Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

window analysis

Arabic translation:

تحليل الفترات المنتظمة/تحليل النوافذ الزمنية المنتظمة/تحليل النوافذ/تحليل الفترات المتتابعة

Added to glossary by Z-Translations Translator
Apr 17, 2021 09:54
3 yrs ago
44 viewers *
English term

window analysis

English to Arabic Tech/Engineering Construction / Civil Engineering
With reference to your letter ref. no. DSI/AFC/PV/MB/19/1331 dated 29.08.19 regarding the above mentioned subject, Subcontractor did not address Main Contractor’s technical comments / observations of Subcontractor's incomplete and illogical EOT#3 claim submission.
Subcontractor’s delays are documented in the attached Main Contractor's letters ref. AFC/DSI/W-10/18/LT/02087 dated 23 June 2018, AFC/DSI/W-10/18/LT/02186 dated 30 August 2018, AFC/DSI/W-10/18/LT/02223 dated 17 Sept. 2018, AFC/DSI/W-10/18/LT/02361 dated 26 December 2018, AFC/DSI/W-10/18/LT/02380 dated 15 January 2019, AFC/DSI/W- 10/18/LT/02430 dated 7 March 2019, etc) over the period of the Project and such delays have been conveniently ignored by the Subcontractor.
Subcontractor (M/s DSI) has failed to demonstrate his contractual entitlement in his EOT submission in a fair and acceptable way. DSI statements are very generic and fails to provide any justification/ clarification to the comments raised in our letter ref. AFC/DSI/W- 10/19/LT/02459 dated 23.06.19 which includes thorough study of DSI submission clearly highlighting the errors in each window and demonstrating M/s DSI,is not eligible for any EOT. The major concerns raised are still unanswered with any substantiation except by mere rejection once again repeated for ease of reference.
1. The relationship between the activities are altered inconsistently (in each window) with respect to approved Baseline schedule just to draw an impact on the completion date without any justification or explanation as listed in our detailed reply.
2. Lags in relationships are inconsistent in each window and it is not based on any logic or explanation.
3. M/s DSI exaggerated the lags between the two activities in order to prevent concurrent delays. Also, these lags are inconsistent in each window which is incorrect and misleading.

True impact is not reflected in any of your window analysis due to the above reasons which leads to illogical extended Completion Date. Based on the above, we reiterate that the submitted EOT is rejected. You are hereby requested to perform a professional study incorporating comments stated in our letter ref. AFC/DSI/W-10/19/LT/02459 Dated 23.06.19 prior to any resubmission.
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May 5, 2021 08:29: Z-Translations Translator Created KOG entry


هناك (من اشهرها) ستة طرق للتحليل للانشطة المتأخرة لاغراض المطالبات بمدد اضافية واموال اضافية او تجنب غرامات التأخير
احداها هي طريقة تقسيم المدة إلى مدد زمنية صغيرة ومتساوية حسب ما وضحتها في اجابتي
ارجو من السائل البحث في
Delay Analysis Methodologies
Delay Analysis techniques

Proposed translations

2 hrs

تحليل الفترات المنتظمة/تحليل النوافذ الزمنية المنتظمة/تحليل النوافذ/تحليل الفترات المتتابعة

إضافة كلمة "طريقة" امام كل مقترح

تحليل الفترة/النافذة
طريقة الفترات المنتظمة
طريقة تحليل النوافذ
تحليل النوافذ الزمنية
تحليل النوافذ المنتظمة

استعمال الجمع لانها مجموعة فترات وليست فترة واحدة

وهو من احدى طرق تحليل تأخير تنفيذ المشروع ويتم في برامج البرامج الزمنية الهندسية نعم برامج لعمل البرنامج الزمني لتنفيذ المشروع كالبريمافيرا والام اس بروجيكت

كل بقية كلمات ال
في هذا النص بإمكانك ترجمتها فترة او نافذة
"inconsistently (in each window) " في كل فترة /نافذة
"highlighting the errors in each window and demonstrating"
...في كل فترة/نافذة

window analysis = snapshots analysis = time slice analysis
بالامكان ترجمتها بالمرادفات نعم هذه مرادفات لنفس الطريقة
snapshots analysis = طريقة تحليل اللقطات الزمنية/الازمنة المختارة
time slice analysis = طريقة الشرائح الزمنية
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59 mins

تحليل Window

A Windows Analysis is a forensic technique that involves interim assessment of delays on updated schedules at specific intervals or “windows”. In applying this methodology, the overall performance period being analyzed is partitioned using available contemporaneous progress updates
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2 hrs

التحليل الآني لوضعية الأشغال

تحليل الوضع الراهن للأشغال
windows-contemporaneous-period- من خصاىْص هذا التحليل أنه آني أي متزامن مع الأشغال وهذا ما تفيده مفردة
'' و تفيد مفردة وضعية المرحلة التي وصلت إليها الأشغال بمعنى ما تم إنجازه و التأخير الحاصل مقارنة بما هو مسطر سلفا
Windows Analysis or Contemporaneous Period Analysis:
A windows schedule analysis, also referred to as a “contemporaneous period schedule analysis,” is a retrospective schedule impact analysis technique that generally utilizes contemporaneous schedule updates, in conjunction with as-built facts related to a delay or change, to quantify schedule impacts to the as-built critical path associated with the change or delay. This schedule analysis takes into account the change’s or delay’s relationship to past and/or concurrent events and circumstances.
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8 hrs

تحليل النافذة / تقييم التأخيرات في الجداول الزمنية المحدثة

Source not authentic "DSI statements are very generic and fails to provide any justification"

"A Windows Analysis is a forensic technique that involves interim assessment of delays on updated schedules at specific intervals or 'windows'"
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11 hrs
English term (edited): windows analysis

تحليل التأخُّرات

Let's take this apart and then see if we can put it back together (analyse then synthesize:

1. It is "windows analysis," not "window analysis."

2. Some writers prefer capitalizing both words, but that is not called for, unless the capitalization is intended to serve the purpose of highlighting the term, as in a discussion of the meaning of the term itself.

3. The fuller expression is "windows delay analysis," which clarifies what is involved in the process and why it is carried out. It is a retrospective analysis of the impact of delays on the overall progress of a project (mostly in reference to a construction project).

4. The term has nothing to do with windows in buildings or the Microsoft operating system.

(All the above is abundantly and clearly discussed online. My fellow answerers have cited some useful links. I thank them all. There are many more. I won't presume to add anything more useful than what has been cited.)

5. There is no standard Arabic term for this phrase. Period. None. Therefore, your question is not a question of finding a translation, but of coining one. This makes your task easier in one way and more challenging in another. On the one hand, you have the liberty to choose anything that strikes your fancy, since no standard term exists; on the other hand, the choice seems limited between two ungraceful extreme approaches:

1. Calque translation: The expression تحليل النوافذ (or تحليل نوافذ, depending on the syntax) may seem ludicrous, but, if you think about it, the English expression "windows analysis" is just as laughable. The reason one reacts with a grin and a giggle to تحليل النوافذ but not to "windows analysis" is that "windows analysis" has reached a level of currency in the field and that تحليل النوافذ looks like a shameless copy, which, of course, it is. But once the term gains currency, it will be fine. There are many examples of claque translations that have become perfectly acceptable (even irreplaceable) over time. Just think of the Arabic expressions for "money laundering," "mouse" (as used in computers), and "kindergarten" (German for "children's garden").

2. Descriptive translation: As stated above, "windows analysis" is jargon for "analysis of the impact of delays on the overall progress of a project."
تحليل تداعيات حالات التأخُّر على سـير المشروع عموماً
Of course, that is a mouthful and would not be an acceptable standard coinage, but considering the exceptional nature of this obscure jargon term, and since the term "windows analysis" appears only once in your text, I see no harm in replacing it with a plain-Arabic expression that does not pretend to be a new term or a translation of the term used in the source text, but simply as a rendition to make the text readable in the target language by the target readers.

Is there an alternative? There are several alternatives, none of which is perfect, but all commonly used in these situations:

1. Use both: Introduce the claque expression followed by a parenthetical explanation. If the client/agency asks why there is a parenthetical expression in the translation, explain that the term is not known in Arabic, so an explanation is warranted. They will appreciate you:

تحليل النوافذ (تحليل تداعيات حالات التأخُّر على سـير المشروع) الخ

2. Use an abbreviated explanatory translation: Instead of "تحليل تداعيات حالات التأخُّر على سـير المشروع", you can cut it down to
تحليل تداعيات حالات التأخُّر
تحليل حالات التأخُّر
تحليل التأخُّرات

Of course, these are all imperfect (imperfect perfections of an imperfect explanatory translation). It only goes to show how translation is really an art of the imperfect, an art of compromise.

Are there other options? Of course there are many, and we can spend the rest of Ramadan on this, but I hope this analysis helps get you going in the right direction.
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