Aug 16, 2016 12:11
8 yrs ago
English term


English to Czech Other Sports / Fitness / Recreation experts

Les Mills Nordic Values
Les Mills Nordic Vision
Les Mills Nordic Quality System
Feedback - Part A
Feedback - Part B
How to assess - Step by step
Assessment for certification
Result of assessment - PASS
Result of assessment - WITHHELD
Result of assessment - FAIL
Assessment initial training - COMPLETION
Appendix 1 - Technique
Appendix 2 - Coaching
Appendix 3 - Program Essence

Les Mills Nordic Values
Les Mills Nordic has values which guide us in our work. Our values represent what we believe, what we think is
important for us to achieve what we want. These values are not to be tampered in any way. They explain
expectations and priorities.
Les Mills Nordic values originate from Les Mills Internationals values based on their Maori history and culture, which we are an important part of. Since we are an extension and a part of the same organization as Les Mills international, we have embraced their core values – Change the World, One Tribe and Be brave. We have adapted them to our internal culture and history and made them as concrete as possible.
Les Mills Nordic Vision
Les Mills is working deliberately and hard to make more people discover the joy of moving to music. Our promise is “to create life changing fitness experiences every time everywhere”. To guarantee safe and effective programs for the participants, all instructors have to be certified. The quality system makes sure that Les Mills classes deliver on its promise to customers, clubs, instructors and to Les Mills.
The Instructors main goal is to fill their classes. If the participants come back to the class, the instructor is doing
a good job. An increasing number of participants will mean increased income for the clubs, and the instructor receives proof of their skills which is inspired to develop.
Les Mills Nordic Quality System
The purpose and benefits of assessments
The purpose is to determine whether an instructor has the competency and if they stand ready to present the
Les Mills brand. It certifies that they can teach safe and effective classes, it verifies quality and safety.
The assessment also helps the instructor to continue develop their skills on their own.
Your part as a Les Mills assessor
The role as an assessor for Les Mills is extremely important. What you do is an extension of the initial training.
You have great knowledge of the Les Mills brand and your purpose is to inform, educate and inspire the instructors through your feedback, helping them on the path of becoming a great instructor. For most instructors, the
assessment is one of the first interactions with Les Mills (after initial training) and therefore we want them to
experience the assessment valuable and professional.
The mindset of an assessor
Remember to expect competency, not perfection. Nobody is perfect at instructing so freshly out of initial training. Don not forget that the instructor has most likely only been teaching for 3 months, approximately 10 classes by the time they send in their certification video. What we can expect however is that they will grow with time. We can lead them to develop great skills with our feedback; but if they miss a few repetitions, centimeters or cues, it should not affect them negatively. When in doubt ask yourself the following question: Was it a good experience and
offered a safe and effective workout? Good, then they should pass!
The best approach as we watch each video is to begin with the point of view that the instructor is competent in the compulsory key elements Technique, Choreography and Coaching. Connection and Performance are two key elements that are non-compulsory, these will develop with time.
How to assess - Step by step
1) You receive an email from the Quality & Assessment coordination with a video link to the webstreaming page.
2) You assess the video within the deadline which is 8 days from the day your received the video link. For completion videos it is 4 days.
3) Certification videos: Your write the feedback in the webshop, using your personal log in. In your personal profile your will find the heading ‘Reviewer’, click on this one and a list with the instructors names will be presented. Click on the instructors name and the assessment form will appear below.
4) Completion videos: Write the feedback in the word document ‘Completion Assessment Form’. If you are missing the assessment form, email the Quality Coordinator. Send the assessment form by email to the quality coordinator within the deadline.
5) Read through your feedback to make sure that it is professional. Pay attention to any misspellings and make sure you marked the boxes correct.
6) The last thing you do when you fill in the assessment form for certification in the webshop is to choose status – PASS, FAIL or WITHHELD. When you have done this you click on the ‘Save’ button and the assessment will
automatically be sent to the instructor and their Group Fitness Manager.
7) To organize and be sure of which videos you have assessed in the webstreaming portal change the status from ‘In progress’ to ‘Pass, fail or withheld’.
Username: lmnadmin
Password: nordic1
Guidlines for assessment
Guidelines for assessing Les Mills certifications videos...
TECHNIQUE: The instructor is a role model in demonstrating correct technique. Step aside from the level of detail assessment and look at the whole picture. Look at each exercise/variation holistically (as a whole exercise rather than individual parts). Does some of the detailed feedback have any significance for the overall impression as long as the technique is safe and effective? For e.g. Do you think that it would injure the participants if a jab cross is executed ten centimeters higher than it should?
(See appendix 1 - Technique)
CHOREOGRAPHY: The instructor was confident and followed the choreography to the beat of the music
(remember that Les Mills International standard is 90 % of the class). It is okay to make mistakes, no one delivers
a 100 % correct class at each time, not you, not even the trainers. We should not expect that a newly trained
instructor should be able to deliver a class with no mistakes. For us to demand that the choreography should be 100 % accurate is not acceptable.
COACHING: The the participants could follow and train safely. If the instructor delivers layer 1 cues and two to three layer 2 cues the should pass. It does not need to be consistent. Layer 2 coaching will grow with time is
something we can expect.
(See appendix 2 - Coaching)
CONNECTION: When the instructor creates an atmosphere that everyone wants to be a part of. It is about taking the focus of themselves by bringing their attention to the participants. Engaging them so they are a part of the class. Their job is to hook them in. Engage them. Get them to come back. The instructor treat their participants with respect and care, praise them and involve them.
PERFORMANCE: Is about teaching in the essence of the program and create a memorable experience. It is about getting the participants moving, sweating, chanting, working, pushing, preserving, fatiguing and really feel the experience of the program inside out. Performance will occur when the instructor master the other four
elements and when they teach with the look and feel of the program in a natural way.
(See appendix 3 - Program Essence)
Assessment for certification
The assessment form below is the one you use. It is divided into two parts- part A is assessment (pass, withheld or fail) and part B is development. In part A, the three compulsory Key Elements (technique, choreography, coaching) are assessed and you can provide useful feedback. Part B, on the other hand, is all about emphasizing the
instructor’s strengths and ask questions to help them develop.
Feedback- Part A
How to write your feedback...
1) The name of the technique/movement & Track Number.
To make it as clear as possible for the instructor always start by writing the name of the specific technique by using the same term in the choreography notes. After that you can write your comment.
2) What is the instructor doing?
Always start the feedback with describing what the instructor is doing in their certification video. The purpose is to raise the instructor’s level of awareness of what they are doing so they can change it on their own. If you mix facts with your own values the assessment becomes subjective and the risk of misinterpretation will increase. Write the
feedback as clear as you can so there is no risk of misunderstanding.
3) What it should look like!
After your comment on what the instructor is doing you continue by writing how it should look like within brackets. You do this so the instructor is 100 % sure of how it should be done. See the example below.
4) Less is more.
Prioritize your feedback! What skills are most important for the instructor to practice first to get certified? If you give a lot of comments and the feedback gets too long the most important things will disappear. If the instructor is on a basic level, never mind the details, it will be too much to apprehend. If the instructor demonstrates great skills the feedback can be more detailed.
5) Analyze.
You also need to analyze what causes the incorrect technique. For example;
When executing Squats, the upper body leans forward to an extent that it can cause back and/or neck injury.
At the same time you note that the space between the feet is smaller than hip width. The reason of the upper body leaning forward is probably because of the short distance between the feet. You should therefore choose to comment on the feet position, since the upper body position probably will change automatically when the feet are positioned correctly.
“Track #4 Deadlift: Your feet are placed wider than hip width apart.
(feet should be positioned straight below the hips/pelvis).
Things to avoid...
Writing the feedback with a subjective tone.
Separate the person from the areas of improvement. By doing so you make it easier for the instructor to see your comments from an objective point of view. But it is important that you keep in mind that there is a fine line
between being too objective and too personal. Example on Subjective tone: ‘You placed your feet in the wrong stance…” Instead use: ‘your feet are placed wider than hip width apart…’
Using vague words.
Avoid vague words such as too narrow, too wide, quite because when you use them you have added your personal opinion. Instead, use specific target zones, e.g. ‘Deadlift: The bar to your knees.
Erasing the positive feedback by using “but”
Avoid words such as but, why, must/have to, not, anyhow. Why? Because every time you use the word ‘but’ you instantly erase the positive things that you’ve just said. E.g. ‘You show great strength and technique but some movements are too slow”
Feedback- Part A
Be an encourager.
The world has plenty of critics allready.
Feedback - Part B
How to write strengths and
This part of the assessment is where you emphasize the instructor’s strengths and talents. For the instructor to develop it is of great importance that they get constructive feedback along with feedback on what they are doing well. Strengths is skills that someone does without making an effort, it comes naturally and easy. We all have
strengths and weaknesses and to become even greater assets we need feedback on both parts. When the
assessor raises the awareness of these strengths the instructor can reach their full potential. Write specifically what the instructor is good at and how it affects the group.
How are they doing it and how can you see the results of this in the class?
What is the instructor good at?
How to write developing
To help the instructor develop we also give them developing questions, which are ‘open’ questions. The purpose
of this is to engage the instructor in their own growth and to show them that you have faith in them. Still, you need to be as specific and clear as possible what your purpose with the question is.
What questions should you use?
Always have your previous feedback comments in mind, basics before details. If you have chosen to fail one or more compulsory Key elements the questions should be about/connected to these key elements instead of a new feedback comment. Instructors who already show great skills should also receive useful feedback and in this case you have to be more detailed. Do this by focusing on a specific track, a transition, how they can use their
personality more or how they can use their martial art skills to inspire even more.
How many questions?
Write about 3-4 questions and prioritize the questions that can help the instructor to take the next step.
Example: Instructor who has failed one or more of the compulsory Key Elements needs to know exactly WHAT
to do in the next video to pass. Only write the key improvements they have to do to pass
Feedback- Part B
Results of assessment for certification - PASS
Based on the three compulsory Key Elements ‘technique’, ‘choreography’ and ‘coaching’ you can give three
different kinds of result.
Instructor fulfils the criteria of all three compulsory Key Element and receives a certificate/diploma valid
One of Les Mills Nordic’s goals is that the average instructor is active and certified in 1.9 programs by March 31st 2016 by offering an additional program after certification.Therefore we want you to promote an
additional program in the assessment form when the instructor is PASS and certified. When we send you the links to the webstream for the video we will add what program they teach so the chance of recommending a program they already are certified in is eliminated. Use the information below to recommend a new program but add a
“personal touch” to it. E.g. ‘you have a great energy and you would be suitable for …..®’
Results of assessment for certification - WITHELD
Instructor almost reaches ‘pass’, but is making one or two mistakes which you feel are important to attend to before they receive their diploma. Example:
The instructor fulfils the criteria of all three compulsory Key Elements, with the exception of the ‘Squat’ where the instructor lets the movement go below the correct range. In this case you will write a comment such as: Squat: The movement stops when the angle of the knee is less than 90˚. (At the bottom the angle of the knees should be 90˚)
What to do when withheld:
1) Mark ‘No’ with a cross next the Technique comment field.
2) Mark ‘Withheld’ with a cross.
3) Write down a detailed comment in ‘Next step- This is what you have to do...’ Make sure you emphasize what needs to be improved or corrected in order to receive a ‘pass’. Send in a new film to Les Mills within 6 weeks to confirm the improvement. Remember to write a specific date.
4) Make sure you emphasize what needs to be improved or corrected in order to receive a ‘pass’. A new video should be upload to Les Mills within 6 weeks. Remember to write a specific date.
Results of assessment for certification - FAIL
Instructor does not fulfil the criteria of all three compulsory Key Elements. Therefore the instructor has to film
another class and upload to Les Mills.
When instructors get ‘FAIL’ Les Mills will do their best to send the second video to the same assessor, in order for you to see improvement(s) from the previous video. The third video for certification will be sent to another assessor.
Write an entirely new assessment and in some cases you will see that the same criteria which you have passed in the first video, is not good enough on the second video. The challenge is to master all three compulsory Key
Elements at the same time. If you don’t have the previous assessment, contact the Quality Coordinator.
What to do when FAIL
1) Mark ‘No’ next to where you comment on the Key Element(s) that is/are failed.
2) Mark ‘Fail’ with a cross. Write down a detailed comment in ‘Next step- This is what you have to do to pass...). Remember to always connect next step with the feedback comments of why they failed. You should not add new things here.
3) Make sure you emphasize what needs to be improved or corrected in order to receive a ‘pass’. A new video should be upload to Les Mills within 6 weeks. Remember to write a specific date.
Assessment Initial Training - COMPLETION
If an instructor does not pass the initial training they have to upload a completion video containing two tracks.
This means that they are not allowed to teach until they pass this video first. Accordingly, the requirement of
passing initial training and completion videos are lower than the certification video since the instructor has not had the three months of practice with a real group of people. You write your feedback the same way as any other assessment and sum up by bringing out the instructors strengths and talents.
Results of the completion assessment
The instructor has three chances to pass the completion assessment. If they fail on their third video they will have to attend initial training again.
Where do you write the feedback?
When assessing completion videos you write the feedback in the ‘completion assessment form’. When you are done email the assessment form as a word document to the Quality & Assessment coordinator. If you do not have the assessment form email the Quality & Assessment coordinator. Make sure you put the right number in order of assessed video to clarify how many chances remains.
Appendix 1 - Technique
The Key Element ’technique’ can be divided in subgroups as seen below- when assessing, ask yourself these
questions: (The subgroups in italics should not affect the assessment of the Key Element ‘technique’, however they are important and should be commented by asking questions in the ’Next step- questions which help you to
develop’- box, but only if the instructor shows great skills and is PASS.)
POSITION: Demonstrates correct Stances, Posture and Alignment?
EXECUTION: Shows safe and effective range of motion and movement control? (BODYSTEP® & BODYATTACK® competence in terms of position and feeling in arm movement?)
(Fitness): Does the instructor demonstrate appropriate strength, flexibility and cardiovascular conditioning as
required by the program?
(Feel): Is the look, feel and attitude in accordance with the essence of the program?
POSITION: Demonstrates correct stances, posture, and alignment.
EXECUTION: Shows safe and effective range of motion and exercise control.
STYLE: Does the instructor have the correct look, feel and attitude for the moves?
POSITION: Does the instructor demonstrate correct posture for the dance styles?
EXECUTION: Does the instructor demonstrate clear and precise movement?
RANGE: Does the instructor demonstrate correct Range of Movement (ROM) in relation to Base,
Flava and Brakeout?
(Fitness): Does the instructor demonstrate appropriate strength, flexibility and cardiovascular conditioning as
required by the program?
Appendix 2 - Coaching
LAYER 1: Cues the Choreography and safe & effective Technique, including Options to reduce intensity.
[Layer 1 competency required for module & completion video PASS]
LAYER 2: Coaches the workout. Follow-up Cues to improve the move and get results.
[2-3 Layer 2 cues is required for Certification]
LAYER 3: Uses language and voice in the BODYATTACK® essence to motivate, inspire and challenge
(Motivational Cues)
Layer 1: SETUP - Alignment (Pose name and body part & direction into the shape of the pose) [Includes
Must-Do Cues], breath, and options [Competency is required for Initial Training Pass]
Layer 2: Pause... to see what the class needs.
Layer 3: ENHANCE - Follow up with cues that improve pose alignment and enhance breath.
Use language that deepens awareness and understanding (reasons why, feel, benefits). Praise & provide SILENCE. [At certification, successful delivery of Layers 1-3 is required]
LAYER 1: SETUP/COMPULSORIES - Move Name, Setup and Safety Cues [Competency is required for Initial
Training Pass]
LAYER 2: INTENSITY – Coach people to improve execution and manage the intensity of their workout; & educate (the WHY, Benefits, Martial Arts Knowledge) [Competency is required for Instructor Certification]
LAYER 3: MOTIVATE & CHALLENGE – Use a variety of motivation tools (e.g. Intrinsic & Extrinsic Cues) suitable for the track and the participant and CELEBRATE their effort at the end of the track.
LAYER 1: Initial SETUP Cues to cue the choreography and set up the BASE moves (including name, timing and
direction of move, number of repetitions, visual instruction & pre-cueing/previewing). [Layer 1 competency required for module & completion video PASS]
LAYER 2: Follow-up Cues - to set up the FLAVA (evolve, extend and enhance the feel of the movement) [Layer 2 & 3 competency required for Certification]
LAYER 3: Motivational Cues - Connection and Motivation / BREAKOUT (inspire and challenge) / Shut Up & Dance! (silence to create music connection)
Appendix 2 - Coaching
LAYER 1: Cues Choreography and Technique – Name and Direction of Move, Compulsory Cues, Intensity Options & Visual Cues. [Layer 1 competency required for module & completion video PASS]
LAYER 2: Intensity – how to improve the move, intensity options, and benefits [2-3 Layer 2 cues is required
for Certification]
LAYER 3: Connection and Motivation – Use of language and voice to connect to the music, drive intensity, inspire, motivate & have FUN
LAYER 1: Setup - Coaches Choreography & Technique (Name & direction of move, technique & safety setup, intensity options) [Layer 1 competency required for module & completion video PASS]
LAYER 2: Coaches the workout. Follow-up Cues to improve the move, provide intensity options and get results. [2-3 Layer 2 cues is required for Certification]
LAYER 3: Uses language and voice in the BODYVIVE® Essence to excite, motivate, inspire and challenge
(Motivational Cues)
LAYER 1: Setup - cues the Choreography (start position, body part & direction) and safe and effective execution including Compulsory Cues. [Layer 1 competency required for module & completion video PASS]
LAYER 2: Follow-up and intensity cues to enhance Technique including options & benefits. [2-3 Layer 2 cues is required for Certification]
LAYER 3: Drive cues to motivate, encourage, & inspire (Challenging, Benefits-based, Fun)
LAYER 1: SETUP – Explains & demos exercises. Cues timing, correct & safe execution (includes Compulsory Cues) & options if needed
LAYER 2: CONNECT – Floor Coaching (Technique Correction, Motivate, Praise)
[Layer 1 & 2 competency required for module & completion video PASS]
LAYER 3: DRIVE – Intensifies the workout (motivates, encourages & challenges)
LAYER 4: RESET – at the end of each block of work and end of each track.
Appendix 2 - Coaching
LAYER 1: SETUP/COMPULSORIES – Track introduction, POSITION,RESISTANCE and PACE Setup [Competency is required for Initial Training Pass]
LAYER 2: INTENSITY – Coach people to improve execution and manipulate the intensity of their ride and educate on exercise benefits. [Competency is required for Instructor Certification]
LAYER 3: INSPIRE & MOTIVATE – be the athlete, use cycling imagery and a variety of suitable motivation tools and celebrate participant effort at the end of each track.
LAYER 1: Coaches the Choreography (Feet Cues). Includes name and direction of move, number of repetitions, visual instruction & pre-cueing/previewing. [Layer 1 competency required for module & completion video PASS]
LAYER 2: Intensity. Uses Feel Cues to evolve, extend and enhance the workout. [2-3 Layer 2 cues is required for Certification]
LAYER 3: Uses language and voice in the SH’BAM essence to excite, motivate, inspire and challenge (Free Cues).
CONNECTION Hosts a fun party for friends; engaging them in the music, workout, & ME
Appears open & approachable
Demonstrates conversational, relaxed, spontaneous demeanor
LAYER 1: SETUP/COMPULSORIES – Track Intro; Choreography (NETT); Position & Execution, Setup & Compulsory Cues [Competency is required for Initial Training Pass ]
LAYER 2: INTENSITY – Coach participants to improve execution and manipulate the intensity of their workout. Educate in exercise benefits. [Competency is required for Instructor Certification]
LAYER 3: MOTIVATE/DRIVE – use a variety of motivation tools (e.g. intrinsic & extrinsic cues) suitable for the track and the participants and CELEBRATE their effort at the track end.
Appendix 3 -Program Essence
The program essence is the core of each specific program and should always be the basis of the 5 Key Elements.
It is the instructor’s job to deliver and to present the program essence throughout the class- everything from what the instructor says in their introduction, how they coach their class, what clothes they are wearing, the attitude, the look and feel and how they present the movements and music.
Energy, Stamina and Power.
Yoga, Thai Chi, Pilates, Strength and Flexibility. Centered and Calm.
Martial Arts, Unleash, Energy and Power.
The latest and coolest Dance Moves, The Hottest New Sound.
Strength training, Challenge, The Whole Body.
Step Up, Effective, Uplifting.
Getting in shape on your own terms, bubbling with energy
Cycling, Rhythm and Endorphins.
Power and Precision.
Sweating and smiling through a simple dance workout.
Lead an INTENSE workout, create a TEAM.

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23 hrs

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přeložil bych jako odklad, protože dle kontextu stačí, aby dotyčný splnil několik věcí v náhradním termínu, tzn. rozhodně nejde o zamítnutí
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
3 mins


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34 mins


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3 hrs


Pass, fail, withheld - prospět, neprospět, vynechat
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