May 18, 2016 12:25
8 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

boarded; Have you boarded that medical student

English Social Sciences General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters
" He drank some lemonade and asked: "Have you boarded that medical student yet?"
"Naturally," I replied.
"And what's she like, then? Describe to me exactly how she looks!"
I described the medical student to him. This was not very difficult for me to do, even though no
medical student existed. Yes. Perhaps this puts me in a bad light, but it's like this: I invented her.
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philgoddard May 18, 2016:
Hakki Ucar (asker) May 18, 2016:
Narrator is fellow student Narrator is fellow student to Martin. Yes this the first and last mention of her in book.
Hakki Ucar (asker) May 18, 2016:
medical student created by narrator ..
I give my word that I didn't do it maliciously, neither to show off in front of Martin nor because I
wanted to lead him by the nose. I invented the medical student simply because I couldn't resist
Martin's insistence.
Martin's claims about my activities were boundless. Martin was convinced that I met new women
every day. He saw me as other than I am, and if I had truthfully told him that not only had I not
possessed any new women for a week, but hadn't even come close, he would have taken me for
a hypocrite.
For this reason a few days earlier I had been forced to dream up my sighting of a medical
student. Martin was satisfied, and he urged me to board her. And today he was checking on my
"And about what level is she on? Is she on . . ." He closed his eyes and in the darkness searched
for a comparison: Then he remembered a mutual friend: "... is she on Marketa's level?"
"She's far better," I said.
"You're kidding," marveled Martin.
"She's on your Jirinka's level."
(Jirinka is Martin's wife whom Martin loves her)
philgoddard May 18, 2016:
Do you have any more context? Is this the first and last mention of her? Who is the narrator: a teacher, fellow student?


56 mins

contacted / accessed

"Boarded" is used in a strange way by the two people - it is, in some ways, a private word used only by them to mean "contacted or gained access to". This is an artifact of the translation from Czech. See the reference for details.

Note added at 1 day1 hr (2016-05-19 13:48:36 GMT)

From the reference, my feeling is that it is contact *with the intention to seduce* but not the actual seduction itself.
Note from asker:
I believe the answer is between contact and seduce..either contact or seduce. But according to your ref. link seems contact.
Peer comment(s):

disagree Yvonne Gallagher : "Contact" is not strong enough for what they're doing here notwithstanding what it says in ref. It's simply the wrong word
1 day 19 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you everyone here answered me, appreciated."
42 mins


Given the context, that's what it means.
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1 hr

laid/had sex with...

based on this

"...had I not
possessed any new women for a week,"

"possessed" probably wrong word for intimate contact or F word

"boarded" got on top of., "laid" in normal slang? laid
Peer comment(s):

agree Yasutomo Kanazawa : Yes, when I saw this question, the first thing that came up to my mind was the "f" word.
1 hr
Thanks! I think this could be a bad translation from Czech or French? It might not be complete intimacy but certainly a come-on and some intimate activity at least, necking/groping etc. Don't have time to read the story...
disagree Terry Richards : If you read the comments about the story in the link I posted, you will see that it doesn't mean this. At least, not necessarily. I'm sure they hope the initial contact will lead to this but the term is about the initial contact.
2 hrs
And you're 100% sure??? Your link didn't work and I don't have time right now to read the story but am pretty sure it goes an awful lot further than "your "contact"
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5 hrs

have you got anywhere with that medical student

Terry's very useful reference shows that this is from Milan Kundera, who says: "Boarding is a higher level of activity and means that we will get in touch with a particular woman, make her acquaintance, and gain access to her."

I would argue that this is a mistranslation - the very fact that we're sitting around discussing it indicates that it doesn't convey a clear meaning. It's somewhere between "talk to her" and "have sex with her", and I believe my suggestion has the same degree of vagueness.

I'm interested to know why you asked this, Hakki - are you reading or translating the book? This particular phrase has obviously been discussed online before.
Note from asker:
Unfortunately ,I just noticed that the phrase has been discussed from Terry's reference ..
I was just reading the book. But I think it is not good asking ,English questions about a book was translated from Czech to English..
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12 hrs

seduced her/set up (prepared) ready for further seduction & intimacy

I'm putting another answer as , having read the story now, I realise it's not necessarily about full sex after all though the line about "possessed any new women for a week," certainly pointed in that direction. I've also read the ref now and it's clear that Kundera's English is hopeless but nevertheless he insists on having some foreignisation in the translation (not sitting very well with the publisher). I suppose "boarding" could be read as a pun...boarding a boat/bus/train, embarking on a voyage of discovery by seducing young women

This story was first written in Czech and then translated into French so I think it would be a really good idea to get a decent Czech to English translation done rather than compounding errors by translating from this English version into yet another language.

Anyway, I'll include some extracts from the story to explain my reading,

"sighting" is about spotting attractive young women (some very young it seems, mere girls) because for Martin
"...he (Martin) has come to the conclusion that it is not as difficult, seduce a girl as it is to know enough girls one hasn't yet seduced.Therefore he asserts that it is necessary always, no matter where, and at every opportunity,systematically to sight women, that is, to record in a notebook or in our memories the names of women who have attracted us and whom we could one day board
Boarding is a higher level of activity and means that we will get in touch with a particular woman,make her acquaintance, and gain access to her. He who likes to look back boastfully will stress the names of the women he's made love to; but he who looks forward, toward the future, must above all see to it that he has plenty of women sighted and boarded..."

I think this "sighted and boarded" clearly means women spotted and seduced

"...Over and above boarding there exists only one last level of activity, (this can only mean one thing surely???) ...but that it is first necessary to play a conscientious and systematic game on the field."

So, the final step of sex...

" was a fruitful day; the sighting of that girl from Traplice, boarding the girl in the corduroy pants; after all, we have it all set up whenever we feel like it. We don't have to do anything but drive here again!..."

But now that Martin is older and in love with his wife,

"...Martin had attained the state of being in absolute pursuit..."

It's now a game for Martin, where he'll play at sighting and seduction but won't take the final step,

"a game that was no longer in any way up to crossing the line into real life and realizing itself as a fact. ...he has transformed his love affairs into the harmlessness of the Game, without knowing it; ..."

And the narrator then asks himself
"...Why should I now behave as if an erotic adventure lies before me, when I know that at most a single aimless hour with unknownand indifferent girls awaits me?...Martin put further questions to me. I had to describe the medical student to him once again.Then he said: "Perhaps you could hand her over to me afterward?"

Note added at 12 hrs (2016-05-19 01:06:50 GMT)

other synonyms for "seduce" that might work here
beguile, coax, hook, lure, pull ( a modern slang one "to be on the pull")
set a trap, string along

"Primed" might be another way of putting this.
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