Glossary entry

Italian term or phrase:

materiale efficiente ed inefficiente

English translation:

usable and non-usable / end-of-life materials

Added to glossary by martini
Oct 22, 2022 06:37
2 yrs ago
22 viewers *
Italian term

materiale efficiente ed inefficiente

Italian to English Other Law: Contract(s) Bid
In a list of activities carried out by the contracted company:

Prelievo ed asservimento dei materiali;
Imballaggio e spedizione del materiale efficiente ed inefficiente;

Change log

Nov 5, 2022 08:38: martini Created KOG entry

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Non-PRO (1): Tom in London

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philgoddard Oct 22, 2022:
Context What service is the contractor providing?
What are the materials?
What does it say before and after this?

I'm also not clear what "asservimento" means, but maybe this will be apparent from the full context.

Proposed translations

2 hrs

usable and non-usable / end-of-life materials

La dichiarazione di fuori uso di materiali inefficienti o
ritenuti non piu' idonei ad ulteriore servizio, in dipendenza della
loro vetusta' od usura, e' proposta da chi ha in consegna i materiali
per l'uso.
c) accertare la riparabilita' dei materiali riconosciuti
inefficienti; proporre o disporre, con le modalita' e nei casi
previsti dalle istruzioni di cui all'articolo 82, comma 1, la
riparazione, o la dichiarazione di fuori uso ove non siano

usable vs. non-usable

end-of-life materials

Peer comment(s):

agree tradu-grace
7 hrs
agree Cillie Swart : Thanks for sharing !!
7 days
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
10 hrs

pre-fitted and uninstalled hardware /equipment - ordnance

> if this is (items of) computerware or ordnance / military hardware (as in 9 out of 10 tenders translations that used to come my way and perhaps explaining the asker's reluctance to elaborate), rather than building materials.

asservimento could be 'fitting-(up)' (see the ProZ interlocking weblink).

Cut to Garzanti: (in-)efficiente / (un-)productive
Example sentence:

IATE: it materiale CEE Consilium en EEC construction plant and equipment

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1 day 9 hrs

operative and inoperative equipment

More context would be helpful, but if it's the type of document I'm accustomed to dealing with, this could be a possibility.
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6 hrs

serviceable materials and unserviceable materials

Two options.

I suppose here they refer to serviceable = materials that still meet the specifications and can be validated for use, non-serviceable = the contrary (for whatever reason) especially if damaged or with manufacturing defects. materials here can mean also a finished product (standard terminology in an industrial setting). If it's this the mean in the ST, then confidence level of te translation is high.

Less likely, they actually refer to the materials' efficiency strictly speaking), and so material is referred more specifically to raw materials used in production or construction. In simple words then the more efficient the material the less you need to use for the same result. I don't like this interpretation, though, a s efficiency is not really a binary characteristic, it's not an on/off issue as in the first sense.

Warning: serviceable is sometimes used to mean that certain units are theoretically repairable and thus corrective maintenance is to be provided in the integrated logistic support plan, whereas non-serviceable means that the materials are not in this sense. It's a slightly different notion. A serviceable material in this sense could theoretically be made serviceable again many times over.

Note added at 13 hrs (2022-10-22 20:36:20 GMT)


EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency)

DOD (US Department fo Defense)


Note added at 1 day 10 hrs (2022-10-23 16:37:59 GMT)

Erratum: If it's this they mean in the ST, then the confidence level of the translation is high.
Something went wrong...
4 days

Efficient and inefficient packing and shipping of material

Efficient and inefficient packing and shipping of material;
Peer comment(s):

neutral FPC : I hadn't construed it that way, and it would be slightly odd in Italian but not impossible. I don't think it's the correct interpretation though.
2 hrs
Thank you for the feedback! Greatly appreciated...
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