Mar 13 10:51
8 mos ago
19 viewers *
Spanish term

Valores básicos normales

Spanish to English Tech/Engineering Engineering (general) Metrology
Hi, I'd really appreciate your help with this term 'valores básicos normales'. thanks in advance.
Proposed translations (English)
4 +3 Basic normal values
Votes to reclassify question as PRO/non-PRO:

Non-PRO (2): Toni Castano, Eileen Brophy

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Proposed translations

27 mins

Basic normal values

As in your previous query from the same context, perhaps a literal translation will suffice. Sometimes it appears as "basic normal/normal basic values"
Another option, as in the previous query, could be "standard values" (basic standard values)
Example sentence:

Hence, basic normal values are considered a prerequisite for any Electrodiagnostic study...

Note from asker:
Thanks for your suggestion, but in terms of standards, which this section is about, I think the term is more specific and might be something alone the lines of 'preferred basic numbers/values', but I'm not entirely sure and just wondered if anyone knows the correct term. Thanks again for your comments.
For example: The Preferred Series Number is a designed machine component that needs standardization to avoid variations.
Thank you both for your comments. As I say, I'm not sure and will think about it, but greatly appreciate your suggestions.
Peer comment(s):

agree Toni Castano : Agree (but Non-PRO, IMO).
2 mins
Asker doesn't like it. Heigh_ho...
agree Eileen Brophy : I say the same as Toni Castano, Agree but Definately Non-PRO!!
56 mins
Asker thinks it's more complicated/specific. I don't really know about that :)
agree Carlos Segura
1 day 14 hrs
Something went wrong...
1 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you all for taking the time to make comments on this term. I realise it looks easy to translate, but in metrology there is another term, 'preferred numbers' which refers specifically to standards, the subject in question here. 'Preferred numbers' can be translated as 'valores normales'. That's why I didn't think a literal translation was the best choice in this case. Thanks once again, your input has been greatly appreciated."
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