Glossary entry

Russian term or phrase:

Визитная карточка

English translation:

became the showcase of the mastery

Added to glossary by rns
Dec 22, 2016 10:28
7 yrs ago
Russian term

Визитная карточка

Russian to English Art/Literary Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting газетная статья
Добрый день!
Помогите, пожалуйста, перевести "визитная карточка" в следующем контексте:

Набивные парча и бархат, а также шелковые платья Delphos, имитирующие греческие хитоны, стали визитной карточкой мастера.

Заранее спасибо!
Change log

Dec 28, 2016 11:06: rns Created KOG entry

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Non-PRO (1): El oso

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How to tell the difference between "easy" and "pro" questions:

An easy question is one that any bilingual person would be able to answer correctly. (Or in the case of monolingual questions, an easy question is one that any native speaker of the language would be able to answer correctly.)

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Another way to think of the difficulty levels is this: an easy question is one that deals with everyday conversation. A pro question is anything else.

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Turdimurod Rakhmanov Dec 23, 2016:
Difference between "signature" and "hallmark"
Hallmark is a typical characteristic or feature of a person or thing:
For ex. Simplicity (feature) in his work is a hallmark of the design.
Signature: broader term, the Delphos gown (product) by which the master can be identified, not master's feature in his work: a distinctive pattern, product, or characteristic by which someone or something can be identified
EX: the chef produced the pâté that was his signature -pâté (product) is his signature. Not his producing technique or methods in this context.
Набивные парча и бархат, а также шелковые платья Delphos, имитирующие греческие хитоны-это product, not feature
Turdimurod Rakhmanov Dec 22, 2016:
"signature"- "визитная карточка",
Fast-printed brocade (gold cloth) and velvet, the Delphos gown, a finely pleated silk dress, a deliberate reference to the chiton of ancient Greece have become the signature of the master (expert)

Oxford dictionary: ■ a distinctive pattern, product, or characteristic by which someone or something can be identified
EX: the chef produced the pâté that was his signature

Proposed translations

22 mins
Russian term (edited): стали визитной карточкой мастера

became the showcase of the mastery

Peer comment(s):

agree Frank Szmulowicz, Ph. D.
23 mins
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
5 mins


A jargon expression of a kind, check the link, point 2
Peer comment(s):

agree Frank Szmulowicz, Ph. D.
41 mins
Something went wrong...
12 mins


Как вариант.

Note added at 14 mins (2016-12-22 10:43:06 GMT)
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Peer comment(s):

agree Frank Szmulowicz, Ph. D.
33 mins
Thank you, Frank!
agree Jack Doughty
1 hr
Thank you, Jack!
agree El oso
1 hr
Thank you, El oso!
agree Sarah McDowell
17 hrs
Thank you, Sarah!
Something went wrong...
2 hrs


Just as a version:
something (such as a quality or feature) that is closely associated with someone or something Merriam Webster
a distinguishing or identifying mark, feature, or quality; especially : a distinctive method of committing a crime that is characteristic of an offender
Peer comment(s):

agree LarisaK
28 mins
Thank you.
Something went wrong...
2 hrs

signature item(s)/look/style

зависит от того, как вы построите предложение, но ключевое слово - атрибутивно использованное signature
Peer comment(s):

agree LarisaK
20 mins
Something went wrong...
50 mins

calling card

From three dictionaries:

2. (mainly American) a quality or achievement that gives someone an advantage This performance acted as the calling card that landed Taylor her first major film role. calling card


An action by which someone or something can be identified:
‘holistic, sustainable design is the calling card of the green architect’


Informal. any mark, sign, trace, characteristic, or the like by which someone or something can be recognized.

Note added at 3 hrs (2016-12-22 13:46:36 GMT)

The forty-three tones that have become the calling card of Partch's music were partly determined by the symmetrical structuring of Otonality and Utonality.

a touchstone for the development of the museum-style exhibitions that have become the calling card of blue-chip galleries the world over.

Such theatrical works have become the calling card of Ars Lyrica and its artistic director, Matthew Dirst.
The achingly long shots that have become the calling card of cinematographer Emmanuel Lubezki (who also won an Oscar for “Birdman”)
the odd sounds (mixed with Björk) that have become the calling card of Andy Morin.
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