Glossary entry

French term or phrase:

huissier immobilier

English translation:

chartered surveyor

Added to glossary by mchd
Dec 27, 2014 11:46
9 yrs ago
4 viewers *
French term

huissier immobilier

French to English Law/Patents Real Estate
I have a translation that suggests that when you take over premises to be used for a restaurant, it is advisable to call a "HUISSIER IMMOBILIER" to inspect the premises before you move in in order to confirm the status of the building (cracks, moisture spots on walls ect) so that the owner cannot claim damages later on. I know that you normally translate huissier as bailiff, however we don't have bailiffs in the USA (except as officals in a courtroom) and the nearest thing would be a building inspector. Any ideas??
Change log

Dec 28, 2014 16:04: Emanuela Galdelli changed "Term asked" from "HUISSIER IMMOBILIER" to "huissier immobilier"

Jan 8, 2015 09:43: mchd Created KOG entry


tradu-grace Dec 28, 2014:
@B D Finch I agree, you're right. Grace
B D Finch Dec 28, 2014:
@Howard While nobody in England would refer to a "Judicial Officer", one does refer to an "Officer of the Court". Problem: there are no officers of the court in England and Wales that perform this particular function, which is the preserve of inventory and check-in clerks working for private firms. A surveyor could be used, but has a very much higher level of technical training (and would charge a lot more).
Howard Sugar (asker) Dec 27, 2014:
In view of Ms. Tradugrace's comments, I found " in which the Union Internationale des Huissiers de Justice et Officiers Judiciaires is translated into English as The International Unione of Judicial Officers. However I do not envisage anyone in England saying that "I need to call a Judicial Officer to control the maintainance status of the property I am going to lease"
B D Finch Dec 27, 2014:
@Howard Given your comment to philgoddard, it seems as though you need to make the client aware of the fact that there is no US equivalent and check what level of inspection they want. An inspection carried out by a building surveyor or a building inspector would involve professional judgements on construction quality and defects and the building's general soundness. An inspection carried out by an inventory clerk would simply be a description of what a more or less unskilled person is able to see, but it does carry weight in court as being an impartial report. So, a building inspector or surveyor could note the presence of rising damp (i.e. observation and diagnosis), whereas an inventory clerk could only note e.g. staining and mould on the wall. I have worked with all the above and have an extremely low opinion of the skills of inventory clerks. E.g. not knowing the difference between chrome and steel fittings, describing powder-coated aluminium patio doors as "plastic" and atrocious spelling and grammar.
Howard Sugar (asker) Dec 27, 2014:
J'aurais du dire que un huissier est un fonctionnaire de l'État français che n'esiste pas en anglais. (Au mois en ce que concerne l'immobilier! ) Pour nous, un huissier est un uniquement un fonctionnaire de la cour ou des tribunaux.
mchd Dec 27, 2014:
@ Howard Un huissier qui dresse un constat est une fonction officielle en France.
Mais la fonction "d'huissier immobilier" n'existe pas !
Howard Sugar (asker) Dec 27, 2014:
C'est un officiel !!!
Howard Sugar (asker) Dec 27, 2014:
Je comprends parfaitement ce qu'un huissier fait, le problème est qu'est-ce nous appellons un huissier immobilier en anglais! Ce est un officiel français pour lequel (peut-être) nous ne avons pas l'équivalent en anglais.
mchd Dec 27, 2014:
D'où l'importance du contexte !!! Dans votre complément d'informations, il est conseillé de faire appel à un huissier qui aura pour mission de constater l'état de l'immeuble.
L'huissier va donc "dresser un constat".
Howard Sugar (asker) Dec 27, 2014:
The exact sentence is as follows "Pour palier à ce problème, il existe une solution simple : vous pouvez faire appel à un huissier dés la remise des clés pour lui faire constater l’état actuel de l’immeuble "
Colin Morley (X) Dec 27, 2014:
The office of huissier is very complex. As 1045 points out, it is often translated as bailiff, but a huissier has many functions, and a straight translation here is in my opinion, not really possible. Below is a link showing various functions of the huissier, including those related to real estate.
Jean-Claude Gouin Dec 27, 2014:
@ Howard ... In Canada, we have building inspectors also.
We also have bailiffs and process servers.

Proposed translations

1 hr

building surveyor

Le terme huissier est inapproprié pour le type de tâches décrites.
Peer comment(s):

disagree B D Finch : The huissier is a court official and does not have the same professional training as a building surveyor. This is the sort of stuff that in the UK is done by a check-in / check-out clerk working for an inventory firm.//Much lower level of inspection.
3 hrs
Vous avez entièrement raison. Mais si l'on regarde l'explication initiale, la mission est celle de cette fonction. Ensuite, sont venues d'autres explications qui montrent qu'il s'agit d'un huissier tout simplement en charge de dresser un constat.
agree writeaway : comme vous dites Le terme huissier est inapproprié
3 hrs
Merci, c'est en fait ce qui est conseillé de faire ! On oublie dans ce texte que "clés remises" signifie "acte de vente signé" et que l'immeuble est vendu "en l'état" !
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "In the end, I chose surveyor since I am interested in the function. There are "Chartered Surveyors" in the U.K. While they are not court officials and would have a different sense in the USA and Canada, the translation is for an English audience. "
11 mins

Professionally surveyed

Maybe you could replace a non-existent function with a phrase but although surveyor is often used in the UK, I don't know if it has meaning in the US.
Peer comment(s):

disagree B D Finch : What the huissier does isn't a survey in the UK sense and the huissier does not have the training and skills of a surveyor. It's more like a check-in or check-out report.
4 hrs
Something went wrong...
37 mins


I don't know where the expression 'huissier immobilier' comes from
but from the description of his duties, we call that a 'building inspector' in Canada ...
Peer comment(s):

neutral B D Finch : In the UK, a "building inspector" is a skilled person with supervisory experience in the building trades and training in regulations. In the US too:
4 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 hrs
French term (edited): huissier mobilier

leave it in French with an explanation

Based on Colin's helpful reference in the discussion box, it's someone who is employed not for their construction expertise, but for their ability to provide honest and independent evidence. They're probably sworn by the courts.

From that reference, here are some of the things they do:
Constat d’état des lieux d’entrée ou de sortie
Constat préventif avant travaux
Constat de dégât des eaux
Constat de chantier (abandon de travaux, réception,..)
Constat affichage permis de construire ou de déclaration de travaux
Note from asker:
This is for a manual for running a franchise in England and intended for English audiences. This is advice and hence it is useless to use leave it in French.
Peer comment(s):

agree Colin Morley (X) : Absolutely. Only an explanation will suffice in EN. In context it need only be brief.
8 mins
agree B D Finch : Yes, the closest thing in the UK would be an inventory clerk or check in/check out clerk. However, they don't have the same status and work for private sector companies.
34 mins
The asker didn't see fit to mention that he needs the UK equivalent rather than a translation, so your suggestions would be appropriate. I'm sorry he thinks my answer is "useless".
agree Yolanda Broad
5 hrs
agree tradu-grace
22 hrs
Something went wrong...
6 hrs

judicial officer (french bailiff/huissier)

I might be wrong but I'd go this way or something alike leaving the french term
or explaning it.

the following may be of help .....

French Huissiers de justice
(bailiffs/judicial officers)

3.3/ Ancillary activities
Apart from the main activities, many bailiffs also offer certain ancillary activities in order to generate more income for the office. Ancillary activities may be justified by the need to find a financial balance in the management of an office and are generally found when the level of principal activities of the bailiff’s office is low. By carrying out these ancillary activities, bailiffs are guaranteed sufficient income.
These ancillary activities include:

Real estate administration

Insurance agency and offering mediation services

Vous croyiez connaître nos métiers?
Le principe

L’Huissier de Justice peut exercer l’activité d’administrateur de biens, avec l’agrément du Procureur Général chargé de vérifier au préalable les qualifications techniques du postulant. L’Huissier de Justice, ainsi habilité, cumulant une formation universitaire de haut niveau et spécialisée, et une connaissance approfondie du contexte économique de sa région, est en mesure de répondre à l’attente de tout propriétaire d’un bien ou d’un fonds de commerce, ou d’un copropriétaire, désireux de bénéficier d’un ensemble de compétences permettant l’optimisation des services recherchés.
Les services immobiliers
Gestion de locaux industriels, commerciaux ou professionnels :

HIH Grace

• Etablissement du dossier technique (métré, diagnostiques, etc)
• expertise du bien
• recherche de locataire et sécurisation du dossier du candidat
• suivi de toutes les particularités et difficultés juridiques
• rédaction du bail et des avenants
• suivi des loyers (revalorisations, déplafonnements)
• facturation et encaissement des loyers
• suivi fiscal (déclarations de TVA et de revenus fonciers)
• suivi juridique et assistance permanente en cas de besoin
• externalisation de la gestion des services à l’immeuble et aux occupants (fonction de type « syndic »
• pour les immeuble ou groupes détenus en entier par un seul bailleur)
• gestion du contentieux

Cessions de droit au bail ou de fonds de commerce :
• audit du fonds de commerce que les plans juridique, fiscal et social
• évaluation technique de la valeur du fonds
• montage du dossier
• assistance aux formalités administratives
• état des lieux et inventaire
• rédaction de la promesse de cession
• rédaction de l’acte de vente
• séquestre du prix de cession et formalités légales Gestion des biens locatifs, maisons ou appartements :
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