Russian term
практика кредитных организаций
Сразу ряд вопросов:
1) во-первых, синонимичны ли термины lending institutions, lending organizations, credit organizations, credit institutions?
2) грамматика: практика кредитных организаций
во-первых, хочется добавить "current" (current practice of...)
во-вторых, можно ли использовать притяжательный падеж (lending institutions' current practice)?
3 | lending institutions' current practices | mrrafe |
4 | existing routine of the lender institutions | Vladyslav Golovaty |
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Non-PRO (1): TechLawDC
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Proposed translations
lending institutions' current practices
"Lending institution" is a common expression. The others are not, so I'm not sure whether they're synonymous. One more often refers to a bank (or a credit union, which is like a bank but a cooperative) as an institution rather than an organization.
Practices sounds more natural than practice but it depends on the context, i.e., the subject(s) of this report. The report might concern only one practice, such as adjusting the interest rate paid on accounts.
existing routine of the lender institutions
практика деловых отношений - business practice
feel the difference?
then credit institution = lending institution (UK, US?)
then сложившаяся - existing, prevalent
then Organisational_routines
credit institutions
Routine lending operations by housing- finance institutions do not create the spectre of ... The existing legal enactments are not conducive to the creation and ...
Lending by country excludes Corporates & Institutions and Wealth Management, ... Corporates & Institutions (12%) ..... Utilizing existing routines with Group
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