Glossary entry

Romanian term or phrase:

memoriu dezvoltator

English translation:

Position statement or case summaries

Added to glossary by Mihaela C N Plamadeala
Dec 1, 2022 07:39
1 yr ago
18 viewers *
Romanian term


Romanian to English Law/Patents Law: Contract(s)
Este vorba de un dosar de arbitraj de la Curtea Internationala de Arbitraj si chiar la inceput, supa precizarea reclamantei si paratei, apare acest "Memoriu Dezvoltator", care este urmat apoi de Cuprins, Abrevieri, Definitii, Sumarul situatiei de fapt, etc.. Dar nu am mai intalnit aceasta sintagma. Ma gandeam ca ideea ar fi de "Statement of case"?? Multumesc anticipat!
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Dec 2, 2022 19:01: Mihaela C N Plamadeala Created KOG entry


Mihaela C N Plamadeala Dec 1, 2022:
memorandum Cu placere, ma bucur ca ti-a fost de folos. Brainstorming is very useful. Uite asa o idee genereaza o alta idee..
nepomuceno carmen (asker) Dec 1, 2022:
Revin cu o clarificare. Tocmai am gasit in limba engleza, documentele "Memorandum for Claimant", "Memorandum for Respondent". Asadar, biroul de avocatura angajat de fiecare parte, intocmeste acest memoriu si il depune la Curtea de Arbitraj. Prin urmare denumirea este, intr-adevar "Memorandum" cu specificarea partii care il formuleaza. Inca o data, multumesc mult pentru toate sugestiile si link-urile!
GGruia Dec 1, 2022:
Case details memo ?
A se vedea regulile de procedura arbitrala pentru memoriu dezvoltator.

Proposed translations

1 hr

Position statement or case summaries

In linkul atasat apare definitia asta: "9. memoriu – actul de procedură prin care părțile dezvoltă pretențiile sau apărările proprii, întocmit la cererea tribunalului arbitral sau la solicitarea părților și cu aprobarea tribunalului arbitral;"

Echivalentul în engleza ar fi position statements, vezi al doilea link atasat, care are următoarea descriere:
"Often in a commercial mediation, the mediator will ask the parties to exchange position statements (or ‘case summaries’) a week or so in advance of the mediation date. These position statements are also provided to the mediator. Position statements are written summaries of the each party’s view on the case when entering into mediation."
Note from asker:
Pe site-ul CCIR, Regulile de procedură arbitrală, Art. 32 stipuleaza: "(...) reclamantul va depune, în măsura în care este necesar (!), un memoriu care va include, cu excepția cazului în care aceste elemente au fost menționate dezvoltate anterior: (...)". Eu inteleg de aici ca acest memoriu nu este obligatoriu, deci nu se aplica tuturor cazurilor, decat in masura in care este necesar. Pe site-ul Curtii Europene de Arbitraj, nu se mentioneaza nimic de acest Memorandum decat de "Request for Arbitration" si "Statement of Defence", de care stiam de altfel. Insa am observat ca pe site-ul CCIR, la varianta in EN a Art. 32, termenul este tradus ca "Memorandum": (...) the claimant shall submit, if necessary, a memorandum that shall include, except for the case where these items have been presented in prior submissions (...)". Deci eu as inclina sa folosesc acest termen simplu, "Memorandum" fiindca daca ar fi avut alta denumire, ar fi aparut ca atare in varianta in EN a paginii CCIR. Multumesc pentru toate sugestiile, ambele pareri mi-au fost de ajutor!
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12 hrs

course of the request for arbitration

Statement of case (claim put in the by the plaintiff/ claimant or defence entered by the defendant, pre-Lord Woolf civil justice 'reforms' in 1998) is, in England & Wales, more to do with non-arbitral litigation. The parties to arbitration otherwise are called applicant /claimant vs. defendant or respondent.

Here I am thinking that the memoriu means the application for arbitration vs. arbitral reference where the parties agree on the terms of reference.

BTW, the franglais of 'Memorial' for a pleading or submission is in fact and unhelpfully used by the (non-EU) European Registry and Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.
Example sentence:

Arrangements for the exchange of written submissions ... It is advisable that the arbitral tribunal set time-limits for written submissions

The written procedure usually consists of an exchange of a statement of claim and a statement of defens/ce.

Note from asker:
Actually the "application for arbitration" is the "Request for Arbitration", which is then followed by the "Statement of Defence". But there is also this "Memorandum" that either part can submit in case more clarifications are needed. Unfortunately, in the English version of the arbitration procedures I found no mention of this "Memorandum", although it is mentioned in the Arbitration Rules on the CCIR site (see Mihaela's link above), and the EN page of the CCIR site mentions "Article 32. – Submission of Memoranda by the Parties", so, in my opinion this is the closest match to my "Memorandum dezvoltător". Moreover I have also found on the internet "Memorandum for Claimant" and "Memorandum for Respondent" and I noticed that their structure (Contents, Definitions, Table of Abbreviations, Table of Authorities, Statement of Facts, Argument) is very similar to the structure of my document. Therefore I believe that this "Memorandum" is the term I am looking for. Thank you for your help!
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