Jul 22, 2016 06:53
8 yrs ago
German term

(Fluss) Niederung

German to English Science Environment & Ecology
Ich suche gute Übersetzung für das Wort (Fluss)Nniederung. Es handelt sich um ein Amphibienschutzprojekt.

Bisherige Gedanken:
Fluss Niederung = river or fluvial plain

irgendwelche besseren Ideen?


Björn Vrooman Jul 23, 2016:
[Edited] However, I think you're right about alluvial plain.

"Aue" it's not:
"Die Flussaue, auch nur Au(e) genannt, ist die vom wechselnden Hoch- und Niedrigwasser geprägte Niederung entlang eines Baches oder Flusses. Auen sind Uferlandschaften von Bächen bzw. Flüssen, deren Geländeformen und Lebensgemeinschaften vom Wechsel zwischen niederer und hoher Wasserführung geprägt werden. Sie stehen als Teil der Flusslandschaft in permanentem Austausch mit dem Fluss selbst und seinem Einzugsgebiet."

That's a type of (or it actually is) "Niederung," but it seems more like the "floodplain."

"river valley" doesn't work at all because it has an upper/middle/lower course:

A "river plain" should be a "Flussebene" if I'm not mistaken (http://www.duden.de/rechtschreibung/Flussebene).
Björn Vrooman Jul 23, 2016:
@Wendy Yes, I looked at both BBC definitions. If you take a look the 5th link I gave:
"Noch heute sind diese Flussniederungen als Feuchtwiesengürtel um die Stadt erhalten."

"Flußniederungen" is quite a general term for anything lower and middle course, although you don't see a "Delta" or similar in most pictures, something that the BBC lists as an example of "lower course."

It's more like this here from the same BBC explanation:
"The gradient here is gentle and lateral (sideways) erosion has widened the river channel. The river channel has also deepened."

I could agree if we can include both types (lower and middle). See also the Wiki link below:
"an den Mittel- und Unterläufen" (middle and lower course)
Wendy Streitparth Jul 23, 2016:
@ Björn: Had you seen the definition for lower course in your 4th link? I think that supports my suggestion rather well! Another possibility would be "alluvial plain".


An alluvial plain is a largely flat landform created by the deposition of sediment over a long period of time by one or more rivers coming from highland regions, from which alluvial soil forms. A floodplain is part of the process, being the smaller area over which the rivers flood at a particular period of time, whereas the alluvial plain is the larger area representing the region over which the floodplains have shifted over geological time.
Björn Vrooman Jul 23, 2016:
@Wendy Context:
"Solche Niederungen sind meist flache, langgestreckte Einsenkungen der Erdoberfläche. Sie befinden sich in zumeist weitläufigen Tiefebenen an den Mittel- und Unterläufen der Flüsse."

"ein flaches Stück Land (besonders an Flüssen, Seen), das tiefer als seine Umgebung liegt"

First picture here (considering the "Schutzprojekt"):

Somehow, "plain" just seems plain wrong here (pardon the pun).

But according to the page, shouldn't it be more the "middle course" of the river, Wendy?

See also:
Wendy Streitparth Jul 22, 2016:
Eigentlich brauchen wir den genauen Kontext. Man könnte evtl. "lower course" (of the river) benutzen.

Proposed translations

22 mins

river valley, river plain, floodplain

Any of these might fit the bill
Peer comment(s):

agree writeaway
6 mins
agree BrigitteHilgner
58 mins
agree Michael Martin, MA : Yes. Lowlands could be misleading
3 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
2 mins


absolutely for this one, I'll change the other suggestion for Aue although the two terms are very similar.

Note added at 5 mins (2016-07-22 06:59:03 GMT)

Depending on how wet the area is, you could also use
Peer comment(s):

agree Dhananjay Rau : agree
2 hrs
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1 day 3 hrs

lower course

Depending on actual context and with thanks to Björn for the link with exact definition!


Lower course features

In the lower course, the river has a high volume and a large discharge. The river channel is now deep and wide and the landscape around it is flat.

Note added at 1 day3 hrs (2016-07-23 09:56:17 GMT)

Another possiibility would be "alluvial plain" - not fluvial plain!
Peer comment(s):

agree Björn Vrooman : Middle or lower course, I think. Ofc, depends on context, but I believe you may need some kind of workaround, not a direct translation (still talking about a flat area on both sides of a river or rivers). Or alluvial plain (which is not an Aue, IMO).
50 mins
Thanks, Björn. It would definitely help if we had an actual sentence to work on!
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2 days 2 hrs

fluvial lowland / fluvial lowland plain

These terms might work as well.

Praxis-Wörterbuch Umwelt, Naturschutz, Nachhaltigkeit DE-EN
von Johann Schreiner

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