Jun 30, 2018 16:50
6 yrs ago
2 viewers *
Spanish term

adjudica a su parte ciertas expresiones

Spanish to English Law/Patents Law: Taxation & Customs
This is in a legal document regarding an appeal based on a statute of limitations defense for tax arrears.

En su recurso de casación la parte actora se agravia de que la Cámara hizo lugar a la prescripción de los períodos reclamados desde el 2/94 al 9/96 del impuesto a los ingresos brutos. Cita la sentencia de primera instancia en cuando expresó que la intimación practicada interrumpió el plazo de la prescripción, y que en consecuencia no prescribieron los períodos reclamados. **La recurrente manifiesta que el fallo de Cámara adjudica a su parte ciertas expresiones al contestar excepciones que en realidad nunca dijo.**

Proposed translations (English)
3 +2 attributes certain remarks to her
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Non-PRO (1): AllegroTrans

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Proposed translations

54 mins

attributes certain remarks to her

The way I understand it:
The appellant states that the decision/ruling by the "Cámara" attributes certain remarks to her [al contestar excepciones] that she actually never said.

There are other ways of saying this but this is the idea. Hope it helps!

1.1 Ascribe a work or remark to (a particular author, artist, or speaker)
‘the building was attributed to Inigo Jones’

Peer comment(s):

agree AllegroTrans
1 hr
Thank you, saludos!
agree Andy Watkinson
23 hrs
Thank you Andy :-)
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Many thanks, Lorena. Great answer."
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