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Jan 24, 2016 08:43
8 yrs ago
English term

\"pushed-out households\"

English to French Other International Org/Dev/Coop Humanitarian aid
"Pushed-out households are those that own herds below a lower survival threshold, so that they are unlikely to sustain themselves even in an average rainfall year."
The other two categories of household are "resilient" and "vulnerable".. Pushed-out is between the two of them.
Thanks for your help


Mireille BOULANGER (asker) Jan 26, 2016:
@all I got an answer from the PM, it says: "avec peu de chances de survie"..that I did not like, we finally agreed on "ménages en danger". It is an American agency...
Thanks to all
Peter LEGUIE Jan 25, 2016:
Mireille Etes-vous sûre que "pushed out" se situe entre les deux autres expressions? A priori, cela me semble plus grave que "vulnerable" qui ne fait qu'exprimer une éventualité par rapport à une situation subie réelle.
Mireille BOULANGER (asker) Jan 24, 2016:
@Daryo Yes you are for the "vulnerable" and the "resilient"..I will send a mail to my client tomorrow to check on this "pushed-out" but you might be right...I will let you and the other know when I have an answer..
Good night
Daryo Jan 24, 2016:
"The other two categories of household are "resilient" and "vulnerable".. Pushed-out is between the two of them"

Am I guessing correctly that:

a) the "vulnerable" households have next to nothing;

b) the "pushed-out" households have a herd, but not big enough not to have to worry even in "normal" climatic conditions - their survival capacity is borderline at best - so they are literally "pushed out of their usual habitat" not by other people, but by the need to find elsewhere some more reliable food supply;

c) the "resilient" households can take it - one bad year will not put them in trouble?

I can't see where is the problem? This text seems straightforward enough to me: "pushed-out households" = a category of household forced to move to another area to find more reliable food supply, simply?
Peter LEGUIE Jan 24, 2016:
Mireille And how about something like "mises sur la touche"?
Mireille BOULANGER (asker) Jan 24, 2016:
@Ana Thanks for your researches...I had looked for some information before asking the question and it was the same result...but as this category is between the other two I think it is something near border (frontière)..I will sleep on it and see what happens. Have a nice evening
Ana Vozone Jan 24, 2016:
Ed and Mireille Precisely, Ed, the term that occured to me in English was borderline.
I have now done a bit more of research, and have found two additional possibilities, but these need to be improved... One is the term "marginal", which denotes "limit", but which also can have a connotation to "crime". The other term is "suscéptible", which is less "serious" than "vulnérable". Mireille, maybe you can find something that combines these two. I have found many documents with "resilience and vulnerability", but none seem to have the third concept of "pushed-out".
Mireille BOULANGER (asker) Jan 24, 2016:
@Ed and Anna Yes I like it too..thanks for your help
Ed Ashley Jan 24, 2016:
I like Ana's idea The World Food Programme and several other publications refer to 'borderline (consumption) households' (I'll post some references separately). I think this is the same notion as 'pushed out', a term which, although not entirely illogical, is certainly not widely used.
Ana Vozone Jan 24, 2016:
Frontière? À la limite? Ménages frontière? I cannot find any occurences, but perhaps it contains the meaning.
Mireille BOULANGER (asker) Jan 24, 2016:
@Jonathan I don't know why they used this "pushed-out" term (can't find it anywhere in this context) as it really means:
they don't own enough herds to be resilient but they own enough not to be vulnerable, I guess their status is in between..
Jonathan MacKerron Jan 24, 2016:
chassés / repoussés ?
The English is not really readily understandable.

Proposed translations

1 hr

les familles chassées de chez eux

"les familles chassées de chez eux" ou "les familles qui risque d'être chassées de chez eux" selon le contexte
Peer comment(s):

neutral Daryo : that is more a translation for "families expelled from their homes" by nasty landlords, civil war or local gangsters, doesn't really associate with the climate becoming too dry or not having a herd big enough to survive ...
4 hrs
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6 hrs
English term (edited): "pushed-out households"

"ménages forcés de partir"

households = les ménages
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