Spanish term
título décimo cuarto
Would anyone know what "título décimo cuarto" is in terms of Mexican law? I am translating a protocol amendment approval document from COFEPRIS of the United Mexican States regarding a pharmaceutical clinical trial.
The text in full: "318 y 319 del Título Décimo Cuarto". I know the last bit is 14 but I'm not sure about the "título".
Many thanks in advance,
4 +2 | Title 14 | liz askew |
4 | Title XIV | Charlie Higgins |
finding only | liz askew |
Ley General de Salud | Robert Carter |
Non-PRO (1): Robert Carter
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Proposed translations
Title 14
The Legal and Clinical Redefinition of Death ... Such an act would no doubt help or save the lives of many organ recipients; it would serve the .... The federal laws on organ transplantation are primarily found in Title 42 of the United States ...
Title XIV
Title XIV of the Social Security Act is administered by the Department of Health and Human Services.
Reference comments
finding only
Note added at 6 mins (2017-03-28 14:51:23 GMT)
título = section
Note added at 7 mins (2017-03-28 14:52:27 GMT)
however: › NCBI › Literature › PubMed Central (PMC)
by A Ferreira-Hermosillo - 2014 - Cited by 1 - Related articles
16 Jun 2014 - Keywords: Renal transplantation, Living donors, Organ donor, Prediabetes, .... The Mexican General Law of Health [30] in ***Title 14, section 333***, ...
Thank you very much for your prompt reply! |
agree |
: Yes, we've had this many times before. It means title or section.
2 mins
Ley General de Salud
Articles/Sections 318 and 319 fall under the division referred to as "Title Fourteen":
Disposiciones Generales
Donación, Trasplantes y Pérdida de la Vida
Disposiciones Comunes
Artículo 318.- Para el control sanitario de los productos y de la disposición del embrión y de las células germinales, se estará a lo dispuesto en esta Ley, en lo que resulte aplicable, y en las demás disposiciones generales que al efecto se expidan.
Artículo 319.- Se considerará disposición ilícita de órganos, tejidos, células y cadáveres de seres humanos, aquella que se efectúe sin estar autorizada por la Ley.
Thank you for your response and the full explanation. |
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