Oct 2, 2017 13:27
7 yrs ago
7 viewers *
Romanian term

sa il absolve de obligatia de a executa dispozitiile primite

Romanian to English Law/Patents Law: Contract(s) Contract for works
In cazul in care executantul considera ca dispozitiile achizitorului sunt nejustificate sau inoportune, acesta are dreptul de a ridica obiectii in scris, fara ca obiectiile respective sa il absolve de obligatia de a executa dispozitiile primite, cu exceptia cazului in care acestea contravin prevederilor legale.

Something like?

Without being discharged from the obligation to perform the provision ??
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Non-PRO (2): Annamaria Amik, Sandra & Kenneth Grossman

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Annamaria Amik Oct 3, 2017:
Dispoziții Dispoziție is synonymous with ordin. It means instruction here.
https://dexonline.ro/definitie/dispoziție - see all the meanings.
Peter Shortall Oct 2, 2017:
Dispoziții I think these are more likely to be instructions, if they are "received" - "prevederilor" later in the sentence will be "provisions".
Lara Barnett (asker) Oct 2, 2017:
@ EvaVer Thank you. There is another question here if you are interested:


ps. are you posting this as an answer?
EvaVer (X) Oct 2, 2017:
Yes "...; however, raising such objections doesn't exempt him from the obligation to perform the provisions concerned" or something like that
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