Mar 6, 2023 14:15
1 yr ago
30 viewers *
Spanish term
R.C.D / R.C.S.
Spanish to English
Law (general)
Trial record
Heading of a trial record. It's a list:
Magistrado juez:
- Acusación particular D/Dña:
- Defensa D/Dña:
- R.C.D. D/Dña:
- R.C.S. D/Dña:
Maybe I should ask a question for each term but I think they are very related and it might help work out the meaning...
Thank you in advance
Magistrado juez:
- Acusación particular D/Dña:
- Defensa D/Dña:
- R.C.D. D/Dña:
- R.C.S. D/Dña:
Maybe I should ask a question for each term but I think they are very related and it might help work out the meaning...
Thank you in advance
Proposed translations
3 +1 | primarily liable party / secondarily liable party (under civil law) | Marie Wilson |
Proposed translations
17 hrs
primarily liable party / secondarily liable party (under civil law)
RCD = responsable civil directo, and RCS = responsable civil subsidiaria
Responsable civil directo en el proceso penal
El primer responsable civil directo es el propio acusado en su condición de autor o partícipe en el delito
Responsable civil subsidiario en el proceso penal
Es aquella persona que siendo también ajeno al hecho punible, va a responder en defecto del autor de las consecuencias de naturaleza patrimonial derivadas del delito.
What is primary liable and secondary liable?
Primary liability refers to an obligation for which a party is directly responsible. Secondary liability, on the other hand, refers to an obligation that is the responsibility of another party if the party that is directly responsible fails to satisfy the obligation.
Primary Liability | Wex - Law.Cornell.Edu
I've seen "vicarious" suggested, but most examples I've found are to do with insurance companies, so maybe it depends on context.
Se declara la RCS de CAOLESA SL y la RCD de la cia. aseguradora AXA SEGUROS SA.
Responsable civil directo en el proceso penal
El primer responsable civil directo es el propio acusado en su condición de autor o partícipe en el delito
Responsable civil subsidiario en el proceso penal
Es aquella persona que siendo también ajeno al hecho punible, va a responder en defecto del autor de las consecuencias de naturaleza patrimonial derivadas del delito.
What is primary liable and secondary liable?
Primary liability refers to an obligation for which a party is directly responsible. Secondary liability, on the other hand, refers to an obligation that is the responsibility of another party if the party that is directly responsible fails to satisfy the obligation.
Primary Liability | Wex - Law.Cornell.Edu
I've seen "vicarious" suggested, but most examples I've found are to do with insurance companies, so maybe it depends on context.
Se declara la RCS de CAOLESA SL y la RCD de la cia. aseguradora AXA SEGUROS SA.
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Thank you!"
Marie, would you like to post it as an answer so that I can award you the points?
The two acronyms stand for respectively “responsable civil directo” (RCD) and “responsable civil subsidiario” (RCS), which translates into English, also respectively, as “first/direct liable person” and “subsidiary or vicarious liable person”. Certainly, both acronyms can also mean “responsabilidad civil directa” and “responsabildiad civil subsidiaria”, but the change in meaning is nonexistant.
This is most likely a criminal case where the judge has to determine the civil liability derived from the criminal wrongdoings committed. In this respect, it is advisable to take a look at artículo 116 of the Spanish Criminal Code, which reads as follows:
De las personas civilmente responsables
Artículo 116.
1. Toda persona criminalmente responsable de un delito lo es también civilmente si del hecho se derivaren daños o perjuicios. Si son dos o más los responsables de un delito los jueces o tribunales señalarán la cuota de que deba responder cada uno.
Se declara la RCS de CAOLESA SL y la RCD de la cia. aseguradora AXA SEGUROS SA
1 Responsable civil directo en el proceso penal
2 Responsable civil subsidiario en el proceso penal
This is important context, please answer