Jan 15, 2023 13:12
1 yr ago
7 viewers *
English term

code buddying

English to Chinese Tech/Engineering IT (Information Technology) security
Implementing secure development practices such as secure coding guidelines, code review and code buddying
Proposed translations (Chinese)
3 结对编


Tomasso Jan 16, 2023:
Twinning, https://blog.codinghorror.com/whos-your-coding-buddy/ Who's Your Coding Buddy?
I am continually amazed how much better my code becomes after I've had a peer look at it. I don't mean a formal review in a meeting room, or making my code open to anonymous public scrutiny on the internet, or some kind of onerous pair programming regime. Just one brief attempt at explaining and showing my code to a fellow programmer – that's usually all it takes.

Proposed translations

12 hrs


结对编 zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/ 结对编程(英語:Pair programming)是一种敏捷软件开发的方法,两个程序员在一个计算机上共同工作。一个人输入代码,而另一个人审查他输入的每一行代码。输入代码的人称作驾驶员,审查代码的人称作观察员(或导航员)[1]。两个程序员经常互换角色。

在结对编程中,观察员同时考虑工作的战略性方向,提出改进的意见,或将来可能出现的问题以便处理。这样使得驾驶者可以集中全部注意力在完成当前任务的“战术”方面。观察员当作安全网和指南。结对编程对开发程序有很多好处。比如增加纪律性,写出更好的代码等。/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pair_programming (content similar but not the same)
Although pair programmers may complete a task faster than a solo programmer, the total number of person-hours increases.[2] A manager would have to balance faster completion of the work and reduced testing and debugging time against the higher cost of coding. The relative weight of these factors can vary by project and task.

The benefit of pairing is greatest on tasks that the programmers do not fully understand before they begin: that is, challenging tasks that call for creativity and sophistication, and for novices as compared to experts.[2] Pair programming could be helpful for attaining high quality and correctness on complex programming tasks, but it would also increase the development effort (cost) significantly.[7]

Note added at 12 hrs (2023-01-16 01:59:22 GMT)

links https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/结对编程
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