Aug 27, 2018 14:29
5 yrs ago
18 viewers *
French term

réversion d'usufruit

French to English Law/Patents Law: Contract(s) legal document concerning donation of property
I have seen suggestions for pension rights, but is there a term for this?
Transfer sounds better to me, but would appreciate input from those in the know.
Proposed translations (English)
4 +1 reversion of usufruct
Change log

Aug 28, 2018 21:25: Yolanda Broad changed "Term asked" from "réversion d\\\'usufruit" to "réversion d\'usufruit "


ormiston (asker) Aug 28, 2018:
thank you all For your help
Tony M Aug 28, 2018:
@ Asker Thanks! Now at last it makes proper sense — it is a heading, the meaning of which is made clear by what follows.
There is no 'transfer' as such, but you need to look upon the 'usufruit' as 'virtual property' — each partner holds a half share in it, but upon the death of the first partner, their share 'reverts' in full to the surviving partner.
This is important, inasmuch, for example, as the 'usufruit' has a value (and can e.g. be 'bought out' by the nu-propriétair(s); hence when one usufruitier dies, it's important to stipulate that their share is not 'extinguished', but reverts to the surviving partner.
AllegroTrans Aug 28, 2018:
So are you sure this is not a typo for "réservation d'usufruit"? That would make alot of sense.
ormiston (asker) Aug 28, 2018:
here is the extract, hoping it sheds some light Réversion d'usufruit
Les DONATEURS entendent se réserver l'usufruit dont il s'agit leur vie durant et stipulent l'usufruit de l'entier bien présentement donné au profit et jusqu'au décès du survivant d'eux, sans réduction au décès du prémourant, ce qui est accepté par chacun d'eux.
Il est précisé que l'exercice par le conjoint survivant de l'usufruit résultant de la présente donation ne préjudiciera en rien à l'exercice par lui-même de l'usufruit prévu par l'article 757 du Code civil, lequel usufruit s'exercera sur tous les biens existants sans aucune exeption si reserve sans imputation"

As I hope I said, I find plenty suggestions for 'réversion' in the context of pensions, but nothing for usufruct. My quibble with the text is that the couple enjoy these rights and if one dies it is not a case of transfer but simply maintenance of these rights.
Thank you all for your enthusiasm (and scoldings!).
ormiston (asker) Aug 28, 2018:
here is the extract, hoping it sheds some light Réversion d'usufruit
Les DONATEURS entendent se réserver l'usufruit dont il s'agit leur vie durant et stipulent l'usufruit de l'entier bien présentement donné au profit et jusqu'au décès du survivant d'eux, sans réduction au décès du prémourant, ce qui est accepté par chacun d'eux.
Il est précisé que l'exercice par le conjoint survivant de l'usufruit résultant de la présente donation ne préjudiciera en rien à l'exercice par lui-même de l'usufruit prévu par l'article 757 du Code civil, lequel usufruit s'exercera sur tous les biens existants sans aucune exeption si reserve sans imputation"

As I hope I said, I find plenty suggestions for 'réversion' in the context of pensions, but nothing for usufruct. My quibble with the text is that the couple enjoy these rights and if one dies it is not a case of transfer but simply maintenance of these rights.
Thank you all for your enthusiasm (and scoldings!).
ormiston (asker) Aug 28, 2018:
here is the extract, hoping it sheds some light Réversion d'usufruit
Les DONATEURS entendent se réserver l'usufruit dont il s'agit leur vie durant et stipulent l'usufruit de l'entier bien présentement donné au profit et jusqu'au décès du survivant d'eux, sans réduction au décès du prémourant, ce qui est accepté par chacun d'eux.
Il est précisé que l'exercice par le conjoint survivant de l'usufruit résultant de la présente donation ne préjudiciera en rien à l'exercice par lui-même de l'usufruit prévu par l'article 757 du Code civil, lequel usufruit s'exercera sur tous les biens existants sans aucune exeption si reserve sans imputation"

As I hope I said, I find plenty suggestions for 'réversion' in the context of pensions, but nothing for usufruct. My quibble with the text is that the couple enjoy these rights and if one dies it is not a case of transfer but simply maintenance of these rights.
Thank you all for your enthusiasm (and scoldings!).
ormiston (asker) Aug 28, 2018:
here is the extract, hoping it sheds some light Réversion d'usufruit
Les DONATEURS entendent se réserver l'usufruit dont il s'agit leur vie durant et stipulent l'usufruit de l'entier bien présentement donné au profit et jusqu'au décès du survivant d'eux, sans réduction au décès du prémourant, ce qui est accepté par chacun d'eux.
Il est précisé que l'exercice par le conjoint survivant de l'usufruit résultant de la présente donation ne préjudiciera en rien à l'exercice par lui-même de l'usufruit prévu par l'article 757 du Code civil, lequel usufruit s'exercera sur tous les biens existants sans aucune exeption si reserve sans imputation"

As I hope I said, I find plenty suggestions for 'réversion' in the context of pensions, but nothing for usufruct. My quibble with the text is that the couple enjoy these rights and if one dies it is not a case of transfer but simply maintenance of these rights.
Thank you all for your enthusiasm (and scoldings!).
ormiston (asker) Aug 28, 2018:
here is the extract, hoping it sheds some light Réversion d'usufruit
Les DONATEURS entendent se réserver l'usufruit dont il s'agit leur vie durant et stipulent l'usufruit de l'entier bien présentement donné au profit et jusqu'au décès du survivant d'eux, sans réduction au décès du prémourant, ce qui est accepté par chacun d'eux.
Il est précisé que l'exercice par le conjoint survivant de l'usufruit résultant de la présente donation ne préjudiciera en rien à l'exercice par lui-même de l'usufruit prévu par l'article 757 du Code civil, lequel usufruit s'exercera sur tous les biens existants sans aucune exeption si reserve sans imputation"

As I hope I said, I find plenty suggestions for 'réversion' in the context of pensions, but nothing for usufruct. My quibble with the text is that the couple enjoy these rights and if one dies it is not a case of transfer but simply maintenance of these rights.
Thank you all for your enthusiasm (and scoldings!).
Nikki Scott-Despaigne Aug 27, 2018:
@Ormiston It would be helpful to see the term in an extract of the original. Copying out a sentence might be just about doable. Otherwise, the only way to get out of the pickle, is to ask the client. However, the Bruno Bedaride (great surname!) website gives a perfectly clear explanation of the standalone term. You say you didn't find the term in relation to property initially, but a Google search with ["réversion de l'usufruit" + donation] does throw up a number of relevant sources ;-). Here's a fairly legal description of "reversion" in English: It honestly looks like a fairly ordinary reversion setup. In non-legalese, one of the spouses dies, the other gets the right to stay in the property. When the second spouse dies, the nephew gets full title.

I must admit that the "pension rights" thing wasn't a problem per se, as you did say indicate that this was about donation of property. However, I'm one of the first ones to miss the specifics in the title here, heavn knows why. Also, I have experience of "donation entre époux" and its pros and cons, specifically of the latter, but the less said about that the better! arf, arf.
Daryo Aug 27, 2018:
if your ST is about "legal document concerning donation of property"

why do you need to create unnecessary confusion by mentioning "pension rights" at all???

How a term is translated in some other context is relevant ... in some other context!

What would help more would be to give more details about the ST you are dealing with.

No one is asking for names and the address of the property, but for a general description of the document and the full sentence where the term is used (and possibly a sentence or two before and after!) - samples of the text "as is", not comments about it ...
AllegroTrans Aug 27, 2018:
Agree with TM We really need to see the entire sentence containing this. Otherwise we are just fishing around in the dark. "Reversion of usufruct" would appear to be the solution, but we still need to see the phrase within its surrounding words.
Tony M Aug 27, 2018:
@ Asker Sorry, your original statement was very far from clear, I see now you were talking about the reversion' part only!
The usuffruit part is easy, but without more of the surrounding wording, it is hard to see where the 'reversion' actually comes in.
As for thier both being 'donateurs', well yes, obviously, if they owned the property jointly in 'indivision', then clearly they would both have to donate their share to the children.
As to the 'reversion', in the absence of more context, I would imagine it is necessary to ensure that in the event of one of the 'usufruitiers' dying, their 'share' of the usufruct would 'revert' to the survising spouse, no?
ormiston (asker) Aug 27, 2018:
tony & Nikki As Nikki pointed out, I said I found discussion of the term in relation to pensions but not usufruct. It appears as a title, with an explanation of how usufruct continues till both spouses die. My document is in paper form only so hard to paste lots of text. There is the issue that BOTH appear as DONATEURS so where is the need to transfer but maybe this is not my problem!
Tony M Aug 27, 2018:
@ Asker Ah you see, now that vital extra context does indeed make it clear this isn't anything to do with 'pension rights' — 'usufruct' is something quite different!
Nikki Scott-Despaigne Aug 27, 2018:
@Asker Here's a definition of the ordinary meaning of "réversion d'usufruit". I think that "transfer" would work
Nikki Scott-Despaigne Aug 27, 2018:
Thanks for the info. Are you able to post the term in a sentence from the source text, please? It would probably help.
ormiston (asker) Aug 27, 2018:
your link says that the term is.... 'généralement dénommé à tort' (!) and should read 'usufruit successif'. Oh well, that's by the by, I suppose, as I need the English term. The deed I am translating names both as DONATEURS, and here stipulates that usufruct continues till both die.
ormiston (asker) Aug 27, 2018:
than you Nikki Actually, the couple have donated the property to their nephew but have usufruct "sans réduction du décès du prémourant"
Nikki Scott-Despaigne Aug 27, 2018:
@Tony, @Ormiston Ormiston has indicated that it's to do with a gift of property.
Is this a "donation entre époux"? If so, this doc may help, cf. page 45, including the footnote:

Tony M Aug 27, 2018:
@ Asker: Context? Please give us the context in which this term is being used; generally 'usufruit' is not to do with pensions, which is why it is important to know the wider context.

Proposed translations

1 day 1 hr
French term (edited): réversion d'usufruit

reversion of usufruct

Reversion (law) - Wikipedia

A reversion in property law is a future interest that is retained by the grantor after the conveyance of an estate of a lesser quantum that he has (such as the owner of a fee simple granting a life estate or a leasehold estate).

Usufruct - Civil Law Dictionary - PBworks

Legal usufruct - An usufruct established by law in favor of a surviving spouse ... Naked ownership is similar to a reversion or estate in reversion, the residue of a ...
Usufructs: What Are They & How Are They Taxed - Toronto Tax Lawyer

23 Nov 2017 - In modern civil law, the owner of the usufruct is similar to a life tenant. Usufruct is a [real right] of limited duration on the property of another. ... Naked ownership is similar to a reversion or estate in reversion, the residue of a life estate.

Note added at 1 day 2 hrs (2018-08-28 17:11:02 GMT)

Usufruct is a limited real right (or in rem right) found in civil-law and mixed jurisdictions that unites the two property interests of usus and fructus:

Usus (use) is the right to use or enjoy a thing possessed, directly and without altering it.
Fructus (fruit, in a figurative sense) is the right to derive profit from a thing possessed: for instance, by selling crops, leasing immovables or annexed movables, taxing for entry, and so on.

A usufruct is either granted in severalty or held in common ownership, as long as the property is not damaged or destroyed. The third civilian property interest is abusus (literally abuse), the right to alienate the thing possessed, either by consuming or destroying it (e.g. for profit), or by transferring it to someone else (e.g. sale, exchange, gift). Someone enjoying all three rights has full ownership.
Peer comment(s):

agree Tony M
55 mins
thanks TM
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "So, literal was best, and there I was beating around the bush. Thank you all for your input."
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