a judgement (sentence) against the reoffending party (repeat offender)."

This is a loose idea, but the key terms to be used and incorporated into the English target text would be:

First trial (Primul termen)
Reoffence (Recidivă)
Repeat offender/Reoffender (recidivist)
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5 hrs
Romanian term (edited): primul termen (al recidivei post-condamnatorii)

the initial window of time (of post-conviction re-offending)

stabilirea și executarea pedepsei, în urma revocării suspendării condiționate : setting/ fixing and serving of the sentence, pursuant to setting aside the suspended (Scots law: deferred) sentence vs. deferred judgment in E&W meaning postponing the date of sentencing.

NB first conviction and then sentencing - two different appeal stages in most countries.

Otherwise, first criminal hearing date vs. civil-case return date.
Example sentence:

TIMED RECIDIVISM: According to Stansfield and Williams (2014), the first 200 days is a key window for re-offending (regarding specifically domestic violence),

Suspended sentences are custodial sentences where the offender does not have to go to prison provided that they commit no further offences and comply with any requirements imposed.

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