Glossary entry (derived from question below)
French term or phrase:
English translation:
make him/herself heard
French term
« Le leader est une machine à attirer les talents et à faire en sorte que ça matche entre eux.»
Mais cette alchimie doit aussi se produire avec les parties prenantes externes.
Car le leadership est la rencontre d’une vision avec des attentes sociales désormais complexes
et entremêlées, comme celles du consommateur et du citoyen.
« Le leader doit trouver le bon fit pour son projet : il y a un moment où il est audible et où la rencontre avec les audiences va se produire, et un moment où ça n’aura pas d’écho.
Trop tôt ou trop tard. »
« Il doit synthétiser plein de choses différentes pour trouver son public : une innovation technologique avec un usage social et un bénéfice environnemental, par exemple. »
Not sure of the best way to translate audible here, for now I have, "...that they will make sense" and "engage with their audience".
2 +5 | make him/herself heard |
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3 +4 | they can / will be able to make their voice heard |
Tony M
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5 | audible |
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3 | understood/perceived |
Verginia Ophof
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Jan 21, 2019 11:25: Rachel Fell changed "Level" from "PRO" to "Non-PRO"
Non-PRO (3): GILLES MEUNIER, Rob Grayson, Rachel Fell
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An easy question is one that any bilingual person would be able to answer correctly. (Or in the case of monolingual questions, an easy question is one that any native speaker of the language would be able to answer correctly.)
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Proposed translations
make him/herself heard
Whatever you chose, you'll have to adapt it to fit in like "there's a moment when he knows how to make himself heard" and a moment when he is but a whisper (pas d'écho)
agree |
: What a load of waffle!
10 mins
Not sure I understand the agree + the negative remark.
neutral |
Tony M
: I think Phil's "negative remark" is referring to the source text :-)
1 day 10 mins
agree |
1 day 34 mins
agree |
Anita Planchon
: And I'm with Phil on the waffle of the source text. Sigh....
1 day 4 hrs
agree |
1 day 12 hrs
agree |
: yup
1 day 17 hrs
they can / will be able to make their voice heard
And again, perhaps use that handy little EN 'can' to express the idea of 'is in a position to...'
Thanks a lot Tony for your help. |
agree |
Victoria Britten
: Yes, I feel "can" is very much there in the background
6 hrs
Thanks, Victoria! My feeling exactly...
agree |
Ph_B (X)
13 hrs
Merci, Ph_B !
agree |
: I think this is a variation on my suggestion but I thinks it's an improvement so...
16 hrs
Thanks, S/T! Yes, adding 'voice' makes it clear that it is being used figuratively,, which to me is the main translation issue here.
agree |
23 hrs
Thanks, Katsy!
La radio est un appareil audible...... then we can hear the radio
neutral |
Tony M
: The literal translation in a technical sense; but I'm convinced here this is being used figuratively, which the technical term does not really convey in EN as it can in FR.
12 hrs
neutral |
: En l’occurrence, le sens qui se dégage pour le leader est "éloquent" (et non "audible" en tant que tel) de sorte que l’auditoire soit réceptif - listens.
2 days 0 min
Audible: qui parle assez fort pour qu’on puisse l’entendre.
S’il faut interpréter ce terme (bien mal choisi) pour dire que la "qualité" du leader est d’avoir une voix forte (be able to make their voice heard) - que faudra-t-il "entendre" rendu à "écho" ?
Comme Safetex le mentionne, on passe effectivement du leader [éloquent, sagace, disert] à son auditoire [réceptif ou non], selon un "fit" dont on ne sait trop s’il s’agit d’un "timing" ("Trop tôt. Trop tard.") ou d’arguments dont l’agencement/la synthèse est adapté/e à l’auditoire visé de sorte à obtenir son adhésion. Whatever it is, audience does not "hear" the leader; they listen and react :
« Le leader doit trouver le bon fit [?] pour son projet : il y a un moment où il est éloquent [= il sait émouvoir, convaincre, rallier] et où la rencontre avec les audiences va se produire [= l’auditoire est réceptif], et un moment où ça [l’éloquence] n’aura pas d’écho [= ne produira pas son effet].
On Polyglot's 45 suggestion, surely the problem is that we have gone from qualities of the leader to the attitude of those around him. It's true that the leader has to pick the right moment when others are receptive but that is part of leadership skills. Saying simply that others are receptive or not removes all leadership skills for me. It is no longer a statement about the leader and his skills