May 29, 2020 00:54
4 yrs ago
14 viewers *
English term

upper respiratory tract symptom

COVID-19 GBK English to Romanian Medical Medical (general)
Definition from MedLinePlus:
The major passages and structures of the upper respiratory tract include the nose or nostrils, nasal cavity, mouth, throat (pharynx), and voice box (larynx). The respiratory system is lined with a mucous membrane that secretes mucus. The mucus traps smaller particles like pollen or smoke. Hairlike structures called cilia line the mucous membrane and move the particles trapped in the mucus out of the nose. Inhaled air is moistened, warmed, and cleansed by the tissue that lines the nasal cavity.
Example sentences:
In SARS, there are hardly any upper respiratory tract symptoms, and viral units are rarely present outside the lungs. This fact initially took the focus away from continuing to look for ACE2 receptors in the nose. (Medical News Today)
We've been trying to understand what risk factors increase ... the severity; and it's still confusing because some people, even older people sometimes, will have a very mild upper respiratory tract symptom or syndrome. ... Whereas other, you know, younger people may end up being quite ill. (WBUR)
First, prioritise Covid-19 tests for everyone with diminished lung function, even if they do not meet the criteria of having pneumonia, prolonged upper respiratory tract symptoms, or a contact history with affected people or places. (Today)
Change log

May 23, 2020 00:49: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"

May 29, 2020 00:54: changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"

Jun 1, 2020 01:58: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Selection"

Jun 1, 2020 06:54: changed "Stage" from "Selection" to "Completion"

Proposed translations

6 hrs

simptom(e) ce afectează tractul respirator superior

Definition from
Sau simptom(e) ce afectează căile respiratorii/aeriene superioare.<br /><br />Cf., <b><a href="" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"></a></b><br /><br />Tractul respirator superior include sinusurile, pasajul nazal, faringele si laringele. Aceste structuri directioneaza aerul respirat catre plamani pentru ca respiratia sa poata avea loc. O infectie a tractului respirator superior reprezinta procesul infectios al oricarei componente din caile superioare. <br />Desi infectiile respiratorii de tract superior pot aparea in orice moment al anului, acestea sunt mai frecvente in lunile de toamna si de iarna.<br /><br />Cf., <b><a href="," rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank"></a></b> definitia tractului respirator:<br /><br />Ansamblu al organelor cavitare ale aparatului respirator care conduc aerul pana la alveolele pulmonare, unde se efectueaza schimburile gazoase intre sange si aer (oxigenarea sangelui, in principal).<br />Sinonim: cale respiratorie.
Example sentences:
Ce este de fapt răceala? Răceala este o infecţie a tractului respirator superior care afectează în general nasul, gâtul şi plămânii. Infecţia este de cele mai multe ori virală, mai rar bacteriană. (UMF Cluj)
Exista doua categorii de infectii de tract respirator: - infectii de tract respirator superior: afecteaza nasul, sinusurile si gatul. - infectii de tract respirator inferior: afecteaza caile respiratorii si plamanii. (
Fie ca sunt simple sau complicate, de tract respirator superior sau inferior, infectiile respiratorii ne dau batai de cap in acest anotimp. Simptomele sunt cu certitudine suparatoare. Obstructia nazala, tusea, febra, prezenta secretiilor sunt doar cateva dintre semnele unui episod infectios respirator. (hipocrat2000)
Peer comment(s):

agree Simona Iacob
29 mins
Mulțumesc, Simona.
agree Rocsana Guignaudeau
2 days 23 hrs
Mulțumesc, Rocsana.
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