Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:


English translation:

a filing

Added to glossary by Manuel Cedeño Berrueta
Jul 9, 2018 21:57
6 yrs ago
163 viewers *
Spanish term


Spanish to English Law/Patents Law (general) Venezuelan procedural law
For the record, I have seen several questions/answers here in Proz about this word, but I think none of them fits my context.
In Venezuelan procedural law, a “diligencia” is a short, informal piece of writing, usually handwritten, filed with the secretary/clerk of the court, whereby the parties or their lawyers carry out some procedural step.
The difference between “escrito” and “diligencia” is explained here: (

Here are a couple of “diligencias”:
(Diligencia 1)
“En el día de hoy [fecha], siendo las 09:15 a.m., comparece la ciudadana MMBC, titular de la cédula de identidad No. NNNN1 en su carácter de madre del ciudadano JCRM, titular de la cédula de identidad No. NNNN2, mediante el cual expone: Comparezco ante este tribunal a los fines de nombrar como Defensora Privada de mi hijo, a la ciudadana abogada PLIB, titular de la cédula de identidad No. NNNN3, e inscrita en el Inpreabogado No. xxxx, a los fines de que lo asista en la presente causa. Es todo.”

(Diligencia 2)
“En este mismo acto comparece la abogada PLIB, a los fines de ser juramentada como Defensora Privada del ciudadano imputado antes identificado, quien seguidamente expone: Acepto el nombramiento como defensora privada del imputado JCRM y al respecto juro cumplir bien y fielmente con todos los deberes y obligaciones inherentes a dicho cargo, así mismo señalo como domicilio procesal el siguiente (dirección y teléfono); así mismo solicitamos copias simples de las actuaciones. Es todo.”
In his Spanish-English Dictionary of Law and Business, Thomas West translates “diligencia" as: …(2) Ven. [Der. Proc.] a filing, a pleading (a document filed with the court).
I have found that only one meaning of “filing” (2. (Law) US something that is filed; 3. (Law) US a submission to a court or other authority
( is a bit close to that of “diligencia", and the definitions of “pleading” that I have found (including this one: have little to do with that of “diligencia".
I would highly appreciate your suggestions on this matter, including solutions in other varieties of English, besides AE.
Many thanks in advance.
Proposed translations (English)
4 +4 a filing
4 +1 notice


Manuel Cedeño Berrueta (asker) Jul 10, 2018:
There is nothing to be sorry about, Sandro; your suggestion is also helpful for future use. Thank you
Sandro Tomasi Jul 10, 2018:
@Manuel Sorry. I thought you were looking for a translation to cover your particular context, not one to fit all.
Manuel Cedeño Berrueta (asker) Jul 10, 2018:
Sorry, it should read “diligencia", not “through a pleading”
Manuel Cedeño Berrueta (asker) Jul 10, 2018:
Many thanks to all of you.
Robin has explained the meaning of this type of “through a pleading”; here is another example:

<<Por diligencia presentada en fecha 6 de julio de 2016, ante la Secretaría de esta Sala de Casación Social, el abogado Rafael Jesús Bethermyt Hernández, actuando en su carácter de apoderado judicial de la empresa oferente, expuso:
“Comparezco respetuosamente ante ésta (sic) Sala a los fines de DESISTIR de la presente solicitud de Oferta Real de Pago interpuesta por mi patrocinada ‘Distribuidora JEMBA-JEMBA, C.A.’, ya que la parte oferida identificada como ISBELYN MAYERLIN MORALES HERNÁNDEZ, en fecha 6 de mayo de 2016, RENUNCIÓ VOLUNTARIAMENTE a su puesto de trabajo que venía desempeñando como Administradora, asimismo, hizo el cobro efectivo de sus prestaciones sociales y demás beneficios laborales…”
Any suggestion in other variety of English?

Proposed translations

1 hr

a filing

Based on your explanation, this translation seems to correspond to your context.
Note from asker:
Many thanks to you all for your help. MUY AGRADECIDO
Peer comment(s):

agree Jennifer Levey : Yes. It refers to formalities which, although necessary as part of the "debido proceso", do not have any impact on the interpretation of the legal matter at hand. Known as "acciones de mero trámite" in Chile, FWIW.
53 mins
agree Manuel Aburto : I agree with Robin. It does refer to formalities.
2 hrs
agree AllegroTrans : OK for US target reader (doesn't work if UK)
11 hrs
agree Tim Friese
1 day 15 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Many thanks, Patricia and everyone else for your help"
1 hr


The full term for this particular context is notice of retainment, in which both the contracting party and the lawyer that has been retained fills out the first-linked document, or you can use notice of retainment of counsel, if you prefer.

Perhaps you can just use Notice 1 and Notice 2 for the headings.

Note added at 3 hrs (2018-07-10 01:07:27 GMT)

Other possibilities:

notice of assignment

notice of appointment
Peer comment(s):

neutral Jennifer Levey : A "notice of retainment" may well be a "diligencia", but it is only only of many types of "diligencia" that exist in a legal process. "All huskies are dogs - but not all dogs are huskies."
15 mins
You're right, Robin.
agree Melisa Espeche
20 mins
Thank you, Melisa.
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