Jul 7, 2018 03:01
6 yrs ago
16 viewers *
French term

contrat de société

French to English Law/Patents Law: Contract(s) Swiss Société en commandite
A Swiss Société en Commandité, described in their accounts as both a "corporate partnership" and "partnership limited by shares" abbreviated to ScMA has the following phrase for providing documents in court "Contrat de Société comprenant l'acte constitutif, le protocole et la convention entre associés"
Change log

Jul 8, 2018 03:03: Daryo changed "Field (write-in)" from "Swiss Partnership agreement and formation" to "Swiss Société en commandite"

Jul 8, 2018 03:03: Daryo changed "Field (write-in)" from "Swiss Partnership agreement and formation" to "Swiss Société en commandite"


Philippe Gurd Gross Jul 8, 2018:
Hi fourth: because it's a partnership, I would maintain that the equivalent of articles is the partnership agreement. The requirement to register is a separate issue which doesn't affect its legal form, in my view.
Daryo Jul 8, 2018:
... it is "une société de personnes" (says so the Swiss law), but it doesn't make it automatically a simple "partnership";

might be useful:

partnerships (Rechsgemeinschaft / société de personnes / società di persone):
--- eG (einfache Gesellschaft) / société simple / società semplice:≈ partnership by contract
--- KolG (Kollektivgesellschaft) / SNC (société en nom collectif) / società in nome collettivo:≈ GP
--- KG (Kommanditgesellschaft) / SC (société en commandite) / società in accomandita:≈ LP


the proposed translation would be:
KolG (Kollektivgesellschaft) / SNC (société en nom collectif) / società in nome collettivo
≈ GP: general(=ordinary) partnership


KG (Kommanditgesellschaft) / SC (société en commandite) / società in accomandita
≈ GP: limited partnership?

For comparison, when in 2000 a new legal form was created in UK that was a partnership without being an "ordinary" partnership (interesting story who and how and why created it, but let's not digress) it COULDN'T be simply called "partnership" - it's called a "Limited Liability Partnership". (it's NOT "une société en commandite")

Daryo Jul 8, 2018:
The key point is that "une société en commandite"

is a kind of hybrid, as detailed here:

10. Nombre nécessaire de propriétaires ou d'associés
La société en commandite est celle que contractent au moins une personne physique en tant qu'associé indéfiniment responsable (commandité) et au moins une personne physique ou morale ou société commerciale en tant qu'associé à responsabilité limitée (commanditaire) (art. 594 CO).


so some participant have *limited liability* while other are exposed to *unlimited liability*

which is not quite your bog standard "partnership", the main characteristic of it being:

La question de responsabilité peut être problématique, étant donné que les associés répondent de manière solidaire et illimitée. ....


IOW all involved have *unlimited liability*, not only for their own actions, but also of all others!

Short version: "une société en commandite" is not a partnership
Jack Dunwell (asker) Jul 8, 2018:
Thanks Philippe ! I'm happy about it being a partnership. I'm really trying to find out what its statutory duties are in registering its formation and equivalents of Articles.
Philippe Gurd Gross Jul 8, 2018:
As for sources, Quebec law and Swiss law share much in common, including the "société en commandite" as a type of partnership. The GDLF is a relevant source. Moreover, Daryo, your tone is completely unprofessional and has no place here.
Philippe Gurd Gross Jul 8, 2018:
Hi fourth, I believe the resources you found pertain to a "société de commandite par actions", which is a French hybrid partnership/corporation. Since we're talking about the Swiss "société en commandite", my position stands.
Jack Dunwell (asker) Jul 8, 2018:
Jack Dunwell (asker) Jul 8, 2018:
http://www.creeruneentreprise.fr/juridique/sca.htm This website states that a Société en commandité par actions has "statuts" Articles of Association
Jack Dunwell (asker) Jul 8, 2018:
Yes Daryo I've been browsing the TERMDAT, Swiss Federal glossary and it's really not very useful. Comments like "No equivalent in English"I suppose one of the probleme here is the paucity of this exact type of company. Any contribution very welcome!
Daryo Jul 8, 2018:
Point of method looking into a CANADIAN dictionary to figure out the inner working of a SWISS business entity is the kind method that wouldn't occur to me. (I confess my lack or originality - guilty as charged!)

I would have imagined that what an official Swiss website has to say about legal forms available to businesses operating in Switzerland is slightly more relevant ... but that's only me.

Proposed translations

26 mins

Partnership Agreement


Il est à noter qu'une société de personnes n'est pas une personne morale comme une société par actions. Il est donc erroné d'utiliser "articles of incorporation" pour quelque chose qui n'est pas un "corporation".
Note from asker:
Thank you Philippe. This is argued here where only one partner has been made defendent. "tous les associés indéfiniment responsable de xxx sont consorts nécessaires puisqu'il s'agit d'une société en commandité. Ainsi x et x n'avaient pas la possibilité de déposer leur requete à l'encontre d'un seul d'entre eux. Il en résulte un défaut de légitimation passif de l'intimé x." And your specific point...what is the registered form of a Partnership Agreement ?
We already have a "convention entre associés"
Peer comment(s):

agree TechLawDC : There are numerous Internet references which emphasize that the "société en commandite par actions" is a partnership and not a separate legal entity, as does the above quote. Accordingly, "Articles of Association" or "Charter" etc. would be misleading.
5 hrs
agree B D Finch : I also agree with TechLawDC's comment above.
8 hrs
agree AllegroTrans : or Deed of Partnership
8 hrs
disagree Daryo : https://www.kmu.admin.ch/kmu/fr/home/savoir-pratique/creatio... is not https://www.kmu.admin.ch/kmu/fr/home/savoir-pratique/creatio...
12 hrs
The documents you linked support my position (did you read them?) . Their points 6 state that both forms are "sociétés de personnes", meaning partnerships. They are not legal persons, and cannot thus be incorporated.
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you all"
19 mins

articles of incorporation

Note from asker:
Thank you so much François! In UK English Articles of Association.
Peer comment(s):

disagree AllegroTrans : Articles of Incorporation/Association = Statuts and are not even in the form of a contract (i.e. creating binding and enforceable legal obligations between persons coupled with consideration)
8 hrs
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Reference comments

1 day 9 hrs

What a specimen document looks like

Peer comments on this reference comment:

neutral Daryo : YES for the method - looking at *original and relevant documents* instead of glossaries (and other third/fourth/fifth hand sources ...), but this specimen is for "société en nom collectif" while the ST is about "une société en commandite"
14 hrs
I imagine there are similarities but I am sure asker would be able to find the specimen for société en commandite
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