May 17, 2021 14:48
3 yrs ago
27 viewers *
Spanish term

"...trabajar sobre la crónica narrativa"

Spanish to English Art/Literary Poetry & Literature Writing
Hola a todos. Espero que estén muy bien.
La consulta es sobre el término "crónica narrativa", que según describen en el material que estoy traduciendo, es "contar la propia historia pero a través también de testimonios de otros".
¿Cuál sería el término técnico en inglés para "crónica narrativa"?
Muchas gracias, desde ya, por sus aportes.


Barbara Cochran, MFA May 17, 2021:
Período Histórico Sí, he mencionado en mi respuesta que esto, además del contexto personal (y aùn cultural), es importante, también. Saludos Cordiales
O G V May 17, 2021:
Personal Case History
en este caso específico es eso, pero en general es más que eso,
puede ser a propósito de figuras históricas, ciudades, países... eso no es relevante, pero tiene que ir en orden cronológico, de ahí el nombre, crónica, de Cronos (Saturno en latín), divinidad del Tiempo.
Barbara Cochran, MFA May 17, 2021:
Why Memoirs Are Often Written They are used as a way to personally work through a crisis, which is something that most addicts experience. One of the purposes of a memoir is to educate others who may be experiencing the same kind of problem, so they might be able to find their own or a similar solution to it.
Barbara Cochran, MFA May 17, 2021:
Personal Case History It's true that it's usually adults and non-traditional adult students who write memoirs. But in this case, I think you could say "personal case history", which is what I think would be appropriate, since the person in question has been a patient, at which time I'm sure he received counseling. But sorry—I'm not going to change my entry, yet again.
O G V May 17, 2021:
Ejemplo de Crónica Narrativa
Inicio » Literatura » Crónica Narrativa
La crónica narrativa es la crónica que se hace relatando los hechos y situaciones concernientes a una serie de sucesos relacionados, narrados conforme el orden en que sucedieron, haciendo un relato pormenorizado de los mismos.

La crónica narrativa es utilizada en informes y resúmenes de actividades, de excursiones, visitas a instituciones, y seminarios, en los cuales se hace una relación de las actividades programadas, los hechos y sucesos en el orden que se realizaron, narrando la forma en que se fueron desenvolviendo y explicando pormenores de cada uno de ellos.

Este tipo de crónica es muy utilizado en periodismo, siendo uno de los principales tipos de crónica de los distintos diarios y algunos noticieros audiovisuales, dando a conocer narraciones de los sucesos, hechos y situaciones que suceden durante diversos lapsos (horas o días), así como sus matices de una forma pormenorizada.

Ejemplo de crónica narrativa:


Características y recomendaciones para escribir una crónica › la
Mercedes Rizzuti (asker) May 17, 2021:
Sorry, I guess I didn't convey the entire picture.
The person attempting to write, and receiving instructions from the teacher, is an adult man. An addict who has just been in rehab, which is why he wants to write his story, turn it into a script, and the person in charge of the workshop says that he shouldn't just write it from his own perspective. Instead, he should use "crónica narrativa", which apparently means that his narrative will only be a part of the piece, but the rest will be pictured by those who witnessed his disease (his wife, the doctor, neighbors, etc). Pretty much what happens in most documentaries whose leading character is still alive.
philgoddard May 17, 2021:
Yes, thanks!

I found "testimonial autobiography", but that's a bit of a mouthful, especially for kids. I do think it should include something like "autobiography" or "life story" or "personal history".
You might find something here:
Mercedes Rizzuti (asker) May 17, 2021:
Profesora- Para mí lo que estaría bueno que trabajes sería la crónica narrativa. Que es contar tu historia, pero también contándolo a través de las voces de los demás.
Protagonista-Eso ya lo hice, pero hay cosas que no me atrevo a contar. Me da vergüenza. De última puedo hacer ficción.
Profesora- No. Entonces lo que vamos a hacer es la crónica narrativa, y lo que vos vas a tener que buscar, en estos días, son esos testimonios que te muestren a vos desde otro lugar. Familiares, amigos, ¿algún doctor? Necesito que vos les preguntes a estas personas alguna anécdota en particular que te permita ver cómo te veían ellos.
Is this context enough?

philgoddard May 17, 2021:
Can we have several sentences of Spanish context, please.

Proposed translations

7 hrs

to work on the narrative sequence

A narrative chronicle can be a sequence of events or occurrences. It mentions that a narrative chronicle or sequence can be written through witness accounts, whereby other people relate events from their own memories.
Example sentence:

Una crónica narrativa puede ser una secuencia de sucesos u ocurrencias. Menciona que una crónica o una secuencia narrativa puede escribirse a través de lo que relatan otros que describen sucesos; son crónicas desde unos testimonios de otros.

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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you all for the hard work. You've all been of great help. This is the answer that best fits the text. "
1 hr

work on your memoir

as chronicled through the written descriptions of one's own experiences, and those of others that have affected one's life history, whether directly or indirectly, through interaction with the memoirist, and in the context of the historical period in which the latter has lived or is living

Note added at 1 hr (2021-05-17 16:33:04 GMT)
Peer comment(s):

neutral ormiston : In this instance it should perhaps be plural as it is broader in scope Tuesday, September 27, 2016 Memoir Vs. Memoirs
10 mins
Sorry, but a student would work on her or his memoir, while only important historical figures would work on their memoirs.
agree Sophie Cherel
20 hrs
Thank you, Sophie!
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1 hr

compile an historical account of

A history that is the piecing together of personal accounts.
Peer comment(s):

neutral ormiston : Point of style : why AN historical (I know it's an issue, like a/an hotel but it bothers me)
5 mins
Hmm. Thanks for the update. To fast forward from 1938, "a historical", indeed:
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1 hr
Spanish term (edited): crónica narrativa

narrative chronicle

"narrative chronicle"

(PDF) [Edward W. Said] Orientalism Western Conceptions ... › ...
My idea is that European and then American interest in the Orient was political ... Since I did not intend my study to become a narrative chronicle of the ...

coincide y parece que es ese sentido

Note added at 1 hr (2021-05-17 16:48:33 GMT)

Buscamos a un escritor o periodista que nos guste mucho y le damos una tarea específica y nada sedentaria. Que se mueva, que busque y que encuentre.

Note added at 2 hrs (2021-05-17 16:49:53 GMT)

Note added at 2 hrs (2021-05-17 16:50:23 GMT)
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5 hrs

narrative/literary journalism

It is a writing style

La crónica narrativa es utilizada en informes y resúmenes de actividades, de excursiones, visitas a instituciones, y seminarios, en los cuales se hace una relación de las actividades programadas, los hechos y sucesos en el orden que se realizaron, narrando la forma en que se fueron desenvolviendo y explicando pormenores de cada uno de ellos.

Este tipo de crónica es muy utilizado en periodismo, siendo uno de los principales tipos de crónica de los distintos diarios y algunos noticieros audiovisuales, dando a conocer narraciones de los sucesos, hechos y situaciones que suceden durante diversos lapsos (horas o días), así como sus matices de una forma pormenorizada.

“Crónica narrativa. Qué es y cómo se escribe” (Nerio Tello)
“El libro está destinado a alumnos de carreras de comunicación, periodismo y afines, interesados conocer y desarrollarse en el género. Si bien se mencionan otros autores (por ejemplo Mansilla o Francisco Moreno o algunos viajeros), los textos elegidos se conocieron a través de publicaciones periódicas y se ajustan al criterio de ser materiales periodísticos”, explica este periodista, escritor y docente universitario en diálogo con Fundación TEM.

Generations ago, narrative journalism was the rule in reporting and not the exception. Stories (sometimes rather subjectively reported and quite long by today's standards) in magazines and newspapers led the reader through a gripping tale told entirely from the view and experiences of the author. However, times have definitely changed.

Today, narrative journalism is not commonly used by most mainstream media outlets. In fact, many journalists stick with very basic formulas or utilize the "inverted pyramid" style of reporting in an effort to keep their writing concise and easy to edit. Some may even be unfamiliar with the technique, having never learned it throughout their careers as "beat" reporters.

What Is Literary Journalism?
Literary journalism, sometimes called narrative journalism, is a style of reportage that presents true stories in a more narrative way, using storytelling techniques to create a gripping and personal form of journalism. Literary journalism is a type of creative nonfiction that is similar to (and sometimes overlaps with) the personal essay, travel writing, and long-form journalism.

Narrative journalism, also referred to as literary journalism, is defined as creative nonfiction that contains accurate, well-researched information. It is related to immersion journalism, where a writer follows a subject or theme for a long period of time (weeks or months) and details an individual's experiences from a deeply personal perspective.
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1 day 4 hrs

To work on a composite biography

Working backwards on a hunch, this does seem to point to the type of narrative you describe.

Biography in: Critical Readings ...
de HH Frankel · 2018 · Cité 33 fois — The resulting composite biography is bound to be fragmentary and distorted, but it may nevertheless shed some light ...
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