Oct 29, 2019 18:56
5 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term


GBK English to Chinese Bus/Financial Business/Commerce (general)
Definition from Oxford Dictionary:
Any of various digital payment systems operating independently of a central authority and employing cryptographic techniques to control and verify transactions in a unique unit of account; (also) the units of account of such a system, considered collectively.
Example sentences:
In the past five years, the group of coins that make up the top 10 cryptocurrencies has changed substantially. (Brave NewCoin)
The number of cryptocurrencies available over the internet as of 19 August 2018 is over 1600 and growing. (Wikipedia)
As it had never been traded, only mined, it was impossible to assign a monetary value to the units of the emerging cryptocurrency. (Forbes)
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Oct 29, 2019 18:13: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"

Oct 29, 2019 18:23: Andrea Capuselli changed "Vetting" from "Needs Vetting" to "Vet OK"

Oct 29, 2019 18:56: changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"

Nov 1, 2019 19:54: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Completion"

Proposed translations

11 hrs


Definition from 百度百科:
加密货币(英文:Cryptocurrency,常常用复数Cryptocurrencies,又译密码货币,密码学货币)是一种使用密码学原理来确保交易安全及控制交易单位创造的交易媒介。 加密货币是数字货币(或称虚拟货币)的一种 。比特币在2009年成为第一个去中心化的加密货币,这之后加密货币一词多指此类设计。
Example sentences:
  在比特币、以太坊等加密货币创新层出不穷的背景下,央行、或者像Facebook这样的大公司,如果要发行数字货币,该选择哪条路呢? (新浪)
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agree manul
11 mins
agree Jeslynn Khoo
6 hrs
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6 hrs

加密数字货币 (加密数位货币)

Definition from Binance Academy:
加密货币(Cryptocurrency) 是在加密安全对等经济系统中作为交易媒介而形成的一种数码资产产产品。 使用加密技术来验证和保护交易并控制其他单位的创建。 与我们认知的中心化银行系统不同,大部分的加密货币是以非中心化的形式进行,分布式地散播运行在世界各地的电脑系统网络(也称为节点)。
Example sentences:
加密货币 (Cryptocurrency) 是在加密安全对等经济系统中作为交易媒介而形成的一种数码资产产产品。使用加密技术来验证和保护交易并控制其他单位的创建。 (Binance Academy)
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