Jul 13, 2017 12:11
7 yrs ago
7 viewers *
German term

gemeinsame Lebensführung

German to English Law/Patents Law: Contract(s)
From a "Partnerschaftsvertrag":

§ 3 ***Gemeinsame Lebensführung***

Die Partner verpflichten sich, gegenseitig füreinander aufzukommen und zu sorgen, z.B. im Falle von Krankheit oder Arbeitslosigkeit, und aktiv dafür zu sorgen, den anderen Partner vor Schaden und Gefahren zu bewahren, bzw. nach allen Kräften zu unterstützen.

Jeder Partner ist verpflichtet zum gemeinsamen Lebensunterhalt beizutragen.

Die laufenden Kosten der gemeinsamen Lebenshaltung werden geteilt.

"Lifestyle" scheint hier mE aus. Vielleicht irgendetwas mit "life management"??

Vielen Dank!
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Michael Kucharski Jul 13, 2017:
Armorel is right, there is another clause that permits termination of the contract.

§ 2 Beginn und Ende

Die Partnerschaft hat am 01.10. 2015 begonnen.

Sie ist auf Dauer angelegt, kann jedoch von jedem Partner mit Wirkung zum folgenden Monatsersten gekündigt werden.

Eine Kündigung zur Unzeit, etwa bei Pflegebedürftigkeit eines Partners, ist unzulässig.
AllegroTrans Jul 13, 2017:
A frequently encountered case of a heading having to be adpated to the actual content of the paragraph. However, the text which the asker * hasn't * posted (the continuation) might throw a different light on this. My own suggestion was based on what I could actually see.
writeaway Jul 13, 2017:
Lifestyle is even mentioned with a warning triangle on Linguee

Proposed translations

13 hrs

cohabitation/living together

About this information

Your legal rights as a partner may depend on whether you are married or living together. Living together with someone is sometimes also called cohabitation.

Note added at 13 hrs (2017-07-14 01:36:40 GMT)

Living together

Although there is no legal definition of living together, it generally means to live together as a couple without being married.

You can formalise aspects of your status with a partner by drawing up a legal agreement called a cohabitation contract or living together agreement. A living together agreement outlines the rights and obligations of each partner towards each other. It is not clear whether living together agreements are legally enforceable but they can be useful to remind a couple of their original intentions. In practice, instead of a living together agreement, or as well as, it's possible to make a series of legally enforceable agreements on specific matters, for example, how a jointly-owned house is shared. If you want to do this, you will need legal advice.

Note added at 13 hrs (2017-07-14 01:37:04 GMT)

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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Many thanks to all!"
14 mins

Lifetime/lifelong support

There are other ways to say this but I would not use "life management"
The crux seems to be that each partner will support the other
Peer comment(s):

agree philgoddard : Or mutual support.
44 mins
neutral Armorel Young : This inserts something that isn't there, since the text says nothing about "till death us do part" - what if there is another clause that permits the contract to be terminated?
46 mins
does that matter? we can only go with what it actually says
neutral writeaway : Agree with Armorel. And I don't see how Lebensführung turns into support
1 hr
It's a matter of what the paragraph says imo
agree TechLawDC : You could make it sound more jargonistic by expressing it as "Lifetime support, protection, and care".
1 hr
you could...
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30 mins

joint living arrangements

..as in "the couple’s joint living arrangements will be assessed to determine suitability http://slideplayer.com/slide/5750238/ This quote talks about adoption but the basic concept is still the same
Peer comment(s):

neutral AllegroTrans : The paragraph posted by the asker doesn't deal with living arrangements but imposes on each party a commitment of care and support
12 mins
That's fine but I can only translate what's there.The German term Lebensführung may implicitly include but doesn't directly address the notion of support.
neutral writeaway : don't see how Lebensführung turns into living arrangements. Sure the term exists in English but imo, it's not the right translation in the context
59 mins
Well, your living arrangements reflect how you choose to arrange your life, no?
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22 hrs

mutual conduct (of life)/mutual life management

Perhaps tis would work.
Peer comment(s):

neutral AllegroTrans : This sounds rather too much like a business deal to me; I don't call marriage/partnership "management"
8 hrs
Never made a marriage contract? They ARE business agreements. Modern times...
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1 day 10 mins

life partnership

A life partner or life companion is a romantic or otherwise very close friend for life. The partners can be of the same or opposite sexes, married or unmarried, and celibate, monogamous or polyamorous.

1. a non- homosexual way of saying homosexual.
2. one who you spend your life with
http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=life partner
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2 days 9 hrs

shared life

The source text is about the partners supporting each other in every aspect of their daily lives. What about shared life (or shared lives) as a heading for this paragraph?

Another good idea is mutual support (or mutual support and collaboration) which already has been suggested.

PS: Duty of loyalty and Duty to devote time are two headings I found in British template for a partnership agreement. How horrible does that sound!?
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Reference comments

23 hrs


See sample agreement here

Based on the Lebenspartnerschaftsgesetz, see
§ 2 Partnerschaftliche Lebensgemeinschaft
Die Lebenspartner sind einander zu Fürsorge und Unterstützung sowie zur gemeinsamen Lebensgestaltung verpflichtet. Sie tragen füreinander Verantwortung.

From Wikipedia
Wirkung zwischen den Lebenspartnern
Die Lebenspartnerschaft hat insbesondere folgende Rechte und Pflichten zur Folge:
Verpflichtung zur gemeinsamen Lebensführung und zum gegenseitigen Beistand nach § 2 LPartG
• auf Wunsch gemeinsamer Familienname („Lebenspartnerschaftsname“, § 3 LPartG)
• Verpflichtung zum lebenspartnerschaftlichen Unterhalt;
• jeder Lebenspartner hat eine Schlüsselgewalt;
• Reduzierung des Sorgfaltsmaßstabs auf die eigenübliche Sorgfalt (§ 4 LPartG)

Various suggested translations can be found

Section 2
Community of the life partners
The life partners shall have a duty to care for and support one another and to shape their lives together. They shall be responsible for one another.

Paragraph 2
Life Partnership Community
The Life Partners are obligated to care for and support each other and to forge a common life. They bear mutual responsibility for each other.

As with a heterosexual marriage, the partners "are obligated to care for and support one another, and to live jointly. They are responsible for one another." (§ 2 LPartG2)

(a) shared life (together)

Perhaps some of this may inspire someone to come up with a better solution.
Peer comments on this reference comment:

agree Wendy Streitparth : Sorry, Alison. Hadn't read your reference.
42 mins
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