Dec 8, 2023 08:02
9 mos ago
9 viewers *
Albanian term

special education eligibility

Albanian to English Law/Patents Law (general) Enumeration Manual
You have the right to review and/or copy your child's school student records prior to any special education eligibility or IEP meeting.


Iliana2010 Dec 16, 2023:
Explanation on the Disagree/Agree - Part 2 This format here is priceless and contributes volumes to improving the "poor translations" that are out there for Albanian (which sometimes are outrageous).

To my understanding the purpose of this platform is to contribute to the evolution of the language without affecting its identity.

Unfortunately, the poor translations made over the past years in Albanian overlook the grammatical/linguistic rules of the language, are full of borrowed terms, or poorly adapted terms, etc. etc, and all these to such extent that sometimes convey a totaly different meaning or are totally difficlt to understand.

Personally I believe that platforms like this stand for the best of options to help Albanian being convveyed just right (and not fight with each other over who is right and who is wrong).

Iliana2010 Dec 16, 2023:
Explanation on the Disagree/Agree - Part 1 I am taking the opportunity to explain my point of view here due to the limited number of words one can use when disagreeing in the explanation box under each answer.

Dear Klementina,
With all due respect to your contributions here and the work you do on daily basis, including the expertise you have gained in the field, this is simply about the legal meaning of the term when used in Albanian.
As I added already in my explanation, by definition eligibility means: the state of having the right to do or obtain something through satisfaction of the appropriate conditions.
In Albanian, 'eligibility' is usually translated as:
e drejta për + folje
whereas the verb may be different depending on the context. Thus, the challenge here is to find the best VERB that comes after "e drejta për të ..".
There is no doubt that it is a right (as Yourself and Myself too have suggested already), but in this context it is a right to 'be part of the program'. In other words, to meet the criteria to do so.
On a side note, it is worth noting that I DON'T do this for points and disagreeing over someone's disagreement with no linguistic explanation does not help the Asker that is the main purpose here

Proposed translations

4 days

kualifikimi për edukimin special (të nxënësve me aftësi ndryshe)

every student should fall under certain criteria to be *eligible* for special education, thus discussed in the meeting mentioned. Depending on the reviews results, the child is placed in a special education program
Peer comment(s):

agree Iliana2010 : This seems to me as the best choice, however 'edukim' does not sound right (perhaps 'arsim'/ 'program arsimor' (in Albanian, 'edukim' is different from 'arsim'
3 days 12 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
19 mins

e drejta e pranimit në programe arsimore për persona me nevoja të veçanta

In Albanian, 'eligibility' is the right to (verb: usually përfituar).
In this context, 'përfitimi' has to be adapted to the practical procedure thatbis required.

The end result is this long auggestion but if try to shorten it, I would risk conveying the wrong meaning.
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18 hrs

E drejta e studentit me aftësi të kufizuara

In the sentence it talks about the right of special need student to review the Individual Education Plan. ( e drejta e studentit me aftësi të kufizuara për te ......)
Peer comment(s):

disagree Iliana2010 : Eligibility: the state of having the right to do or obtain something through satisfaction of the appropriate conditions. Actually it talks about the right to request a review prior to... Thus, eligibility implies the criteria for approval - NOT the right
2 days 9 hrs
Absolutely, I disagree with you. I deal with this process almost every week since I work with inclusion class that includes special need students.
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3 days 20 hrs

nevoja të veçanta arsimore

The sentence could be refined as follows: The priority is to thoroughly review the child's school student records before the meeting to determine whether the child has any specific requirements, special needs, or IEP.
Example sentence:

You have the right to review and/or copy your child's school student records prior to any special education eligibility or IEP meeting.

Ju keni të drejtën të rishikoni dhe/ose të krijoni nje kopje të te dhënave studentore së fëmijës suaj përpara çdo takimi për nevojave të veçanta arsimore ose IEP.

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