Glossary entry

French term or phrase:

Bibliographie raisonnée

English translation:

annotated bibliography

Added to glossary by Saleh Dardeer
Aug 14, 2022 15:55
2 yrs ago
46 viewers *
French term

Bibliographie raisonnée

French to English Social Sciences Archaeology Architecture
In a list of references, I came across this part in French.

So & So (2000) Bulla Regia. Bibliographie raisonnée. In so & so (eds) Recherches archéologiques


Wolf Draeger Aug 15, 2022:
I wonder If bibliographie raisonnée is now an outdated term, or one used more in Francophone (North) Africa than France?
Wolf Draeger Aug 15, 2022:
Bulla Regia : bibliographie raisonnée This seems to be the bibliography mentioned. "Annotated" fits the bill.

Another option in other contexts might be "bibliographical essay", but likely not in this case.
ph-b (X) Aug 14, 2022:
raisonné 2. [Dans le domaine de l'expr., notamment dans le cadre... de publications à caractère didact.] Qui prouve par le raisonnement; qui est accompagné de commentaires, d'explications. (é)
Saleh Dardeer (asker) Aug 14, 2022:
context Hanoune, R. (1983) Bulla Regia. Bibliographie raisonnée. In A. Beschaouch, R. Hanoune and M. Khanoussi (eds) Recherches archéologiques franco-tunisiennes à Bulla Regia I. Miscellanea 1: 5–43. Rome, École Française de Rome.

Proposed translations

1 hr

annotated bibliography

What Is an Annotated Bibliography?
An annotated bibliography is a list of citations to books, articles, and documents. Each citation is followed by a brief (usually about 150 words) descriptive and evaluative paragraph, the annotation. The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited.

5.5 bibliographie raisonnée
Cet article concerne donc les normes pour la bibliographie finale (pour les citations d’ouvrages dans le mémoire, se reporter précisément à l’article). Pour le mémoire le titre complet utilisé est donc »notice bibliographique raisonnée ».

Una bibliografia ragionata è una bibliografia speciale che consiste in una rassegna organizzata ed ordinata dei lavori pubblicati a partire da una certa data in poi su un tema ben individuato e chiaramente circoscritto.
Note from asker:
Merci Beaucoup
Peer comment(s):

agree ph-b (X) : avec la traduction suggérée et le premier paragraphe de votre explication. Voir discussion et référence.
1 hr
agree Wolf Draeger : Hard to know exactly what the FR is in the absence of solid refs, but "annotated"certainly makes sense.
6 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Many thanks for your help Cristina!"
57 mins

comprehensive bibliography

See writeaway's reference.

I hadn't come across this term, and I havent found a definition, hence the 3. But a "catalogue raisonnée" (the French term is used in English) is an attempt at a comprehensive and definitive catalogue of an artist's work.

A bibliographie raisonnée must therefore be the literary equivalent, a comprehensive list either of all publications on a subject or (as in writeaway's reference) all the books you've consulted in writing your thesis.

The opposite of this is a select biography, in which you list only the important works that you think may be of interest to your readers.

"Reasoned bibliography" also gets hits. Some of these are opinions, as in "this is a well reasoned bibliography", and I don't know what that means. This may be an alternative to "comprehensive".
Note from asker:
Many thanks for your input!
Peer comment(s):

agree writeaway : From what I saw, I think comprehensive is an accurate translation
23 mins
agree Anastasia Kalantzi : Of course, also: established / literal / circumstantial.
38 mins
disagree ph-b (X) : Désolé, mais ce n'est pas l'exhaustivité qui caractérise une bibliographie raisonnée ; c'est son appareil critique.
2 hrs
neutral Adrian MM. : it may be selectively compendious, rather than comprehensive.
15 hrs
Yes, that's why I said "attempt".
agree Ella Rich : I think "comprehensive" is the intent. - cf
6 days
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1 hr

Bibliography raisonne

(With accent on last e.) in other words, I’d leave the second word alone except to change the gender in conformity with the translated first word. As Phil says, raisonne is a term of art in EN
Note from asker:
Many thanks for your input!
Peer comment(s):

neutral Yvonne Gallagher : Yes a "catalogue raisonné" is left untranslated in Art. However, translating 1 word and not the other and leaving the French structure looks strange.
21 hrs
No, I got it from the Bewick link cited in my original proposal./ true, but I was only reporting that others have adopted this solution in the absence, I think, of any more faithful translation.
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Reference comments

30 mins


Note from asker:
Many thanks for your input!
Peer comments on this reference comment:

agree philgoddard : Yes, "la totalité des" are the operative words.
1 min
disagree ph-b (X) : Votre « référence » traite du format des bibliographies, pas de leurs types. Bien que le terme « raisonné » y figure, on n'en trouve aucune explication./ Le mot à mot, c'est v/théorie de la traduction ? Et on écrit « annoté » en français, pas « annotté ».
3 hrs
Well it certainly can't be annotated unless the French is bibliographie annottée
neutral Adrian MM. : FWIW-HTH > annottée ?
15 hrs
annottée translates as annotated. Not exactly the term in the question
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3 hrs

En soutien à la réponse de Cristina


"Vous devez construire une bibliographie raisonnée....

Les règles de base de la notation bibliographique sont rappelées...

Auxquelles rajouter la rédaction d’une notice sur chaque ouvrage proposé et non se contenter de la quatrième de couverture, et dont il faudra aller chercher les éléments sur internet, ainsi qu’une présentation de l’auteur : ses titres, références et parutions.

Enfin la justification du choix des titres et de leurs places dans la suite constituée


" What is an annotated bibliography?
An annotated bibliography or annotated bib is a bibliography... that includes descriptive and evaluative comments about the sources cited in your paper. These comments are also known as annotations."

Pour info, j'ai participé à la relecture de deux bibliographies de thèses de doctorat d'État (plus de 120 pages au total).
Note from asker:
Many thanks for your input!
Peer comments on this reference comment:

disagree writeaway :
1 hr
Un disagree ? Votre propre doc dit : liste d'ouvrages dont chacune des entrées est suivie d'un paragraphe descriptif et critique. » C'est exactement ce que dit ma référence ! Où est votre logique ? Ridicule et pitoyable.
agree Wolf Draeger : See also
5 hrs
Aussi, oui, mais j'avoue me méfier un peu de Wikipedia... I look for confirmation from other sources as well.
agree Adrian MM. : '... backed by authorities' comes to mind.
12 hrs
Definitely - if you charge per word :-)
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