Oct 10, 2016 17:25
8 yrs ago
Polish term

pomiar wyrównania posadzki

Polish to English Tech/Engineering Construction / Civil Engineering
Hej! Jak mam rozumieć tutaj pomiar wyrównania, czy wyrównanie można traktować jako warstwę posadzki betonowej? Dopóki nie natknęłam się na ten fragment, w tekście była mowa o tym jako o czynności.
Słownik budowlany mi za wiele nie pomógł.

Pomiar wyrównania podbudowy przeprowadzano dla każdego kontrolowanego pola roboczego bezpośrednio przed przystąpieniem do betonowania.

Proposed translations

51 mins

level survey, tolerance of the base course

In all locations the required level and thickness must be reached.

The tolerance of the base course should follow jobsite specification with a maximum tolerances of: etc.
geodesy survey
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40 mins

measurement of floor levelness

IMO. There is flatness and levelness.

Note added at 44 mins (2016-10-10 18:09:24 GMT)

FF/FL numbers
Floor flatness (FF) controls the bumpiness of the floor surface and is primarily affected by the finishing operations after screeding, including restraightening and power floating. Essentially, FF numbers evaluate the elevation differences along a sample line at one-foot intervals. F numbers extend from zero to infinity so the higher the F number, the flatter the floor.

Floor levelness (FL) controls the departure of the floor surface from the specified slope or plane of the surface. FL numbers evaluate the elevation differences along a sample line at 10-foot intervals. The higher the FL number, the more level the floor. Levelness of the edge forms and the accuracy of the concrete screeding operation control the overall levelness of the floor. A self-propelled, laser-guided screed can routinely create FL numbers of about 35 and higher.

FF/FL numbers have the following floor flatness classifications:

FF 25/ FL 20 – moderately flat
FF 35/ FL 25 – flat
FF 45/ FL 35 – very flat
FF 60/ FL 40 – super flat


Floor Flatness & Levelness
One of the things that distinguishes a high tolerance floor is its F-number requirement. F-numbers were developed in the 1980s to provide a systematic, quantitative way to indicate the flatness and levelness of a concrete floor. The higher the F-number, the flatter or more level the floor. There are actually three F-numbers that are used for concrete floors, depending on whether the floor will have a random traffic pattern or defined traffic aisles.
lates the wheel pattern of a high-mast lift truck. Allflat Consulting

FF—This number is used to indicate the flatness of a random-traffic floor. FF is measured as the curvature of the floor over a 2-foot interval. Take a grid of 2-foot intervals over the entire floor and put the values through an equation and you get the FF value as an indication of the waviness of the floor. The FF value is primarily a result of how good the finisher was at working the surface to achieve a flat floor. The FF value of a driveway, for example, might be 10 while the FF of a superflat floor could be as high as 125.
FL—The second number indicates the levelness of a random-traffic floor and is measured over a 10-foot interval. Again, take all of the 10-foot readings, add them up, and put them through an algorithm (an equation) and you will get the FL value. FLis primarily a result of how good the contractor was at setting the side forms and striking off the concrete and has almost nothing to do with the skills of the finisher.

F-min is measured using a traveling profileograph, which simulates the wheel pattern of a high-mast lift truck. Allflat Consulting


Note added at 1 hr (2016-10-10 18:26:17 GMT)


Wyrównanie posadzki. Posadzka o nierównościach do ok. 5mm może być wyrównana za pomocą wylewki samopoziomującej

Pierwszy etap stanowi wyrównanie posadzki, tak aby wszystkie płytki były na jednej wysokości.


wyrównanie posadzki wylewką samopoziomującą, (self-levelling)
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1 hr

measurement/calculation of/for floor grading and levelling

wyrównanie podbudowy - https://goo.gl/OKRELc


Grading in civil engineering and landscape architectural construction is the work of ensuring a level base, or one with a specified slope, for a construction work such as a foundation, the base course for a road or a railway, or landscape and garden improvements, or surface drainage. - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grading_(engineering)#


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