Glossary entry

English term or phrase:


Spanish translation:

capa protectora de base

Added to glossary by Ricardo Falconi
Oct 8, 2015 09:35
9 yrs ago
2 viewers *
English term


English to Spanish Other Construction / Civil Engineering Pinturas y resinas
Secondary steelwork and non protected under deck areas need to be protected to an extent with (XXX- Fire Proof Paint) to prevent heat transfer into the primary structure. There is no agreed standard for the determination of coatback required. However a commonly adopted industry norm is to coatback along secondary steelwork for a distance of 450 mm.


Sorry for the question, then it is not about the paint? Is it a structure? What does the Asker say?
Sorry for the question, then it is not about the paint? Is it a structure? What does the Asker say?
Oscar Knoblauch Oct 8, 2015:
coatback Aquí un artículo al respecto para entender de qué se trata:

Proposed translations

1 hr

capa protectora de base

Por lo que deduje del artículo leido y que transcribí en la discusión, no se trata de una pintura de terminación sino de una capa de pintura especial que sirve como PFP (passive fire protection) para evitar la transmisión de calor entre las estructuras metálicas.
Peer comment(s):

agree Mónica Algazi
2 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Gracias!"
18 mins

capa de refuerzo/adicional

Es como dar otra mano de pintura.
Peer comment(s):

agree acantho : Me parece más acertada esta opción
1907 days
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