Glossary entry

Romanian term or phrase:

pe nici un plan

English translation:

in any respect (whatsoever)

Added to glossary by Dorli Dinescu
Apr 27, 2016 10:09
8 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Romanian term

pe nici un plan

Romanian to English Law/Patents Law (general) hotarare de divort
A mai aratat reclamanta că după trei săptămâni de la oficializarea căsătoriei soțul său a început să fie din ce în ce mai des nemulțumit de persoana sa, la scurt timp constatând că nu se mai înțelege cu el pe nici un plan.

The defendant showed that three weeks after the officiation of marriage her husband began to be more often discontent with her person, finding soon that she no longer got along with him

sa fie IN ANY WAY?
Votes to reclassify question as PRO/non-PRO:

Non-PRO (2): Annamaria Amik, Sandra & Kenneth Grossman

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An easy question is one that any bilingual person would be able to answer correctly. (Or in the case of monolingual questions, an easy question is one that any native speaker of the language would be able to answer correctly.)

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Alice Crisan Apr 27, 2016:
Pentru I love London plaintiff sau claimant
Lara Barnett Apr 27, 2016:
@ I Love London "Increasingly often discontent" is also grammatically incorrect for other reasons, and the usage of "discontent" sounds out of context here too. You ought to post this as a new question.
Annamaria Amik Apr 27, 2016:
Petition Deoarece acţiunea începe cu o "petition", partea care o depune este petitioner. Cealaltă parte într-o acţiune de divorţ e respondent.
the person starting the divorce process (the petitioner) will need to establish one or more of the following five facts:
- the respondent (the other spouse) has committed adultery (this can include sexual relationships entered into after separation)...
Iată şi formularul: care foloseşte tot termenul petitioner.

Pentru "a arăta" se poate folosi alternativ declare, state, say, chiar advance (petitioner advanced that...)
Caută sentinţe civile din UK sau US şi găseşti multe alte expresii.

(P.S. poate fi defendant şi în cauzele civile, vezi însă aici e respondent)
Dorli Dinescu (asker) Apr 27, 2016:
@ LaraBarnett. Thank you, I already modified: instead of more often I wrote increasingly often discontent.
Dorli Dinescu (asker) Apr 27, 2016:
Am modificat deja, in loc de defendant am scris plaintiff.
Alice Crisan Apr 27, 2016:
. Defendant se foloseste in cazurile penale. In loc de "said" sau "declared" se foloseste
Annamaria Amik Apr 27, 2016:
@I love London, ATENŢIE Reclamanta este petitioner, nu defendant, care este tocmai partea împotriva căreia a depus acţiunea!!!
A arăta aici înseamnă declared, said, nu se foloseşte "showed".
Annamaria Amik Apr 27, 2016:
@Lara Literally, "pe plan xxx" means "in the area/field of" or "respect". Here the petitioner means they no longer got along emotionally, sexually or in any other way, they no longer had anything in common in any way. And I disagree that whatsoever is a conversational term, it's widely used in legal texts.
Lara Barnett Apr 27, 2016:
@ Mihaela I would hesitate on the term "whatsoever". Although it holds the correct meaning, this is a very conversational term. This is obviously a personal summary of somebody's everyday life, but even so "whatsoever" is much more commonly used in conversation than it is in writing.
Mihaela Ghiuzeli Apr 27, 2016:
and "shortly after he realized he was unable to communicate with her whatsoever"....alta varianta.
Lara Barnett Apr 27, 2016:
@ Annamaria I am not sure you understand the full meanings associated with "in any case". "No matter what" is one example given by the dictionaries, but the meaning of my target term suggestion is actually quite broad, and not limited to "no matter what". try looking at dialogues on line that contain these phrases and study them in therms of their usage and occurrences. Additionally, the asker has suggested "anyway", for which "no matter what" can almost always be substituted!
Lara Barnett Apr 27, 2016:
@ I love London "to be more often discontent with her person" is grammatically incorrect, and does not sound English.

Proposed translations

4 hrs

in any respect (whatsoever)

Caută expresia "agree in any respect", sunt multe rezultate.

Note added at 8 hrs (2016-04-27 19:08:05 GMT)

Un glosar care îţi poate fi de folos:
Vezi petitioner, respondent etc.

Pentru petitioner, dacă tot s-a discutat, vezi şi:
A person bringing the case is usually called the plaintiff except in divorce and civil partnership dissolution cases where he/she is called the petitioner and in judicial review, the applicant.
Peer comment(s):

agree Hezy Mor
34 mins
neutral Lara Barnett : This has the same meaning as my own term, which you did not seem to think was very good.
7 hrs
I don't disagree with "in any case", I just feel it doesn't fully reflect the original meaning. "In every area (of the marriage)" is probably better, that's what this means. Anyhow, given the colloquial context, this probably can't be mistranslated.
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
29 mins

in any case, she...

"...and that in any case, she could no longer relate to him (get on with him)."

Note added at 29 mins (2016-04-27 10:39:09 GMT)
-------------------------------------------------- any case
Peer comment(s):

neutral Annamaria Amik : "Pe niciun plan" doesn't mean "no matter what", but in no area whatsoever. Having said that, this could still be a solution, I don't think a literal translation is required here./ And I'm not sure you understand the meaning of "pe niciun plan".
1 hr
I am not sure you understand the meaning of "in any case" and "no matter what" then. // There is not actually much difference between your answer using "respect" and my answer using "case", therefore your comment only serves to lessen your conviction.
Something went wrong...
1 hr

on any level

o varianta
Peer comment(s):

neutral Lara Barnett : This has the wrong nuance. THe source text does not describe "levels".
1 hr
Something went wrong...
5 hrs

...she did not get on with him in any possible way

Anyway or Any Way? › grammar

Anyway or Any Way?
The compound word anyway is an adverb meaning "regardless."

Any way is simply the word way modified by the word any. It means "any manner" or "any method."

Examples: We're going to do it anyway!

I do not know any way to fix it.
(any manner or any method)

Note added at 11 hrs (2016-04-27 21:21:37 GMT)

E un fel de a spune, nu s-a inteles cu el sub nici o forma/ de nici o culoare.
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